his or her jumping the gun about falsely ascribing malicious intent to Catholic Answer and Simply Amazing, and the vitriol (no one can argue the level of hatred) expressed towards White by dozens of posters is fanaticism is fanaticism. CareBear, As it stands, your post doesnt deal with anything stated and is tied up with a nice but thats just my opinion at the end. re: Whites arguments posted by carebeer: You guys are down right mean :(, if I didnt know better I wouldnt guess you were catholics. Stubblepark, Why not just say, God did it, since to attribute Gods work to mans work is unbiblical. But if it is legitimate to say that God used the distinctive personalities and historical circumstances of these figures to communicate his truth, then something can be both 100% Gods doing and human beings cooperate. Thats a great question! What I did was take my opening statement from my debate with Shabir Ally on this topic from London in November of last year, along with my comments on Deuteronomy 18:18 from the preceding On November 13, 2019, James White debated Shabir Ally at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, GA on the topic Tawhid or Trinity: Is God One or Three Divine Persons? http://www.jamesrwhite.org now points at Whites siteSuspicious, eh? I do not agree with the theology or conclusions. Rather than engage the *real issues* in this whole debate, such as the arguments Dr. White has presented to Dr. Beckwith against certain Roman Catholic doctrines, everyone has decided to focus on two pictures and a mans character. Im just amused, no end, that what I suspected about that teeny particular piece of this entire mess was true. I mean Islamic fundementalist do not follow the Quran only, in fact there is only one group that I know of that follow the Quran only, and that is a peaceful group called the submitters. Its cool though its not like this even matters in the long run, its the internet after all. Also: HEY JAMES WHITE (and all his supporters here)! If thats not good enough for you, so be it. How could you, as no one has ever proven the actual real doctrine illogical, only misunderstood illustrations of it and straw-man arguments. I dont hear that concern from James White. None of the folks who demanded a response will answer your statements. Asked for prayer for Dennis Pillay and his wife in South Africa as end-of-life issues confront them, that God would give comfort and strength. Tech State/Province:CA The conspiracy must be deeper then we think. It was a pretty hard question to answer as you might imagine. The Bible & the Quran: Which is the Light to the World? I have been reading these anti-protestant posts and have been unwilling to dive into the murk, because all I am seeing are hundreds of little barbs, some less well disguised than others, directed at the person, character, intellect, education, motivation, etc., of one non-Catholic guy. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. Lets see if we cant tone things down and get back to some reasonable discussion on the issues. Its just your usual springboard for the gnostic gobble-de-gook. How can you think youre right when you dont know what right is? WHY DONT YOU ALLOW COMMENTS ON YOUR BLOG LIKE JIMMY? Westcott and Hort modern Therefore, there will be that many fewer OSAS Protestants and the likelihood that they will perish in Hell for not accepting Jesus Christ as their personal savior (as per the normative forms of the OSAS). Alpha Tau Omega. that should read White antagonistic to Catholics Aug. 11, 11:19 am which I corrected within minutes when I realized I had not proofread it. . Ill fix your quote for you. 2. It just means his character doesnt always reflect Christ (whose does? Much of the church depends on donations but that doesnt mean its exempt from hanky panky. Barry- No, it doesnt. Think of it as a healthy kind of check-and-balance system. Since the Witnesses are heading back out and going door to door, lets be ready! Sorry. Roman Catholic fanbois Huh??????? Either you believe what the Bible says, or you do not. Sheesh. I corrected your statement to indicate that it was the disciples who were empowered. He has all the time in the world to press Beckwith for answers to his questions but the sense of desperate urgency and impatience in his posts reveals something beyond normal panic. Id say youre doing Magna Cum Laude work, with the prospects for a good minor in nitpicking. Jesus, Admin ID:DI_471115 We are called by God to go beyond the veil of darkness and become what Chesterton calls an outpost of light. Your opinions dont matter. Subsidiary nastiness continues in comboxes and online forums, sometimes flaring up and You must be afraid/confused/arrogant/stupid etc. as if this was a debating forum where the commenters were under contract to debate theology on all topics with anyone who comes along. Unless it concerns history, which is my pet topic, then Im in there like a flash. Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them (John 20:23). Those defending White had demonstrated more than I want to know about them. The guy accuses someone of lying for having actually intellectually grown in TWENTY YEARS, whines about people pointing out that a Christian might want to think about being compassionate and at least consider other options, then drags in a murderous mob as humor. As far as the actual issue at work (come on, ignore the silly pictures), White is a real nitpicker. Its simply the way it is. 1) James White is critical of Dr. Beckwith. Deuteronomy 4:2, Ye Actually, CB, thanks to your shining example we dont have to. Missing Epistle of Jude I would like to know why you find it more unreasonable to go to the disciple of the disciple of the one chosen by Christ himself than to take a route never spoken of by Christ or the Bible, and just confess to God by yourself. For one, it can appear as a negative point against these folks; secondly, it places too much importance on the likes of James White. Your suggestion of Whites book, btw, is I think more profitable to getting across your view than anything else. Moreso, the things you, a child in Christ, say on this message board almost make me ashamed to call myself Christian. I wasnt aware Wikipedia was an authoritative source in any arena, including theological debate. The most commonly cited example is Peter, but I would suggest another example. That its okay for James White to post pictures of terrorists and make the comparison between these terrorists and Catholics. That dissolves to blindly accepting whatever one is told, without reference to the conscience God gave to every human individual, as individuals. Covered a bunch of topics suggested by social media interactions, including a discussion of special and general revelation, natural theology, and all that area of discussion, and then a brief look at Thomistic inseparable operations and its (unnecessary) complication of the biblical doctrine of the Trinity. // Esau, thanks but I think you were well-spoken here. Good grief, arent we all Christians, here?! Maybe I just dont understand what a bishop is in James Whites denomination. When did you authoritatively establish what His revelation is? For the most popular and easy proof is by parallel; and here there is no parallel. If so, who chose you? the Gospel of Jesus Christ, then it becomes woefully clear just However, we can trust the Canon as written down at Nicea because of the authority given to the Church, by Jesus and through Peter. It ignores the giant elephant in the room: Throughout biblical history, God did things incarnationally, through stuff- people, prophets, creatures, nations. James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. My web name is acutally much more personal than my given name, since there are over 500 people will my name Amanda Hicks and at least 200 who are named Amanda L. Hicks. That you cant understand that displays that you are ignoring the facts in order to fiegn disgust, or youre just plain unable to deduce facts reasonably from the current situation. (How exactly does one prove something is offensive?) nor anything disagreeing with T.U.L.I.P. This is a very vague, generalized statement. UPDATE: The above pictures are so vile, particularly in light of 9/11 and the ensuing history and those who have been threatened or killed by radical Muslims, that this should be a matter upon which individuals of all confessional affiliations should be able to agree, including Evangelicals. your own personal determination of what I said GODWINS LAW has spoken. bill912, Mary Kay: Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church (Matt. I suppose such a thing fits the logic and attitude of the mob though. (Mind you, this is a cursory evaluation based on reading the quoted sections while feeding a 9-month old.) I choose not to rn out and buy Whites book. Jorge Just as Mary said. Oh dear. Sounds familiar, eh? 2. I cant believe I trawled this com box on a sunny Saturday afternoon, but it wasnt all dank and darkness. Writing this response again reminded me that many of your statements simply do not pass the logic test nor debate skills, an observation that several here have made. But apparently, you think youre right, and you should be just as tired of that. It is DECEPTION! I think here we misunderstand both the fundamental essence of the Word of God and infallibility. Jerry, yet the same council says: Wasnt Nazism, for example, based on a twisted reading of Darwinism? Charity does not write someone off as a moron who is simply impervious to our brand of truth. Dehumanizing your opponent is jihadi-think. Would it be unnatural to feel offended and react to that offense in such an emotional manner? See above comment. 1. Rather than deal with this, some play every which way but loose, even to the point of insinuating I did it. Lane, Matthew 12:33-37 Where in the world do you get off man? I wont be shoved aside by such a tactic. Esau, as a limited human, do you have the capacity to consider ALL of the evidence? Turn on the smoke evacuation fans and get back to the issues. Just leave already, and stay gone, eh? Oh, and Daisy, while I appreciate the Biblical quotes, you really need to do two things: But I do not know what to do about it, how to overcome it. yes He was a murderer from the beginning: and he stood not in the truth, because truth is not in him. Dr. James White & Keith Giles, First Lutheran Church, 1311 Holman St., Houston, Texas 77004, The Death of Joseph Ratzinger, the Eternal Covenant in the London Baptist Confession, New Year Laws in California Show Deep Commitment to the Culture of Death, What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Quran, The Textus Receptus as the Word of God is Equal to the New Testament Autographs. You cant have it both ways, both definitive and conditional. Alpha omega tattoos can be represented in a number of ways. Wouldnt they then be more intruiged to find out more about him, seeing as you deem him important enough to name your apologetics website after him? 2. You can certainly make changes to this design and add your own touches to make this more personal. Here I go, getting baited back in. Please dont post anonymously. On both sides, you will notice the symbols of alpha and omega, as well. (Actually said by an You have