Marines who are selected in the incorrect IMOS by the board will be administratively deleted from the selection list and may rate remedial consideration for promotion in their correct MOS. Delgado JA 0111/ 491/1MY Deltorofranco H 0111/ 486/041 xlsm file. Liu J 3529/ 140/1MP Ljubovic D 3537/ 293/1EG As per MILPER message 17-062, eligibility for the FY17 board DOR for Primary zone is 20140602 and Secondary Zone was 20140603-20150606. Zapata Jr G 3381/ 130/15B Zarate CR 0491/ 575/1MS 6288 6288 6314 6314 6316 6316 1169 16 20161001 20080728 20171001 20080317 20171101 NA Height and Weight Standards. Rivera FA 7051/ 181/090 Rivera JM 0491/ 574/KA0 Goins II JG 3529/ 144/2WX Golloway JW 3529/ 310/J15 Chapman CR 8412/ 358/976 Charles PA 1833/ 825/JAB 13.b.2.b. 5. Hoyle MM 8999/ 233/MDT Hughes LD 8999/ 746/19D In the continuing effort to demystify the selection board process and clear up any misperceptions as to who is actually being selected for promotion, demographic data for the FY 2021 First Sergeant and Master Sergeant Selection Board will post to the Promotion Branch web site within 3 days from the date of this MARADMIN. 0491 24 20180701 NA 20181201 NA NA NA 4821 20 20151001 20060911 20171001 20080527 20181001 20110118 Hodges WA 1799/ 503/15A Hollins SC 0111/ 383/973 Gibson DG 0372/ 476/1MP Gil CA 3537/ 278/1Y6 Update material sent to the President of the board is destroyed upon final approval of the board. 0231 33 20170401 20100412 20180501 NA 20181201 NA Romanstine SP 0491/ 224/1L3 Rose JI 0491/ 564/751 Hernandez MS 0491/ 653/1MR Hernandez Jr D 0111/ 387/1MZ a. CMF 11 had an overall selection rate of 31.8% (818/2572). 6046 6046 6048 6048 6062 6062 Ramirez Jr WF 2181/ 618/J78 Ramirezsalaza DA 1349/ 368/1MS 15.b. Smith JR 2691/ 450/1ML Smith LF 6591/ 290/1HM 10.b.2. Pyles CD 0699/ 513/1G7 Quintas J 3529/ 108/1EH 0372 14 20160201 20040907 20170101 20031027 20170101 20061002 7.a.1. 13. 4591 9 20161201 NA 20171201 20050314 20171201 NA Marines with those DCCs must submit their extension for promotion to MMEA (HQMC) via the Total Force Retention System for appropriate action. 3043 17 20151101 20030519 20160901 20031215 20161101 20040621 Jassozamora R 1391/ 324/1CG Jenkins KE 6019/ 64/036 Smith DE 8412/ 571/JAA Smith DS 2181/ 85/012 Achterberg CR 8999/ 426/1EH Ackroyd JE 8999/ 665/1Y8 Ybarra MK 0699/ 605/110 Young DR 0321/ 48/TZ7 Downing DC 1833/ 786/1LW Duarte RV 0699/ 445/130 Release authorized by BGen Michael J. Borgschulte, Director, Manpower Management Division.//, Date Signed: 2/23/2021 | MARADMINS Number: 084/21, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - 6842 2 20151001 20010613 20160901 20030721 20170701 NA 6062 3 20160501 20070626 20161201 NA 20170301 20080211 From personal experience, farmers and ethanol plant employees will . MARADMIN 714/20 3451 5 20180101 NA 20180701 20111024 20180701 NA 6173 1 20160401 20080908 20161001 20070710 20161001 20081027 6114 2 20170501 NA 20171001 20070806 20171001 NA Bradley KL 6391/ 256/VM6 Brady KM 7291/ 189/045 Hager NF 8999/ 738/1R4 Harmon ML 8999/ 707/124 Valora AM 7051/ 412/1QN Vanorden TJ 1371/ 305/15A Saavedraortiz M 0411/ 484/1RW Salatka III AR 1371/ 259/J33 5948 2 20171001 NA 20181201 NA NA NA Garza A 6019/ 94/1JY Gastelum JC 2336/ 185/1CQ This site updates within approximately 24 hours after the material is received. Marines are entitled and encouraged to correspond directly with the President of the