saycarramrod said: If you simply drop the file in the Ratings folder, you can simply click "Rating" in Genie Scout and the file will be there to select. ok will start test tomorrow just i am concerned that for me FM22 is very random i was testing some tactics and how some positions works so it was very random like in test AML performs amazing and AMR not really and in test2 it was vice versa so maybe these attributes not aquirred as well i dont know :/, Wigo said: Sofor me personally very difficult to understand how come in the game of shooting the ball in to the net finishing is not making difference :/ Expand It makes a difference but the difference is very small, especially, if you compare it with some other attributes such as Acceleration, Pace, Dribbling, Anticipation and other.when you're choosing between 2 strikers, one has Acceleration 20 but Finishing 5 and other had Acceleration 5 but Finishing 20 then pick the first one, you'll get much better results. Keep in mind that they are not a defensive anchor however unless their attributes, personality, traits, your tactics and more guide them in that direction. The official Football Manager site can be found at and the official forums can be found at Hover your mouse above and it will show you the attributes for that individual focus training.This is based on the cost and importance of each attribute. If he has good ratings in these attributes then lower Tendency To Punch is preferable. Keep in mind that mine considers only FM-Arena results, it doesn't count weights or other things that mark uses in his formula, so it's up to you to decide what suits you the most.Wigo said: Ohh please can you upload as FM suited files??? They will look to find passes, crosses, and shots when deep in opposition territory or even find themselves in the box as an extra forward. Doing that, it allows you to find good players for cheaper prince, since cost of players is directly linked to CA and reputation. If you go to your Squad page in the game and then to Analyst Report and Comparison, you can see how your current squad compares to others in your League on each Attribute. The weightings have only been developed by position and not across all positions so need adjusting in terms of weight for each position. So I downloaded genie scout, uploaded the ratings and everything. All are definitely usable.Now if we look at average % difference from the best rated team the order is MDW, ykykyk, ZaZ -50, ZaZ -25, ZaZ, ZaZ -100. You may not copy and distribute the work in full.Football Manager, the Sports Interactive logo and generated in-game images are Sports Interactive. Here are. amazing stuff! Attack Similar to the above but they will make their presence more known by forcing the opposition wide player(s) back with their attacking forward movement or overlapping/underlapping runs into the box once laying off the ball to a central player (your tactics permitting of course). Mark said: Yes. Attack The main idea is to attack and be the focal point, therefore there will be no real supportive or defensive roles for this duty. Original content here is published under these license terms: You may read the original content in the context in which it is published (at this web address). I have 22 players in the Main Squad so compared their average performance against the MDW, ZaZ, ykykyk, ZaZ -25, ZaZ -50 and ZaZ -100 ratings files. Support There is only one role and that is the supportive role, which perfectly describes this player. i mean i am finding cheap players who are performing amazing! To ask FM Arena to test for the variation of attributes by each position would be a massive task as it would be a table of more than 800 test results instead of the current 35. Expand Thanks for the thorough analysis, Mark. Wigo said: wow lots of info, hard to understand everything but in excel sheet but as i understand it shows that for example composure is most important for CD(80) and DM(60) and for rest of positions are not so important? Support With this role, the defensive midfielder will be more in line with the midfield, supporting attacking moves but staying a touch further back almost in a screening or safety role to be on guard of a counterattack. Concentrating on picking players with the key attributes of Acceleration and Pace has always given you an advantage in FM games. It's the other way around. Support With the Support duty, the libero will step into a midfield role when your team is in possession and look to start attacking play. Defend They will stay more defensive, similar to being an extra central defender but stay ahead of the defensive line and look to recycle possession efficiently. I have adjusted the weightings this year to try and align all the positions, as previously the ratings were skewed with Wingers having a much higher rating.A reminder here that Genie Scout doesn't take into account the positional ability of players in their ratings calculations. I have adjusted the weightings this year to try and align all the positions, as previously the ratings were skewed with Wingers having a much higher rating.A reminder here that Genie Scout doesn't take into account the positional ability of players in their ratings calculations. Being published here means more exposure and recognition for you. A player with 20 in every attribute would get 100% for all positions. Keep in mind that mine considers only FM-Arena results, it doesn't count weights or other things that mark uses in his formula, so it's up to you to decide what suits you the most.Like Mark said