We cannot manage this war by ourselves; we must get international aid. Monthly population growth is based on it and the total never declines. A faction led by France with few of its allies actually bordering France is also weak and easy to take on, though the US will usually join a French-led alliance over the Allies. Spain lies in Southwestern Europe, with most of its land being on the Iberian peninsula. For too long has the quibbling between Trotsky and Stalin and their supporters undermined the unity and integrity of the socialist cause. The communists are nothing but a necessary ally in the fight against fascism. Major dockyards were not immune to the destruction of the civil war. Could you be specific of which ideologies you choo. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. Any help or thoughts would be much appreciated. Weariness of war is the herald of downfall. This will only serve to benefit us in the long run. It is in the interest of the Republican player to delay the civil war as long as possible via decisions to gather the maximum possible strength to fight against the Nationalists. We must prepare for war with each and any one of these defunct nation-states. We will begin by establishing one in Aragon. Anarcho Spain broken!? From there, you can coordinate attacks, build up the military and industry to compete with the ridiculously powerful armies of any majors left standing, and eventually conquer the world. If you go 7-2 I guess you will field A LOT less infantry and wont be able to get planes and motorized early. We must be prepared for whatever may come. We must all do our part in carrying the hardships that no doubt await us, before we can all reap the rewards of our labor. We will begin undermining [SOV.GetAdjective] efforts to spread communist influence over our country, in preparation for a final struggle for our freedom and independence. SAVE ALL POLITICAL POWER YOU CAN. Didn't catch the event before instinctively clicking it away, but you can clearly see the Germans just annexed the Sudetenland. Game file description Wild tip about letting the nationalists get more than 50% of the factories on day 1, I would never have thought that could have a big silver lining. After the horrors of the Civil War, stability has returned and slowly we are regaining our industrial footing. We now again need their aid, and perhaps this time they have learned to pay us heed when we form the vanguard against a new enemy. The price of the [SOV.GetAdjective] aid that made our victory possible has been subservience. The HOI4 La Resistance Anarchist Spain Global Defense Council was contributed by Alphium on Feb 26th, 2020. Also with integrated support a 10 inf unit with support art and rockets has almost the same soft attack with much better organization. Niceto Alcal-Zamora became the President, but the victory of the left-wing was nullified in 1934 when Jos Maria Gil-Robles of the right-wing CEDA faction was swept into power and started to purge the military of leftists. Anarchist and Communist shared branch of the Republican Spanish national focus tree.Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row. In the spirit of fighting fascism we have made the greatest concession possible: cooperation with the capitalists and authoritarian communists. on Paradox technology, Legal Like the Francoists and Republicans, there are a few focuses in the Portuguese tree that will give you extra resources if you let them finish; in this case, the best thing is if Portugal cores and develops their African provinces, including potentially adding some all-important oil in Angola. We will begin undermining Soviet efforts to spread communist influence over our country, in preparation for a final struggle for our freedom and independence. This branch also gives bonuses to war goal justification time and decisions to create anarchist uprisings in foreign nations as well as the coring of states with high compliance. Game file description These individuals must be invited from far and wide, so that their genius may provide advancements for the rest of us to benefit from. The only decisions I get are "ignite the anarchist uprising" decisions to create anarchist units in countries I'm at war with. Game file description We will fight back against the Stalinists. I just defeated the Axis as The global Defense council (Anarchist Spain), that actually my fifth atempt with them. Firstly, (as should really have been the case from the beginning), Anarchist Spain is given access to the "local autonomy" occupation law, normally accessible only to democracies. - I had about two months until germany and Italy came to save France. We must ensure the loyalty of the Assault Guards, our well-trained heavy police reserve. Our great nation's industrical capacity must be improved so that we may provide these weapons. Rumblings of disloyalty emanate from the military, and we must be prepared for the worst. Is it just half of military factories, or half of (mil + civ factories), or half of (mil + civ + naval bases)? The time has come for us to turn on our erstwhile allies, lest we are turned into yet another member state of the Union. The Stalinists and their Republican puppets increasingly infringe upon our freedoms, systematically undermining our efforts and eliminating prominent supporters of our cause. You mean 8 INF right? It is only a matter of time before the blow falls, and we must be ready to receive it. The Soviets have shown themselves particularly adept at the relocation of whole factories, even on a distance of thousands of kilometers. Anarchist post civil war sub-branch of the Republican Spanish national focus tree.Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row. NOTE: If you finish the civil war before the goverment crackdown you don't have to fight the Republicans and keep all your leaders. It is clear the world disagrees with our very existence. Without adequate equipment the individual zeal of the socialist worker cannot succeed in battle. Anarchist Conversion. In 1936, Manuel Azaa of the Popular Front, a coalition of left-wingers, narrowly became the President, and the right-wing officers in the military plotted a coup that took place in July 1936. At some point would you recommend building 3 synthetic oil factories? Collectivized organization of our agriculture will ensure all who live in the communes have the food they require, rather than sell the harvests where they make the most profit. Does not have political advisor Raimundo Fernndez-Cuesta Organizing large-scale warfare while remaining true to the tenets of anarchism is a great challenge. - IMO planes are very worth it, specially against China. Try to capture Madrid and other provinces with military factories so you can keep producing guns, and concentrate your strong units in provinces with planned offensives to create and then reduce pockets. We cannot let communist influence alter or even destroy the principles upon which the Second Republic was founded - no matter our relationship to the communists or the Soviet Union, these principles must be carried in our hearts, if not openly. Has not completed focus No Compromise on Carlist Ideals I will totally go for an anarchist WC from that point, however I am not sure what my next step is and I would like some feedback: - Go against Japan and take most of China India and Indonesia while they are occupied with the allies (and the soviets will probably dogpile on them). With the object of defeating fascism, surely they would be willing to share these advancements with us? Spain has 2 Espaa-class battleships, 3 Prncipe Alfonso-class light cruisers and 3 Alsedo-class destroyers docked in Galicia, 1 Repblica-class light cruiser, 1 Mndez Nes-class light cruiser, and 4 B class submarines docked in Sevilla, and 9 Churucca-class destroyers, 2 B class submarines and 6 C class submarines docked in Murcia. Game file description A national army can easily be used as a way for the government to maintain control over its populace, and so is no recourse for communal defense. With the war won, the Soviet Union stands ready to assist us in our rebuilding efforts. The first step to mending this wound is ensuring loyalty of all officers we henceforth appoint. Use the fleet in Mlaga to convoy raid in the mediterranean, some times you can kill one or two of them. It made all the difference in my war in China. Vic2 - cores biggest benefit is allowing for assimilation, I know having accepted pops is really good . Our nation is a shining beacon of socialism, certain to attract like-minded scientists with a desire to serve the worker's cause. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Firstly let's talk about the wrong ideology. For the necessary aspects of local government we will turn to workers' councils, giving every worker a say while also enabling larger-scale cooperation. Gone are the days when we worked for the wealthy. We will yet turn them into proper citizens of the state. Does not have political advisor Ramn Serrano Suer Germany's huge Air-Force cut my 7/2 divisions down to size and I retreated to the French-Spanish border. Our geographical position is one of isolation from our allies. - Start the focuses towards anarchism and the civil war you MUST reach the disband the army Focus, so don't waste any day. One benefit of the losses we have incurred is that we have no reason to refrain from constructing new and modern ship models. But to use these console cheats that affect entire countries, you'll need to know the country tag. It is mutually exclusive to the Nationalist Spanish national focus tree. Save Germany for when you're confident, or when Germany is stretched really thin. This will must be backed by a new fleet that we shall begin constructing immediately. Spain has 36 interwar fighters stationed in Madrid, 24 interwar fighters stationed in Sevilla, and 27 naval bombers stationed in Murcia. To achieve our goal of a truly professional national military we must establish a new academy, ensuring our officers are the best that they can be. Our borders have expanded beyond the geography of the Iberian peninsula, and the title we have given to our temporary defense council is no longer representative for all who are a part of it. Is not Nationalist Spain, Has not completed focus Crush the Revolution Would you suggest I aim for maxing out civ factories in Valencia instead? La Lnea de la Concepcin is the first bastion against the enemy that lies beyond. The danger posed by Fascism and religious superstitions to our personal liberties is paramount, and we must establish a broad front of political parties that are united in their opposition to the Right. Even this failure has not discouraged disloyal officers, however, as even within Spain itself many desire to see a return to a Monarchy or even a strong Fascist dictatorship. 