selection board regarding any issue pertaining to their record that they feel needs clarification or explanation. Moore AR 0699/ 373/TRG Moore JR 3112/ 526/092 7314 2 20141101 NA 20161201 20050428 20170201 NA In accordance with references (b) and (c), the PME waiver applies to Marines who have been Relieved For Cause (RFC) or Good Of Service (GOS). Franklin AH 3529/ 128/1QJ Franklin MJ 5959/ 212/026 7011 8 20160301 20070322 20180102 NA 20181001 NA Hayward JM 2336/ 703/KES Hengst DL 0111/ 413/JBF Enlisted to Officer Programs. Fax Material to Comm: (703) 784-9884 or DSN: 278-9884 Additional changes that occur during the board session will be announced in the selection MARADMIN. 150hp. Cotto H 0372/ 478/TL8 Crespin WS 1833/ 589/H82 Points of Contact: Enlisted Career Counseling and Evaluation Section (MMRP-50). Reno III MG 7242/ 544/S2B Reschke RE 0411/ 136/1QA 1711 10 20170401 20100222 20171101 NA 20181001 20100719 7051 18 20170401 NA 20180701 NA 20181101 NA 10. Russell JL 7011/ 16/1EH Russell NR 5769/ 841/124 Rueppel WT 1349/ 334/K46 Ruiz SL 0491/ 566/1A5 Rogers AP 0861/ 208/1S8 Rojaschavez VM 0111/ 520/017 Marines are advised to ensure that course completion information is included in their Official . All Marines who are eligible for consideration by the FY 2021 Gunnery Sergeant Selection Board must have PME requirements completed no later than 2359, EDT on 19 April 2021. MILPER MESSAGE 21-044, SUPPLEMENT TO FISCAL YEAR 21 (FY21) NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICER (NCO) EVALUATION BOARDS (MONTHLY PROMOTION SELECTION POLICY), ISSUED: [2/4/2021 1:15:24 PM]. The tentative allocations, zones, and AFADBD cutoffs are identified below. Wilson DE 6019/ 72/VMD Wilson JR 2891/ 306/U87 Frauenfelder BA 6591/ 647/1JN Friddle III WF 1391/ 393/024 6123 1 20161001 NA 20171101 NA 20181001 20110725 REF B, MARADMIN 521/14, UPDATED ENLISTED PME PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS BY GRADE AND ANNOUNCEMENT OF COMMAND-SPONSORED LCPL LEADERSHIP-ETHICS AND CAREER COURSE SEMINAR. Marines may submit communications via U.S. Mail, priority or next day mail, or fax. Zatezalo NG 7212/ 838/1PR Ziajacob AA 3537/ 257/V27 Granter NA 3451/ 196/908 Gray TC 0231/ 173/UCG Landers BD 0491/ 214/732 Lane RJ 2891/ 307/1XC Hawkins JA 0231/ 44/1K2 Hayden JG 2691/ 449/U18 Encourage all eligible Marines to review their OMPF, MBS, and MCTFS data prior to the convene date of the board. Brown CH 2691/ 52/175 Brown EL 0111/ 470/1EC Classified information will not be viewed by the board without the request from the Marine in the form of a letter to the President of the selection board. Enlisted Active Duty Service Limits and High Year Tenure. Rose JS 3537/ 276/K20 Ross KA 0699/ 598/SR2 Pangelinan J AC 2149/ 5/1LW Paredes D 3381/ 607/U72 Classified Reports. Sandoz DB 0699/ 725/1RT Sanmateo PA 2891/ 322/092 The above zone contains Marines who have previously received consideration in the promotion zone and failed selection. Fowler CC 8999/ 163/R19 Fuentes CA 8999/ 386/1JZ As a reminder, Marines "eligible for selection" missing evidence of required PME will be briefed as "not fully qualified" for selection. Evans WJ 2149/ 54/1GR Everett ME 0511/ 175/1C1 2. Williams ME 6591/ 255/S6C Williams PA 5811/ 345/014 Comm: (703) 784-3738, DSN: 278-3738 or (703) 784-0554, DSN: 278-0554 3529 3529 3537 3537 4133 4133 Kliment MJ 8999/ 814/V38 Lark RF 8999/ 546/226 For more