above, it's hard to decide that because values can be different depending on the league. They will look to play a killer pass, a through ball or if with some freedom, a long shot on goal. in link its only GRF file :/ Expand There isn't much what to do there. Is there a guide out there for the key stats needed for each position? Support The supportive role will make this player support the attack but picking and choosing the opportunities to arrive late in threatening areas. All are definitely usable.Now if we look at average % difference from the best rated team the order is MDW, ykykyk, ZaZ -50, ZaZ -25, ZaZ, ZaZ -100. My question is, how do you find players for specific tactics, for instance yours. Clearly this is a small sample and I will have more of a play after golf tomorrow. Here are the results:Disclaimer: I have used players out of the positions identified in the results, but in the main they have played the positions indicated. Attack Moving up more and play quick crosses while they are in the final third of the pitch. How well a goalkeeper can hold on to the ball when attempting to catch it. The weightings have only been developed by position and not across all positions so need adjusting in terms of weight for each position. Essentially a deep lying playmaker. They are split into three categories on each players Profile screen. Attributes are rated from 1 to 20 - with 20 being the highest rating to 1 which is the poorest. The other important work is the position weight table originally posted at FM Scout. Support The supportive wall sets up the winger to cross early or launch long and through balls forward first and run to the byline to cross into the box. I recommend the g version which requires a small donation. The limitation of this work is that it is not positional. It was put into a test league for 100,000 matches. Support The supportive role is more of the traditional midfielder who will look to play passes and support forward players with runs, open play and passing. Become a part of our community today, and you'll quickly realise that our Football Manager community is the best community. OK so I had a quick play with the ratings files. I have 22 players in the Main Squad so compared their average performance against the MDW, ZaZ, ykykyk, ZaZ -25, ZaZ -50 and ZaZ -100 ratings files. I have a copy so can make it available if anyone forgets and wants it. What does that mean for individual training in general? That image is available in FM Scout, based on weights from FM Editor. Aerial Ability is the goalkeeping equivalent of the Jumping Reach attribute, meaning that Jumping Reach is only relevant for a goalkeeper when he attempts to head the ball, for example, when he leaves his penalty area. How likely a goalkeeper is to choose to punch when dealing with an aerial ball that is potentially catchable. The first observation is that you need to balance the ratings files. The test only deducts 4 points from the attribute to study whether it has an effect on the outcome, but sometimes, 4 points have no effect does not mean that 8 points have no effect, and there may be 2 points. Copyright 2004-2022 Attack With the Attack duty on, the libero almost has complete free reign as they will venture forward to provide a goal scoring threat either in the box but mostly from distance. So the attributes ratings table is real deal. Expand It's for Genie Scout. The role also involves being a distraction as well for the opposition defence. Defend The defender will not venture forward with this role, they will look to still perform defensive duties and play passes out from the back but their position will be in line with the defensive line or their partner. wow lots of info, hard to understand everything but in excel sheet but as i understand it shows that for example composure is most important for CD(80) and DM(60) and for rest of positions are not so important? Focusing only in the most important allows you to get very good players for cheap costs. That success is based off their attributes. Online since 2004. I have a very busy weekend unfortunately. This shows the testing of each attribute in FM22 and the impact of reducing the attribute score has on results. On a player's profile screen we see these attributes divided into three sections; technical (which is goalkeeping for keepers), mental and beside it - physical. Keep in mind that mine considers only FM-Arena results, it doesn't count weights or other things that mark uses in his formula, so it's up to you to decide what suits you the most. Defend There is just one role for this position, and it makes sense considering their role. 3) The influence of attribute on the outcome is non-linear. Click on Central Defence Roles for example and from there you can see about BPD, CD etc You are a legend! Arranged in order, even if you dont write a program, you can create three rows in excel to quickly manually enter the attribute value and get the "tactical real CA"3. Wigo said: hey! Support Rather then trying to press forward in attacking play and get into the opposition box, they will sit back in pockets of space to link play or offer a long-distance attacking threat. This gives a sense of the value of each attribute for each position. Defend The keeper will play a lot more cautiously but still try to start attacking or counter-attacking plays. Last year I put everyone on acceleration lol (. 