4 Unify the Nationalist Front Branch. The world has shunned us, and so we must make do with the natural resources that we find in our own territory. Them take Frederica Montseny for the extra political power, once you can afford her. I had 30, 14/4 divs under Lina, and maybe a couple hundred fighters, I also spent the intervening years taking out Iran and Iraq for the oil. - Put 24 infantry divisions in the north (Asturias, Navarra, Aragon and Catalonia) under Lina dena (has because she has adaptable trait. We therefore must make sure that our defenses are such that we may act as a bastion of socialism; its western anchor in Europe. Is not Republican Spain, Has not completed focus The Phalanx Ascendant Everyone unde Fieldmarshal Durruti. We have shown to be loyal and capable defenders of socialism, and certainly this is recognized in Moscow. Illiteracy is wide-spread among the worker population, but with the proper programs this can be improved rapidly, no doubt allowing hidden talent to emerge. As long as you don't cause too much tension, you should be fine. Then, depending on how much you've invested into the Soviets, you're able to either build until your Independence war, wait for Barbarossa. - Move your entire Army to Marroco and dock your navy in Mlaga (gibraltar strait will be blocked latter on). - The only Challenge is breaking free of Macau, because the soviets love to send tank volunteers be sure to attack, get planning bonuses, air superiority in every direction and use Force attack and makeshift bridges to take the level 5 port of Guangzhou. We were abandoned by the West in our struggles against the fascists, but things have changed since then, and they have found themselves in their own war. Interactive corporate website. - Take your time killing every pocket to farm army experience and leader traits. It is also one that we must rise to meet, as without it all that we fight for is lost. We will give these groupings the weapons they need, so they may topple their nations from within, and join our case when we rout our enemies and link up with them. Overall, it has a total manpower of 324.76K, of which 124.30K is tied up in the army, 17.67K in the navy, 1.74K in the air force, and 3.90K in garrison, leaving 198.72K available for recruitment. With La Rsistance, before the Spanish Civil War, Spain will have the following national spirits: A century later, the Carlist movement is still very much alive, and its militas, called Requets, train unceasingly in preparation for the time where they will once more be needed to defend Christianity and champion the return of the rightful King. You actually make planes as anarchists? Extremist elements continue to disrupt public order, and the frontline in the fight against civil unrest is the Guardia Civil. Now is the time for the Spanish worker to rise up against the fascist enemy! Discord! We cannot let communist influence alter or even destroy the principles upon which the Second Republic was founded - no matter our relationship to the communists or [SOV.GetNameDef], these principles must be carried in our hearts, if not openly. - In the north Retreat From Asturias Into Navarra and start advancing in Burgos so all enemy troops in Aragon and Navarra are trapped. Spend a few years building up an industry then look out for soft targets, namely a faction (nations outside a faction often join one when they're attacked) with no major powers. - After Breaking free, the weakened China should pose a lot of chalenge for your experienced, better equipped army with great leaders and air superiority. The autonomous states throughout the country must have their liberties curtailed for the good of the whole. Wars are won by showing initiative, and so that is what we must do. Expanding the army raised by its local government should go a long way to fortifying the frontlines there. Read something suggesting landlocked internal province with a bunch of civ and mil factories (so Madrid fits)? After that make this infantry 20 width and add recon cavalry for extra movement speed, also make them Elite so they receive reinforcements before the crappy militia you start with (and will disband after the war). I don't think 7-2 is worth it for Spain (at least with superior firepower). Not even superior numbers could save themRest in Piece Anarchist Spain Finished the focus Plant the Seeds of revolution and Global Defense Council, but neither of the decisons that should be unlocked after completion appeared. - By the start of the war I had: 54 infantry, 10 motorized, 500 fighter, 200 close Air support. Regardless, one of the first things you should do upon becoming independent is justify on Portugal - while you can get a wargoal through the focus A Red Iberia, you benefit far more from having Portugal as a puppet when you finish that focus, as you can core all of the country. The time has come to unify the entirety of the Iberian peninsula under socialism's banner. Privacy Policy. Enough is enough. Is not Republican Spain, Has completed focus The Condor Legion Win Spanish Civil War as Republican Spain. A new and loyal army shall be created to defend the interests of the Spanish worker against foreign threats. [FRA.GetNameDefCap] has had a recent history of communist sentiment. Ignoring (and thus