One of them is Further education coaching for educationally distant' and beyond. Hi Kathryn! With the help of these 25 instructional coach questions and answers, you can get the job you are looking for! Instructional coaches are educational leaders that bring best practices into classrooms by working with teachers and school leaders. Given the ineffectiveness of traditional, whole-group, one-shot professional development workshops (Ball & Cohen, 1999), many school districts have, in recent . 7. Building relationships in instructional coaching is the most integral part that must be in place, to ensure success in any coaching model. Review a list of 46 instructional coach interview questions and explore answers to six additional questions to help you practise and . if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'projectpractical_com-box-4','ezslot_10',151,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-projectpractical_com-box-4-0'); If, after several years of instructional coaching, you get the message that your former colleague has success in his professional life and that you were significantly involved. In one coaching session, he worked with particular concentration, and when I said that the session was over and he could go home, he replied in astonishment: Time up already? It sounds like you have some great experience and knowledge to contribute to a coaching position. Instead of just reading, learners must read with the intent to understand and at times place themselves into the particular situation, giving participants information to make decisions. Interested in an instructional coach certification or graduate degree program? We found some teachers not . results. For a handy guide to support you with preparing for an instructional coach or leadership position interview, please check out the Interview Prep Planning Kit I recently created. Tell about a time when someone you were coaching achieved a major goal. Read all about that here. The work of an instructional coach can vary campus to campus. The confidence you have in your abilities is a positive trait, but when you start thinking of yourself as a coach you need to shift from Im the expert to, lets work together to solve this problem. I know you recommended it and Ive been waiting to take it but wasnt sure if this was the one. Any pointers that will help me land the job? Overall development of the person. If you take the time and effort beforehand, you will come up with a valuable list of questions you are likely to be asked. At the end of most learning processes, there is an exam. In business, performance coaching is often related to the 5 performance objectives. . My superintendent has inquired about my instructional coach position. Hope your year is going well! It is just as much about you interviewing them as them interviewing you! What are your salary expectations for this role? It consists of listening to what they say to us with words and what they want to tell us, making the other realize that we listen to them. in Administration, Leadership, Georgian Court University, NJ, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), available curriculum and instruction graduate degree programs. Many school districts have adopted instructional coaching as a model for teachers' professional development. How do your background and experiences align with an instructional coaching position? Ill revisit it throughout the coaching cycle to ensure that our work is staying on track. I have a coach interview this week. view of another adult deeplyis not easy. Interviews with Two Instructional Coaches To learn more about what coaching is like from the inside, I interviewed two instructional coaches for my podcast. I have seen several comments about your Blog. 10 Questions to Ask as a Job or Career Coach. They are the key to coaching to ultimately improve teaching and learning, and are centered around whats best for students. To do this, it works on the technological possibilities in teaching from two key perspectives: the development of digital teaching competence and work in the classroom with active methodologies, and deals with topics such as the development of digital content, the management of digital identity, the verification of the veracity and quality of the content found on the internet, or the influence of technology on educational innovation, among others. How can you optimize exam preparation to ensure success? Having an open door, being available, listening to the teachers, providing feedback, and just being genuine are all important in developing relationships with the teachers you work with. Would love to explore the field of coaching. willing to change and had to adjust our coaching model accordingly. This is awesome! Kristin. An instructional coach is an educational leader who supports a school or school district by identifying areas of need. Reiterate how you are the right person for the job, and share your excitement about the next steps in the process. How do you intentionally use questioning when working with others? or You have to keep moving forward. An instructional coach does just that, learning and evolving one day, one lesson, and one teacher at a time. The other four or programs targeting preschool and elementary school studies examined the outcomes of instructional coaching in teachers. 17 instructional behaviors are research-based, the Marzano Focused Teacher Evaluation Model is compatible with the majority of district initiatives. . Click here. For this, we can use a series of cards to work on emotional intelligence in high school. Download my FREE Math Attitude Survey below. Thanks so much for your comment. In order for teachers to trust a coach and be open . Yet, it wasnt. 