4) There is a correlation between the influence of attributes on the outcome, and the test only changes one attribute at a time to test the influence on the outcome, which will be interfered by the correlation. ZaZ said: This is the FM Genie Scout filter based on the study of ykykyk05251 for best attributes for each position of Blue 3.0 RPM (aka Blue DM). Is this the correct way to do this? They will provide support in wide areas at times, but from deep. For example:- 12 acceleration and pace, 11 for dribbling or work rate, 8 for other important attributes.- 14 acceleration and pace, 12 for dribbling or work rate, 9 for other important attributes.- 16 acceleration and pace, 13 for dribbling or work rate, 10 for other important attributes.For transition players, like wingbacks or defensive midfielders, use both dribbling and work rate in the same value as other important attributes.P.S. Rince said: In FM21 there was some guy on Korean FM forum that won EPL with only 1 CA players. He did a test and set all the "unimportant" attributes ( according to the attributes rating table ) to 1 and few important to 20 and he easily won the EPL. I've been picking players with accordance to the attributes rating table for long time and it's been working like a charm to me. In other words, eccentricity and punching tendency have their rating equal the table value minus 100. For example, a breakthrough can speed up when lying on the ball, relying on physical fitness instead of dribbling, or relying on dribbling. Sofor me personally very difficult to understand how come in the game of shooting the ball in to the net finishing is not making difference :/. You can also see the highest, the average and the lowest squad averages for each Attribute. Working the ball around and you are able to get into a good position; this is a good attacking opportunity, just needs a bit more patience and your player takes a shot from 35 yards out which is never going to trouble the keeper. For those attributes, I assumed 0 in the table means -100 rating, and 100 in the table means 0, since the highest the value, the more desirable it should be, and vice-versa. Let us know how it goes. If you simply drop the file in the Ratings folder, you can simply click "Rating" in Genie Scout and the file will be there to select. We are always looking for quality content creators, capable of producing insightful articles. I hope this helps someone.Enjoy Expand is there on fmscout? However the important attributes by position vary.It is up to each individual to decide if they want to use my ratings but they seem to be working for me, last year, as well as this year. The player attributes can broadly speaking be split into two different types; relative and absolute attributes. But I think if you wanted to use one of the ratings files above, I would go with the ZaZ -50. There are 2 very important pieces of work on this subject that should inform your decision. Higher Tendency To Punch can cause a goalkeeper to put more pressure on your defence by not catching the ball. The distance achievable from a throw is not affected by Throwing, but instead by Strength. Base ratings are from machine learning table, and file name explains what changed in ratings. Can you test the three and tell me which one you like the most? Expand thats what i am talkin about! 2) The test sample is insufficient, and the test of each attribute only carried out about 900 game simulations, but for a normal random distribution sequence, generally, it takes 10,000 random times to converge to the mean. Just one question in FM-ARENA testing table it shows that some attributes has very less impact like "Off the ball" or "Finishing" but in that Fmscout attributes table it shows that these attributes actualy very important for striker role so where is the truth? They create on and from the front line. These files seem to be able to be used across games. Will make the player's attribute tactical real CA higher.Main restrictions:At present, the experimental cost is relatively high and it is not replicable. This role is more disruption then being a creative outlet via crossing. Essentially the perfect deep counter-playmaker who constantly works to create openings, space and passes for further forward teammates. Or for FM? that would be fantastic from you! I learned this from last years attempt. that would be fantastic from you! You may not copy and distribute the work in full. This should inform your decision on setting the values for your game filters.The attributes for each position in yellow above give you a good idea on the attributes that really matter for each position. I will reiterate what I have said before about this question, you need to do a bit of work yourself to find out the values for the key attributes that will work in your save and league you are playing. The first observation is that you need to balance the ratings files. Interesting work I think. This shows the testing of each attribute in FM22 and the impact of reducing the attribute score has on results. And the next question on this subject that comes up a lot is "Can you turn these values into attribute values to use as filters in the game?". How well a goalkeeper can react to shots. They will be with their defensive partner(s) in working to break up attacks, preventing the ball from going into the box and marking opposition as a part of your tactic. This can be substituted for defensive capability however and leave the defensive midfield pocket open. No need to Edit and save as your own file name. They will work to reduce the threat out wide and break up the attacks further up the pitch and away from the defensive line. If you have any question feel free to contact us [email