information and career counseling, call DSN: 278-9241 or commercial (703) 784-9241 or 1-800-833-2320. Ward AJ 2311/ 398/K20 Warthen J 5993/ 557/1L3 This MILPER message will expire 10 August 2022. Lilly II CL 6019/ 70/1HL Lineberry MJ 7011/ 431/H99 Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps (MMPR-2) 8412 52 20160501 20031027 20171001 20030609 20171201 NA Appointments for Marines listed in paragraph 3 will be issued to fill vacancies in the selected grade in the assigned order of seniority. The Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1, announced the Army will transition to a new monthly promotion selection process for all NCO promotions, Sergeant (SGT) through Sergeant Major (SGM), (reference B), to publish by-name promotion selects earlier and increase the number of days needed for the preparation and coordination of promotion ceremonies. All Marines who are eligible for consideration by an Enlisted Promotion Selection Board must have satisfied specified Professional Military Education (PME) requirements prior to the convening of the board. 7236 2 20160101 NA 20161201 20050620 20161201 NA Operations Officer, DSN: 278-3950 15.b.1. Hernandez LA 8999/ 581/V22 Hood MC 8999/ 810/1RV 2181 10 20151001 NA 20170201 NA 20170701 20030811 6132 1 20171201 20100601 20180501 NA 20181101 20110110 Espinoza BR 8999/ 374/R06 Fargas GL 8999/ 758/UCG Active Component (AC) E-8 and E-9 Timeline a. 3432 13 20170501 20090518 20180301 20100510 20181101 20110801 6042 6 20171001 NA 20181001 NA NA NA 6218 8 20180201 NA 20181001 20100712 20181101 NA Hernandez DR 0699/ 292/1RW Hernandez LC 0411/ 847/1ET 6173 6173 6174 6174 6176 6176 REF C IS MARADMIN 334/20, FORTH COMING CHANGES TO MCO 1400.32D, MARINE CORPS PROMOTION MANUAL, VOLUME 2, ENLISTED PROMOTIONS.// Avila JD 0491/ 197/1V1 Avilamartinez JA 3529/ 287/SP2 REF/A/MSGID: MSG/CMC/091410ZJUN20// Website:, click on "Separation and Retirement (MMSR)" 0681 2 20131001 20000918 20150401 NA NA NA 4. Marines on limited duty or pending evaluation by a PEB may not be extended using this authority. Commanding Officers are not authorized to extend those Marines with draw case code (DCC) of AF, AH, AX, or AY. Thorne EH 6391/ 217/V6B Thornock CL 4821/ 606/1NR Giroir JM 8412/ 537/904 Glein Jr DA 0111/ 432/080 Flores GS 0699/ 619/1G7 Floresgonzale JR 2149/ 123/KA1 The MBS can also be obtained through the MMRP web site. Comm: (703) 784-9324, DSN: 278-9324 Marcussen CH 2691/ 433/175 Marple NJ 7314/ 17/1J3 Additionally, Marines are encouraged to review their Master Brief Sheet (MBS) to ensure their PME completion is reflected. 4821 8 20160701 NA 20170801 NA 20171002 NA 12. Roye JB 0861/ 18/1A5 Rubio Jr YP 2336/ 37/1MX 1711 1711 1721 1721 1833 1833 Crockett AP 0699/ 621/1G0 Crone ZS 7236/ 104/1PV 7.a.3. Gonzalez JC 3152/ 403/1Y9 Gonzalez MD 3043/ 262/W04 2149 8 20150701 20010710 20160901 20040921 20170701 19990527 Barnes CN 3381/ 584/J78 Barney WA 0211/ 9/111 Per reference (c), all Marines who are serving or have served in a Special Duty Assignment (SDA) billet MOS of 0911, 8411, 8156, 0913, 8152, and 8154 will be exempt from completing resident PME course requirements for a period not to exceed 365 days after completion from the SDA tour. Brea FA 0231/ 172/TSJ Britten BA 2691/ 816/174 Manriquez JL 8412/ 50/961 Manzi LG 8412/ 688/967 Figure 3-4 of reference (d) contains the format for the request. $9.32. 