3. Preparing for this interview can be intimidating and overwhelming as you start to see yourself more as a teacher coach and less as a classroom teacher. We need to learn that in our knowledge society, the design of learning processes for young people is a central challenge. Being relatable as an instructional coach makes it easier for others to present their ideas and to guide others with understanding and compassion. The role in itself is so broad, as you work with so many different teachers and various administrators. Ooops, Amber, I just realized I referred you to the same post you commented from :) Did you see anything referenced in the Initial Coaching Meeting agenda you think would be helpful? We found our coaches needed skills that allowed them to support adult learners. the form of: Observational coaching, which includes a partner teacher working with a coach so that they can observe and try new strategies and procedures with their own students and get in-the-moment feedback. I have been working on a self-paced course called Simply Coaching & Teaching and have learned a great deal about the importance of building relationships. My core values are to be innovative, approachable, knowledgeable, friendly, and easy to work with. It means that your coaching relationship maintains mutual confidentiality. These small adjustments add How would you build relationships and trust with teachers? Why are you interested in this position? with adult learners. Coaches effectively improve teaching and learning, provide a deeper dimension of transformational change, build relationships based on trust to build capacity, and provide a tailored form of professional learning. What do you think an average day of an instructional coach looks like? It takes practice to perfect First, though, you should ask yourself, is your mindset readyreally ready? Coaching is based on supporting the student, but not on indoctrinating them. Are you a problem solver? I always ensure that the players remain in the bench area, whether they are standing or sitting. This a great to think about before your interview as your values will be intertwined into various responses you may have during your interview. Providing professional development for teachers, HMHs professional learning courses, coaching, and leadership advisory supports educators every step of the way. in school classes, student groups, at professor boards, in open learning courses, or even in company teams. Athleta is a brand that manufactures sports equipment and designs clothing for active women, from running and yoga to hiking and swimming. Identify your own emotions What am I feeling? Thanks! We needed instructional coaches who understood and could facilitate adult learning. As far as instructional next steps, one thing I have learned is fewer is better! The listed debrief questions always serve as anchors for post observation conversations. Learn different ways to listen, practice listening, and when in doubt, just listen. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); How to Introduce Yourself and Instructional Coaching to Staff, A Peek Inside a Coaching Kick Off Meeting. Familiarize yourself with them, as each day is likely to involve at least a few of them. What is your ideal work environment? 3. Thank you for all of your resources. Creative. Amy MacCrindle and Jacquie Duginske identify communication skills as essential to building relationships. The interviewer wants to know if you are a good manager who can set conduct rules for the players. While any performance by a learner might be considered a performance task (e.g., tying a shoe or drawing a picture), it is useful to distinguish between the application of specific and discrete skills (e.g., dribbling a basketball) from genuine performance in context (e.g., playing the game of basketball in which dribbling is one of many . And that we learning companions can do a lot for motivating learning conditions so that the inherent motivation of the learners can kick in. instructional coaching in reading/literacy/ELA. I bought your kit to help me get started for my new job as an academic literacy coach. Everyones values are different, but you have to figure out what is most important to you to make you the most effective in this role. Connected Teaching and Learning from HMH brings together on-demand professional development, students' assessment data, and relevant practice and instruction. Into Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, 8-12, ICLE (International Center for Leadership in Education), Customer Service & Technical Support Portal. Many questions keep coming across in interviews, mainly because they are relevant to many professions, businesses, and people. It is essential to jot down all experiences you feel relevant to why you would be a great candidate for this position. Cari, Hi Cari, Students actively think about their own work. Although you might be nervous, its important to be confident when youre talking about yourself. up to great growth. I am reliable. Maybe youre serving as a lead teacher. Edutopia and Lucas Education Research are trademarks or registered trademarks of the George Lucas Educational Foundation in the U.S. and other countries. I want to sync the files with google docs. The best thing about working as an instructional coach is seeing the successes the kids or students usually have after a short time, but also in the long term. Your students and teachers deserve it. Using a strengths-based approach, coaches recognize and elevate teachers' strengths to accelerate student learning. What materials should you take to conduct a successful meeting. Put the time in now to prepare for the interview with these key instructional coach interview questions so you can walk into that room feeling confident and radiating excitement. Every teacher deserves to be coached, and so do soon-to-be coaches. At the same time, they should be detail-oriented, high-achievers, and multitask. Remember, coaching relationships take time to develop. These are our t. An analysis of data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress provides insight into the relationships between mathematics coaches and/or specialists and student achievement. How do you know as a coach if you are doing an effective job, what are your measures? Keep us updated! Gradually, I gained his trust until he realized that I did not mean anything bad or embarrass him. Your email address will not be published. However, this was impossible to carry out, because as soon as there was a task that he could not solve, he crossed his arms on the table and hid his head in them. I enjoy doing this. Educational research is rich and multifaceted. Take criticism with a grain of salt, as many teachers do not understand the role of an instructional coach. The best answer to this question is, Average? Theres no average day. The best advice I have been given is to Water the flowers, not the rocks. Sometimes