protected], Create an account or log in to leave a comment. Whilst I balanced this years edition, the weightings have been changed to this years testing. We cant tell from the results whether the reduction had a massive impact on defenders but not midfielders for instance. JavaScript is disabled. The study used machine learning to get the weights.Keep in mind that two attributes of the table have ranges from -100 to 0 in FM Genie Scout instead of 0 to 100: eccentricity and punching tendency. Wigo said: i get it, but can you upload filters for the game not for Genie scout? gives preliminary tests on the various attributes and win-loss relationships of players in FM2021 and FM2022, which have a certain reference value and inspiration for our work, but because it is only a non-professional work for amateurs, it should be rigorous In terms of sex, there are the following problems: 1) It only shows which attributes have a greater impact on the outcome of all players, and which attributes have less impact on the outcome, but in fact, the key attributes of different positions are obviously different. The weightings have only been developed by position and not across all positions so need adjusting in terms of weight for each position. The engine version is changed and the tactics are changed. It is close to 4 o'clock. Defend Majority they will stay further back, a bit deeper but. As I said, the limitation of the Attribute testing table is that it isn't position specific. Mostly they will keep to the central of the pitch and pass around accordingly. Cover Will drop a touch deeper to sweep up any long balls. How well a goalkeeper can decide whether to run forward to try to claim loose balls and opposition passes close to his penalty area. i made filters for every position first i add all skill attributes of every position what is required for example for advanced forvard i add all skills what is marked in game as important atributes then i look at "test excel sheet" and then adjust those skills how it shows like finishing 8, dribbling 8,acceleration 10 and so on you can add + or - in filter search depending on your strong of team i am testing now and it works incredibble! he can be a beast according to those attributes for very cheap i can upload my filters for you to check as a fm files General Discussion About Football Manager,, The attributes table testing is applying the attribute reduction across all players. Here is the download link to my updated ratings file for Genie Scout. should save the standard FMGS ratings file before loading and changing this file so you can reload the default if you are not happy with my ratings.The standard place for Genie Scout ratings files is C:\FM Genie Scout 22g\Ratings. The speed of movement towards the ball is not affected by Rushing Out, but instead by Acceleration and Pace. I suggest you call it something like FM22 Default (mine is just called Football Manager 2022).Then load my rating file.Now your Genie Scout should show ratings as per my calculations. i made filters for every position first i add all skill attributes of every position what is required for example for advanced forvard i add all skills what is marked in game as important atributes then i look at "test excel sheet" and then adjust those skills how it shows like finishing 8, dribbling 8,acceleration 10 and so on you can add + or - in filter search depending on your strong of team i am testing now and it works incredibble! 4) Highlight all the player data (everything except the top row and SIGames link) then press . Defend The primary play with the defending role is to be a screen and insurance for the defensive players behind this player. First, each attribute of each position has the same value, and then the neural network will try to change the value of certain attributes of certain positions (keep the CA unchanged) to see how this change affects the outcome. He did a huge post about it on the Korean FM forum. ; Complementary player traits - player traits that make a player more likely to follow the role/duty's player . They are mainly based on FM-Arena performance tests, dividing players in three groups:- Defense: central defenders.- Transition: wingbacks and defensive midfielders.- Attack: wingers, central midfielders, advanced midfielders and strikers.Goalkeepers are also there, but they use my personal feelings instead of any tests, since it's hard to evaluate the most important attributes for goalkeepers.Link here, since I can't upload as attachment. How high a goalkeepers hands can reach when jumping. in link its only GRF file :/. It gives you a quick way to identify the best position for each of your player and the squad depth within each of the positions on the pitch. The limitation of this work is that it is not positional. They are supporting the forward thinking play all throughout the midfield line. However, unlike standard central defenders - the Wide Centre-Back is encouraged to stay wide in position and support the midfield more like a full back. guys what you think of that way? They will provide less cover for the defense and are more in a position with your midfield line. In individual training focus they are sometimes hidden eg Decisions for a DC is Defensive Positioning. [Community Challenge] Traits/PPMs For Different Roles! So the attributes ratings table is real deal. Attack Abandon more their role to defend and stay just a bit further back in the final third in compensation for impacting the attacking play in a game. 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