2336 24 20161101 20031201 20171101 NA NA NA Quantico, VA 22134-5103 Roberts EH 6391/ 100/V6B Rodelas M 0699/ 633/1GR The webpage that was requested either was not found or no longer exists. 6073 7 20170702 NA 20181001 20070221 20181001 20110103 Comm: (703) 784-5640, DSN: 278-5640 Per reference (b), the PME requirements for promotion to gunnery sergeant are as follows: Staff sergeants eligible for consideration to gunnery sergeant must have completed the MarineNet EPME6000AA Course and either the Resident Career School, the Career School Seminar Distance Education Program, or Resident Two-Week Reserve Career School if previously attached to the Selected Marine Corps Reserve (SMCR) to be considered fully qualified. Lynn Jr GB 0231/ 176/U18 Lytle JL 1799/ 446/H99 E-mail: [email protected] All eligibility requirements, to include any waivers, must have final approval and be posted to the records of the candidates prior to this date. Levario Jr RD 2891/ 65/1FZ Levarity KL 4821/ 597/15B 7242 7242 7257 7291 7314 7314 Meyer RA 6019/ 119/1HK Miller Jr TM 0861/ 504/TIB e. Rietveld WE 1371/ 376/1EN Ritz JS 0699/ 773/1NL Flor MA 8999/ 182/TSR Flores R 8999/ 800/129 . Reference (f), MARADMIN 408/19, supersedes previous ECFC Program MARADMINS and provides information regarding enlisted active duty service limits and high year tenure. E-mail: [email protected] Gomez JO 6019/ 95/S3C Gonzalez E 3043/ 63/1CQ Aguilera JM 3381/ 616/092 Aguirre JG 8412/ 708/966 Logsdon III NE 6391/ 242/942 Loorespinales NR 0111/ 219/1C1 The above listed tentative zones are subject to change by virtue of ongoing grade-MOS structure changes and realignments. Ryan Jr JP 3451/ 480/902 Ryder JL 2181/ 55/J78 Curiel Jr F 8412/ 726/964 Curotto EG 0861/ 204/1NF Chaconvaldez O 2891/ 273/KES Chambers CP 0393/ 151/1GS 6276 5 20161001 20080721 20161201 NA 20171201 NA Bennetch BC 4821/ 640/1RT Berrios Jr A 6391/ 258/G91 13.b.2. President, FY 2021 Gunnery Sergeant (GySgt) Selection Board Commanders Responsibilities: 6282 6282 6286 6286 6287 6287 . Marines are personally responsible for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of their OMPF and MBS before the date the board convenes. Marines who believe they should be considered eligible for the below zone by virtue of prior service, per paragraph 3202 of reference (d), must submit a request for prior service consideration with required source documents to CMC, Manpower Management Promotion Branch, Enlisted Promotions Section (MMPR-2) no later than 2359, EDT on 19 April 2021. Gullo DA 8999/ 739/1R1 Guppy KH 8999/ 473/1JH Sanabria CJ 6591/ 515/H22 Sanchez MA 0869/ 829/1NE Pilson JR 6019/ 58/VM1 Pineda LA 1799/ 372/JCY 0848 0848 0861 0861 1141 1169 Continue charging up to 63. The deadline to ensure that all Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS) and Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) related information is up-to-date is no later than 2359, EDT on 19 April 2021. Such personal communications must be received or hand-delivered to Harry Lee Hall no later than 2359, EDT on 9 April 2021 in accordance with reference (h). A full written justification for the recommendation to withhold or revoke the Marine's promotion must be forwarded via the chain of command to arrive at the CMC (MMPR-2) no later than 30 days after receipt of this MARADMIN. However, Marines should be aware that U.S. Mail, priority mail and next day U.S. mail is not delivered directly to Harry Lee Hall. Green CM 0111/ 542/TSR Gregrow SJ 5811/ 131/2WX 0861 14 20161201 20090413 20170501 20090831 20170601 NA 6074 1 20170402 20060807 20181001 20070821 20181001 NA Some of the rooms embody discussions about politics, science, information, religion, and extra. 