a different (although overlapping) list of books that you say was divinely inspired. Dear All, Same way you can think something is right and be wrong. Too many people throwing around the word gnostic here. Generally it is better for one to air their concerns privately first before going public. To His name be all glory. good for the soul. That doesnt mean you need to be rude to all the rest of us. Thank you so much for your prayer. Maybe on his screen it looked smaller. Slander is saying something not true, so perhaps you should consider what exactly youre saying before you go shooting your keyboard off. the Catholic Church is, I believe, truly Christs Church If they are your questions, then take ownership of your questions. I hope Dr. White learns that one take-home message. I admire your courage. Who was the Founder of Christianity? Is Homosexuality Compatible with Authentic Christianity? 2. This is also one of the stupidest possible responses, because it involves believing far too much in the power of a few rules that dont say exactly what you wish they said anyway Not only is it wrong to say that a Its hilarious that you feel that facts from the debate is irrelevant when, actually, it is the very heart of the matter! For fair disclosure, I am Catholic, but humor research is an international affair and I interact with scholars of many faiths. CareBear: Cant find (or am too lazy to find) the start of the arguement on forgiveness and exactly who is being discussed (White?) Tech Street2: We deserve Dark Age II with its superstitious fear of the supernatural soul and the supernatural religion. I dont know of many Catholic Bishops debating with White in particular or Protestant apologists in general. When was it gathered? : The issue is the exegesis of a particular text of Scripture that is very difficult. The pictures White posted are offensive, even if intended as humor. Are you that irrational? It was quite the horrendous act and I pray White comes to see that and to repent, for his own spiritual wellbeing. Excuses like "it was just a little levity" count for nothing. I wasnt replying to him. Name above all names No need for me to chill Im chillin just fine, Amanda. Greek grandeur is greatly infused within Alpha Omega tattoos. Its not the priest who forgives me in the Confessional, its Jesus. Someone ought to send this to Dave Armstrong. CareBear Replies Foxfier wrote ages ago: *salutes Mr. Spock* Ive always thought that Vulcans would make great Catholics. And, it is becoming obvious, you were just trying to make a fight. put such a harsh light on the historic abuses of Rome GOD knows who did it, but one thing can be certain, NO PROTESTANT would go through such extremes let alone steer folks to Catholic Answers. Humor does have consequences, both emotional and theological it can wound and it can heal. The Book of Shemaiah It is wrong to do evil that good may come of it. Its doubtful that hell ever recover from it. Surely, the OT is just as infallible as the NT. Our Saviour and His Apostles taught that the Eucharist is the Body and Blood of Christ: Take and eat; this is my body All of you drink of this, for this is my blood (Matt. The person who The fact that I come here and do not side with the Jimmy Akin followers does not make me a Disciple of White as you presumptiously put it. Oh, so this post here is nothing but a CHEAP DEBATE TACTIC from Jimmy Akin???? Nowhere in any of this distraction are we dealing with the matters of God and salvation. Does God forgive those who dont repent? Thats the last time I even bother reading these comments. This whole situation is a freakshow, people on both sides. It is also gnostic. Reminds me of Bilbo talking to Smaug. I began co-authoring We had a number of audio difficulties at the start but eventually we were able to limp through. What answers can be given except the councils, the fourth century, the documents from it, and the canon that we and you accept? The Epistle from Laodicea to the Colossians More information Greek Latin Roots - by james.r.hendricks.390 - Memrise More like this More like this I think its on the grounds of futility that the debate should be ended. When we apply these considerations to Scripture, we are able to see that canon (infallible) is a neccessary result of Gods freely chosen act of inspiration. Those who did so showed their fruits, by which we now know them. I assume you wouldnt try discussing theology with somebody wearing a Marilyn Manson Antichrist T-shirt. Whites explanation leaves that unanswered. Certainly you can make whatever analogy you want, but comparing Catholics to jihadists is not accurate. Thatd be a really uninformative debate. I hope somebody picks his marbles off the floor before he slips on them. Matthew, sometimes, and you should know this from your own denominations experience, that it is hard to get the other side to realize how a given statement affects you. Did you HONESTLY believe that folks here thought that whoever owns that .org addy didnt know the address he was sending the traffic toward? In depth coating information regarding james white alpha omega tattoo Free coating guidance Canada What other language is it in, as I only know how to read plain English and write plain English, therefore I dont understand what you mean here. True! To what shall I compare that truth claim to see if it measures up? Dr. Beckwith has not made anything personal, but it seems everyone, and especially James White, sure has made it personal. People actually thought Dr. Beckwith was serious? What did you expect, applause? I praise You Lord Jesus and magnify Your Name above all names. Then dont quote. Edward, I mean, what do you tell people who stumble onto the site looking for theological answers who have never heard of James White? White did not lose. The exchange Esau and I are in is outlined in James R. Whites book Scripture Alone. Foxfier: important in this universe than the purity of God's Words. Lets be honest, if it were anyone other than him posting pictures like that people wouldnt be reacting in such a manner. What a weak excuse Johnathan. The Earlier Epistle of John well let me just say, your doing fine in that department already. 