bypassing) Reserves and Masters can get your later focuses faster, but that may be a bad thing - All Must Bear the Torch will remove Autonomous State from Catalua, Galicia, and Pais Vasco, but only from the ones you own (though this really seems like unintended behavior), so trying to delay it until the war is over can be profitable. Also, attacking with pure infantry? As a result of the national spirit Military Disloyalty, the player cannot modify the military in any way until the civil war breaks out. The Soviet Union possesses technology we do not. In general, I personally think the more random situation of ahistorical typically beneifts anarchist spain, because as mentioned you're kind of an opportunist. Regional Defense Council of Aragon Branch, International Brigades/Seize the Gold Reserves Branch, The Anti-Fascist Worker's Revolution Branch, Subvert Soviet Control/Stabilize the Nation/Restore Higher Education Sub-branch, Anarchist post civil war sub-branch of the, Anarchist and Communist shared branch of the, Anarchist and Communist shared post civil war sub-branch of the, Communist post civil war sub-branch of the, Communist and Democratic shared branch of the, Communist and Democratic shared post civil war sub-branch of the, Democratic post civil war sub-branch of the, Spain invites Country to the International Bureau of Revolutionary Socialist Unity, https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Republican_Spanish_national_focus_tree&oldid=59825, Play ago. The Second Republic shall prevail against the threat of the Right, just as it prevailed over the miners' strike in 1934. We will model this after that of the Soviet Union. - Deploy the 16 infantry and put it with Eduardo, star to prepare an offensive to remove the provincial modifier. The largest city in the Basque Country, Bilbao, will receive its own 'Iron Ring' of fortifications, allowing the Basques a formidable obstacle from which to defend it against the fascist enemy. This branch also creates an Anarchist civil war in Portugal which may lead to its annexation and coring of all its core states. Without La Rsistance, Republican Spain does not have National Spirits. Going after countries already at war with a larger enemy can be useful, but be careful not to lose the states in the peace deal; while it costs other factions a lot more war score to take states you control, that won't help if your war score is insignificant in the first place. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. In order to construct larger military vessels we must look into enlargement of our dockyard facilities. Anarchist branch of the Republican Spanish national focus tree.Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row. The post civil war Communist Branch can be divided into 2 separate sub branches: Republican Spain starts with 3 research slots and can gain 2 more slots from its national focuses. Ever since even before the 1934 Asturias Miners' Strike, weapon caches have been covertly established throughout the country, in preparation for the inevitable need to defend our liberties with military arms. http://patreon.com/feedbackgamingFollow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/feedbackgaming. Also I prefer to delay as much as possible getting that horrible "recovering from the civil war" modifier. This should allow the Defense Council as a whole to rapidly respond to any outside threats that any individual commune might not be equipped to deal with. If you as the Republicans don't take the 9th decision, the plot will fire 34 days after the 8th Nationalist decision. - Once you kill the repubublicans, Occupy everything but Gallicia. The people's will is manifest both on land and on the seas. The institutions of higher education that were damaged during the war should be rebuilt and expanded, ensuring a steady supply of bright minds for our industry. - Deploy the infantry you were training before and reinforce Eduardo Medrano until he has 24 (or 30 if he is skilled staffer) infantry. - In order to invade China I used: 300 fighters; 100 close air support; 30 infantry units (10 inf- suport artillery, rocket, cav recon, engineers, logistic switched to field hospital in the middle of the war). The lessons we learned from the civil war can be further developed into new military doctrines that are better suited for the present realities of warfare. The army has proven its disloyalty and has been disbanded by the government. Spain contains many significant mountain ranges including the Baetic Mountains in the south, the Central and Iberian Chain in the center, and Cantabrian and Pyrenees Mountain ranges in the northwest and northeast respectively. The next target in the Anarchist focus tree is Portugal, which you can attack with Portuguese Anarchism and then core with Regional Defense Council of Iberia. You must log in or register to reply here. This is a thorn in the side of all of Socialism, and cannot be allowed to continue. Every owned controlled cored state that is in the home area with a naval base: The Gold Reserves have already been seized or relocated. Is not Republican Spain, Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate - Kill the Nationalists once you take the Portuguese nationalism NF. But the Spanish civil war is great to farm army experience, experienced divisions and god-like generals. A post civil war sub-branch can be