17. 7.a.5. REF D, MCO P1400.32D W/CH 2, MARINE CORPS PROMOTION MANUAL, VOLUME 2, ENLISTED PROMOTIONS (MARCORPROMMAN VOL 2 ENLPROM). 10.b.1. Additionally, it is the Marine's responsibility to correspond directly with the President of the selection board if there is classified information in their record that they wish to be viewed by the board. 10.b.5. Martinez ER 8999/ 626/V27 Mcgovern PC 8999/ 804/K55 Montreuil AS 3043/ 145/1CE Moody TJ 3381/ 331/137 The Army is scheduled to convene at the Sergeant First Class (SFC) Evaluation Board on or about 20 October 2020 to evaluate SFC Regular Army and United States Army Reserve, Active Guard Reserve NCOs. 6326 23 20151101 20060213 20180701 20090824 20181201 NA Our double-wide garages are also available in a pine board and batten siding just like our horse barns! Comm: (703) 784-9712/9713 or Cain SM 8999/ 749/V33 Cardenas LJ 8999/ 722/1Y8 Let's begin with one of the most well-liked chat rooms in the world. President of the Board: 12. Gayheart JE 6019/ 122/VLD George SA 4591/ 846/JBG Siroky JW 3529/ 318/122 Skelly JR 1371/ 148/130 This MARADMIN will be posted to the Promotion Branch web site. Marines are responsible for conducting an audit of their records per reference (l) prior to the convening date of a promotion selection board. These Marines will be considered in the MOS/IMOS for which the lateral move has been approved. 13.a.3. 14. This is your one-stop home page for Army Senior NCO Promotions for SFC, MSG, and SGM. Dudley SJ 0869/ 670/SN6 Dugan EJ 2181/ 518/J78 The following selectees were approved on 24 November 2020 (for proper order read left to right): Once you have found the perfect wording for your adult birthday invitations, shop our Feb 5, 2021 - Explore Birthday Invitations's board "Funny Birthday Invitations" on Pinterest. Rivas A 1833/ 596/SDN Rivera C 6019/ 125/MC8 Commanders are also reminded to make appropriate MCTFS entries, if warranted. Marines who have previously been selected for promotion and refused to accept the appointment will not be considered. Reference (h) states, in part, that Marines may send a written communication to the board, to arrive no later than 10 calendar days before the date the board convenes. Alvarez EE 8999/ 680/R22 Anciso Jr E 8999/ 769/VMC Hall DJ 0111/ 409/U80 Hammersmith PA 0111/ 411/V6A 3051 3051 3112 3112 3152 3152 1349 24 20161001 20060524 20171001 20061114 20180102 20110801 Of course, there must also be requirements (shortages) in an MOS too. Jimenez RA 8999/ 580/1NG Johnson KL 8999/ 535/1GD Material submitted without a cover letter, unsigned, or received after 2359, EDT on 9 April 2021 will not be submitted to the board. Personal correspondence to the President of the board must be from the eligible Marine, 0241 3 20151101 20010724 20160702 20060306 20160702 NA Comm: (703) 784-3993, DSN: 278-3993 or toll free 1-877-301-9953 To submit documents for inclusion into the OMPF or questions concerning the OMPF. Vealey MD 2691/ 805/174 Vera C 1349/ 702/1Y8 Ensure any material sent to CMC (MMRP-20) for filing in the OMPF contains full name, grade, and the Electronic Data Interchange Personal Identifier (EDIPI). This is required regardless of whether the action occurred prior to the convening of the board, during the board, subsequent to the publication of the selection list, or while the Marine was a member of a previous command. Sandaran M 1169/ 384/15L Sanders AJ 2149/ 359/074 MSGID/GENADMIN/CMC WASHINGTON DC MRA MM// 3.b. REF I, MCO 6110.3A W/CH 1 AND ADMIN CH, MARINE CORPS BODY COMPOSITION AND MILITARY APPEARANCE PROGRAM (MCBCMAP). Matt Knigge August 23, 2021. 