1. Your post, Mr. Smart, is disgusting for the same reason. *YAWN* Just what is it about certain combinations of notes that make us feel sad, where others make us feel happy? His restraint and politeness in many issues has several times given me second thought about my own inclined-to-be-too-sharp reactions. I personally am not qualified to make such a determination, so I put my faith in God that he has guided the members of the Church throughout the ages. This kind of excuse will not do. So Dennis been living under a rock for the past week? So, let me add my rebuke of the anonymous person(s) of currently-undetermined religious affiliation for their childish, stupid prank. 18:17). And please stop mischaracterizing what I said. As I already stated, I assumed the url was their doing, because any able-minded, reasonable person would firgure that a url naturally belongs to the site it displays. A fair generalization Be willing to plunge headlong into the endless expanse of murky swamp to get where you need to go but do not be willing to luxuriate in it. Thoroughly. why did Jesus qualify His command that we must forgive with the words if he repents? Tiber swim team 2005. So youre so close to White that he confides his motivation to you? I respect Akin but I do feel he misdirected people away from the tough theological questions. I do not believe that adherents of In this video, White Actually, CB, thanks to your shining example we dont have to. 2. Stubble, Or, perhaps, like many people he is more polite in reality than online. The Revelation of Paul If this were 500 years ago, Id be getting tied to the stake right about now I bet, and thats part of the hilarity of those pictures. Simply Amazing. thread. [12][13], White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. (If anyone knows Frank Beckwith, you know thats his style of humor). canon contains 1+ n books known only to Author If in fact the gathered body of the Church was lead together to affirm the Canon as he suggests, then there should be some historical record to attest to it. The ongoing attempt by his followers to defend it is outrageous and disgusting. I appears to me that Dr. White is simply a bit challenged by Dr. Beckwiths return to the Catholic Church and has let his emotion get the best of him. We are talking about James White. Call me a liar, youd be right, any Christian would confess such a thing. CareBear: HA! Anyway, if you want to defend White, thats your choice. 15 For the heart of this people is grown gross, and with their ears they have been dull of hearing, and their eyes they have shut: lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them. No one called Roman Catholics murderous, something the posters here seem to be ignoring in order to continue acting shocked and in disbelief so they can appeal to emotion rather than deal with issues. Do Catholics get better seats in heaven than the Protestants? Ive met White and seen him debate. The expectation that people drop whatever theyre doing and answer your/Whites laundry list of 8 questions. IF he did it intentionally, that would make him a liar. to both publicly and privately distance themselves from the actions of Mr. White in posting these pictures as an act fundamentally incompatible with Christian charity. (Jimmy Akin) Admin Street2: Albeit, as born-again The Law of Have-Your-Cake-And-Eat-It-Too will cover any eventuality. If Papal infalliability is true, then why? I found Whites rant about the crusades in his most recent blog entry interesting. CareBear, Godwins Law holds that the longer an online discussion goes, the greater the odds of someone making a comparison to Hitler. In this syllogism, Roman Catholic is qualified, ergo it is not a universal, but a particular. The communication barrier betwixt us is real and severe. Its Akins Law that includes comparisons with Islamists. This is quite a work of art, to say the least! So God will providentially preserve the Scriptures and lead His people to a functional, sufficient knowledge of the canon so as to fufill His purposes in inspiring them, and he provide a mechanism for doing just thatthe Church. LOL. By the way, I dont see where it was asserted that trusting the Canon meant you must believe in Tradition, so I think youre arguing a point that wasnt made here in this thread. 18 And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Assertion 1) Beckwith is a liar. James Robert White is a Baptist theologian, [1] the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, an evangelical Reformed Baptist Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona and a Christian scholar. Wound and it can wound and it can heal dealing with the Words if he repents universe... Same council says: wasnt Nazism, for example, based on twisted! Carebear Replies Foxfier wrote ages ago: * salutes Mr. Spock * Ive always thought that Vulcans would make a! Is offensive? inclined-to-be-too-sharp reactions Saturday afternoon, but it wasnt all and. Excuses like `` it was the disciples who were empowered intentionally, that make! 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