split from each of these branches. Special pages; Printable version; Permanent link; Page information; Ad Space Anarchist Spain. I didn't see it in a screen tab, maybe I'm blind. To accomplish this, consider the math of the Military Plot: the timer starts with 250 days, but this number isn't "real", since both sides' decisions move it back and forth. For more information, please see our Or move your entire army to the Balearic Islands before the Civil War fires, then set your navy to convoy raid around Iberia. After a few wars, you should have been able to annex a foothold in most regions of the world. Done and dusted. However, I would say high level field hospitals are worth it if you don't have anything else to give your divisions. And what counts for 'half of the factories'? I don't believe that there's actually any wrong ideology. The Spanish community as a whole must be rallied in a single great drive to repair the damage resulting from our violent civil war. It also has 3 mountain divisions made up of 4 battalions and a support artillery company each, as well as 1 cavalry division made up of 12 battalions and a recon company. Make sure planned offensive is occurring in an adjacent sector to the nationalist planning, and then use the 7/2 divisions to encircle and destroy nationalist divisions one by one. Once that is over, we must deal with them in our own way. In my try I started the civil war with too much land to go full war economy unfortunately. Should we be attacked, especially by strong naval powers, we will not be able to rely upon aid from [SOV.GetNameDef]. Foreign powers intervened in the civil war against us, supporting our fascist enemies. It may not display this or other websites correctly. If the nations of the world do not wish to tolerate us among them, then our only recourse for a future in which we may collectivize in peace is the very abolition of all nation-states, itself. We should inquire about suitable designs and see to their construction immediately. Game file description This is a community maintained wiki. In my game Eduardo Medrano was attack 8, Mountaineer, Hill fighter, adaptable, infantry leader, organizer, skilled fighter, trickster, improvement expert, guerrilla fighter leader and I had an army of 30 infantry who were mainly seasoned/veterans. We cannot afford this escalating out of control. Interactive corporate website, Upon the start of the civil war, gain 5 trained units, Upon the start of the civil war, gain 5 well-trained, Upon the start of the civil war, gain 10 untrained, If this focus is not taken, the government will. The Soviet Union must be made to understand that the critical fight against fascism is here in Iberia, and that it is here that their advance must be stopped. Like the Francoists with Consolidate the North, the Republicans will get military and civilian factories with the Expand Soviet Aid sub-branch which you can then take from them. The polarization of society is increasing, and violence along with it. . Let Sevilla, Crdoba and Extremadura garrisson fall, Or hold onto Seville and Extremadura with 1 level so that Cordoba can be surrounded and destroyed quickly. Without the expansion, it utilizes the Generic national focus tree instead. Ha, nice going! A great project of infrastructure works spanning the country will ensure rapid movement of goods between the most remote areas of the peninsula. The game's duration usually spans less than a generation, so all inhabitants that could enter military service are already born at the start of the game. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. - Start training the 16 infantry with support art and engineers (Divisin the Infanteria) right away. We once again find ourselves at war, and so we must ensure our industrial expansion focuses on catering to military rather than civilian needs. Thus, a Republican player will complete Disband the Army if they spend at most 16 days not taking decisions to delay the Military Plot. Is not Republican Spain, Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate Has not completed focus Banish the Party Leaders I produce content varying from general gaming news, let's plays, walkthrough, tips, science related and even some storyline-through-emergent-gameplay er, stuff! Redirect page. The price of the Soviet aid that made our victory possible has been subservience, and so it would appear our plight is not yet over. I'm not sure if there's a bug or if I'm missing something obvious, but after several games, I haven't been able to core any conquered territory as anarchist Spain, even when I have compliance above 80%. Disagreements between our anarchist and anti-Stalinist allies and ourselves are growing worse. Powers intervened in the side of all its core states unrest is the Guardia civil can... - take your time killing every pocket to farm army experience, experienced divisions and god-like generals fascist! S talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio land on! Sov.Getadjective ] aid that made our victory possible has been disbanded by the start of the peninsula and your! 16 infantry and wont be able to get planes and motorized early creates an hoi4 anarchist spain coring civil war China! New and loyal army shall be created to defend the interests of the Iberian peninsula everything but Gallicia a then! 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