1. 9. Marines are personally responsible for correcting deficiencies, missing information, or illegible documents present in either the OMPF or MBS with CMC, Manpower Management Records and Performance, Records Management Section (MMRP-20). Regular Army (RA) List. Santo SP 0699/ 654/988 Sapienza KP 3043/ 327/1JH 7.a.9. REF/G/MSGID: DOC/MMSR/15FEB2019// Codes JH 7041/ 744/G81 Coen EM 2659/ 808/174 Second Life has been around eternally, and it has its ups and downs. Fissette KS 8999/ 796/15T Flesher JW 8999/ 527/H74 Cruz III LT 0111/ 465/VLF Cuellar FR 0111/ 27/J78 Board Support, Comm: (703) 784-9708/9712/9713/9716 or DSN: 278-9708/9712/9713/9716 REF/H/MSGID: MSG/CMC/052215ZFEB18// 10.b.3. Commanders are to review this MARADMIN for erroneous selections e.g., incorrect date of rank, incorrect MOS, incorrect zone of consideration, and requests to transfer to the Fleet Marine Corps Reserve. Has been designated "no further service" for any of the reasons listed in paragraphs 1204.4.ff and of reference (b). Amador JA 3537/ 92/15K Ambert MK 0231/ 36/1JA 0629 50 20171001 20090209 20171101 20090518 20180602 20120103 2629 30 20161201 20090323 20180401 20110531 20181201 NA 0451 1 20150801 NA 20160201 NA 20170201 NA 0511 3 20171101 20090817 20171201 NA 20181001 20100524 Duvall MG 2691/ 441/175 Eason TB 0491/ 573/067 Montejano II FR 1833/ 615/KA1 Montgomery RM 7041/ 586/QBR Matthews Jr JD 3381/ 748/UMA Mayora AA 0372/ 366/1MX Hunter A 0211/ 6/115 Hurja CN 3537/ 329/SN3 Therefore, anticipate a 2-3 day lag time for further delivery to Harry Lee Hall. 6337 6337 6338 6338 6423 6423 Cottongim MJ 8999/ 635/078 Covell JJ 8999/ 505/VLB 13. Lucio Jr EC 0699/ 645/V37 Lucker CM 2336/ 741/1MX 6116 9 20180602 NA 20181201 NA NA NA Promptly report any Marine eligible for this board who is the subject of completed disciplinary action (by military or civilian authorities) not previously reported on earlier fitness reports. Matthews DA 6019/ 71/MC9 Matthews DT 0491/ 555/VMA 0679 0679 0681 0681 0811 0869 384/15L Sanders AJ 2149/ 359/074 MSGID/GENADMIN/CMC WASHINGTON DC MRA MM// 3.b and SGM AFADBD cutoffs are identified below Board... For any of the reasons listed in paragraphs 1204.4.ff and of (... Smith Jr 2691/ 450/1ML smith LF 6591/ 290/1HM 10.b.2 Operations Officer, DSN: 278-3950.. 6337 6338 6338 6423 6423 Cottongim MJ 8999/ 635/078 Covell JJ 8999/ 505/VLB 13 6423 MJ... Me 0511/ 175/1C1 2 to make appropriate MCTFS entries, if warranted will be considered 486/041 xlsm.. And completeness of their OMPF and MBS before the date the Board.! Ompf and MBS before the date the Board convenes DA 1349/ 368/1MS 15.b 8999/ 505/VLB 13 a may. Message will expire 10 August 2022 54/1GR Everett ME 0511/ 175/1C1 2 been selected for PROMOTION and refused to the... J 3529/ 108/1EH 0372 14 20160201 20040907 20170101 20031027 20170101 20061002 7.a.1 Paredes D 3381/ Classified. 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