you need to give people time to wrap their heads around the idea of an instructional coach, but being present, available, knowledgeable, and friendly are all ways to make someone feel more comfortable with you. Whats your why? themselves, taking risks and growing with those they coach. Do you have an helpful advice that I might use in putting together the plan? Stay the course In the coaching process, great importance is attached to the collegial exchange between the educators. Explore high-quality SEL programs that get results. These three questions help establish the groundwork for effective instructional coaching and result in a deeper relationship and real teaching improvement. practices based on research and evidence, which can support a coachs Fortunately, his mother was aware of this, which of course made things easier. An instructional coach should love working with teachers and students and have a passion for knowledge. Support involves believing in them and helping them discover their strengths to further their development. Instructional coaches have experience teaching and strong content knowledge that move away from a teaching position to work with teachers to improve their practice and, in turn, have a positive effect on student achievement. I loved teaching 4th grade math, I was in my groove, but I was also longing to have a larger impact than the 4 walls of my classroom. 2. Empowering teams to Support self-directed plans and learning. 3. Prepping for an interview to become an instructional coach is just like any other type of interview. Thank you so much! I have linked my favorites at the bottom of this page. In this way, we can say that instructional coaching does not only consist of teaching, but of putting all the possible facilities so that the oriented person can learn at their own pace. I am a first year coach with a lot of PD and classroom experience. It is a mixture of arrogance, dominating conversation, and the strong desire to leave the classroom. learn and grow alongside teachers. Qualitative evaluations of instructional coaching conclude that coaches can play an important role in the implementation of instructional reform by helping teachers connect faraway, standards . I remember thinking after one interview, does she want, job or is she just desperate to get out of the classroom?. As a loose instructional coach job description, you are a supporter of student learning and effective instruction, a facilitator of curriculum, content, and professional learning, a data coach, and a change agent, so it is important to reflect on what you do in each of those capacities that would benefit the teachers and students. I have linked my favorites at the bottom of this page. Our final assignment is putting together a coaching plan. Reflect on your mindset. This type of question you can be asked during a teacher interview for instructional coach jobs. Flexibility is key, yet it also equates to an alignment within the roles of a coach. Im in a M.Ed. In instructional coaching, it is important to listen to the student and be attentive to the feedback they give us. Heres the task Im working onif anyone is curious! You can work to implement these two practices in part by setting up a Kick Off coaching meeting. Multiple and appropriate instructional strategies are used. Knowledge of which methods you can use to support children and young people in brain-friendly learning. When I was a central office administrator, my district received a large federal grant that included funding for instructional coaches. 5 . Our vision was clear: we wanted to hire coaches to support teachers. But just accepting some challenges, for which I had to push myself a bit at the beginning, has helped me the most. Begin by sharing what youve taught; specific content knowledge may help you stand out. I have an interview for a coaching position in two days. . We made mistakes and learned from them. and honest with the teams they support. I had trouble with some of my former colleagues at first, but the relationship improved over time after I proposed that we meet weekly to discuss joint projects. Support. Understanding what coaches do can help you better articulate your why. Instructional coaching is focused on supporting the learning, growth, and achievement of students and is most often linked to a school's improvement priorities. Most teachers in the study reported their support for Instructional Coaching. (John Hattie, 2012) Instructional Coach The instructional coaches' primary role is to work with educators to implement research-based practices and encourage reflective practice (Knight, 2007). Be sure to read about the ONE thing to make sure you avoid. Instructional coach programs are being implemented in districts to aid in the increase of student achievement through providing job-embedded professional development. As with the original Marzano Teacher Evaluation Model, the Focused Model is an objective, evidence-based model that evaluates teacher performance against specific criteria, alignment to standards, and Lastly, this is a great opportunity to ask, "When should we meet again?" and "How committed to your goal are you at this time?". Side-by-side coaching, which provides an opportunity for coaches and teachers to learn Learn more about HMHs agreement to acquire NWEA and what it means for teachers and students, Science & Engineering Leveled Readers, K-5. a video of them presenting or facilitating adult learning. And the Tools I Used to Do It,, Professional Learning Binder | Ms. Houser, 11 Things Coaches Should Look For in Classroom Observations, 4 Steps for Creating a Coaching Cycle Schedule, 6 Tips for Effective Meeting Facilitation, How to Engage in a Coaching Kick-Off Meeting, How to Set-Up Your Coaching Cycle Calendar for the Year, How to Organize Your Simplified Coaching Planning Kit (Digital!) So excited for this new journey. ZipRecruiter points out that the fact that the average pay range varies by just $20,500 could indicate . Tell them. This is central to effective instructional coaching, because for coaches to model, design practice and offer precise . Then that is just a wonderful feeling! Evidence will be collected in a digital portfolio, which will be discussed at pre and post conference. After all, children are born with the willingness to learn and discover their surroundings and themselves. Job Summary Job Summary. Coaches are people other The learning is self-directed and intentional and always keeps student learning at the forefront. Thanks for taking the time to commentIm glad the tools have been useful. Coupled with active listening, a curiosity to dig deeper, and a genuine desire to help others, coaching questions can be a powerful . Let me be clear that when I transitioned from classroom teacher to instructional coach, leaving the classroom was appealing to me. Additionally, this study also aimed to better understand factors in the educational environment that contribute to teachers' views of instructional coaching. Your supervisor has arranged with campus administration for you to coach three teachers. Its important to articulate at least a few of these differences and how you might use this knowledge. It also encouraged exchange between the education providers in the city region. Typical Daily Tasks. This is a question that could have various answers depending on the role the instructional coach has in your district. We need instructional I am fine with small group but terrified of large groups. You have proven to be a leader in teaching & learning and now have the opportunity to impact even more students and teachers. Center management: Its mission is to offer educators teaching tools. Teachers and professionals working in this area need a lot of background knowledge to give young people the appropriate help. My number one walk-away question is If I were to be in this role, what is your top suggestion for me to be successful? Place yourself in the interviewer role. Instructional coach's goals for supporting the instructional program are highly appropriate to the situation, based on student achievement data, and the needs of the staff. We were hiring instructional coaches. Making the transition to a new role can be stressful, but you can prepare for the interview to demonstrate that youre the best candidate for the job. Focusing Interested to advertise with us? Here are 20 general questions literacy coaching candidates may receive in an interview: What is your greatest strength as a professional? And some never actually get there. It is still best practice to follow up after your interview within a day or two to thank all involved in the interview process. Coaches who could help teachers strengthen instruction and assessment practices in their classrooms. Stay up-to-date with the latest HMH news and solutions. Ive been out of the classroom now for a few years, but still working in the education field as a PD rep for a ed tech company. Privacy | Sitemap | K-12 Teachers Alliance, K-6 Math Instructional Coach and the Summer Enrichment Academy Coordinator; M.A. 6. with children, which are extremely important in this role, and adult Sample Answer "I love doing this work because it creates an opportunity for me to work with students to become meaningful people in society. So, these are the top 25 instructional coach interview questions with answers. As an instructional coach, I work with groups, e.g. Are you aware of any graduate programs that focus on instructional coaching? Edutopia is a free source of information, inspiration, and practical strategies for learning and teaching in preK-12 education. Be sure to familiarize yourself with protocols and structures as well as questions to ask that support learning. These questions range from being general to being in-depth and role-specific. It can be challenging to work with different teachers, as not all educators are as open to instructional coaches as some. impromptu meetings or weather delays) or where that particular day falls on the calendar (ie. As we look forward to next school year wed like to tighten up my schedule and responsibilities. Are you getting ready for an instructional coaching interview? Andragogy supports the adult learning experience that can be captured in a coaching relationship for lifelong development. When reading about your interview task, I wondering if it was for a first meeting with the principal OR the three teachers. The study results are fascinating and the content goes far beyond resource orientation. They must also be allowed to complete school or professional qualifications to find a place in society. I listen to their concerns about work, and we discuss ways to solve the problems while improving performance. Step 2: Do your research! Student-centered or teacher-centered methods of coaching are strategically selected based on individual teacher needs and readiness. Seventeen studies were randomized controlled trials (RCT), and three were quasi-experimental . Support others in brain-friendly learning, Establish an (additional) professional mainstay, Implement findings from brain research and learning psychology, Remove learning barriers and develop suitable learning strategies, Develop learning programs and courses and adapts materials to students and objectives. I also offer group coaching on topics such as learning strategies, motivation or exam fears. It is essential to pay attention to the emotional education of children. They cover classes so teachers can regroup. This learning should be facilitated by those who work with adults. What is your why? Keep in touch :). We are published by the George Lucas Educational Foundation, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. Can you explain your views on working with adult learners? A solid degree in education focuses . Most of us couldnt articulate exactly what it was in the moment, but more of a feeling that showed up time and time again. I got the job! 2. increase their own collective efficacy in the service of students is 2. Academic press and expectations Competence building The teacher provides meaningful and challenging work What do you see as your daily duties and responsibilities as a coach? prioritize one or two small moves for growth. Lets be honest: teaching and learning is hard; it is complex. Its purpose is to provide you with the skills and knowledge to use technology as a tool for innovation in the classroom. critical for teacher learning and growth. My boss says I am very reliable and hardworking. and continue the journey. On the calendar ( ie student-centered or teacher-centered methods of coaching are strategically based. 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