In my opinion, Uber allows some of their drivers to rehabilitate themselves at their customers expense. Jobs dont necessarily have to be identical to be paid equally but must be almost of the same worth. This essay has been submitted by a student. cent sure and w the three arities to the Uber Technologies, Inc. (Uber) is a tech startup that Zappos is adopting Uber's surge pricing strategy in how provides ride-sharing services by facilitating a connec- it compensates its call center employees. Retrieved from CBS News:, Prysby, N. D. (n.d.). & Pub. Unprincipled LeadershipIt has been accepted by Travis Kalanick, the first CEO of Uber that he tried to sabotage the funding strategies of Lyft Company, its biggest rival. Uber has suffered a spate of negative publicity in recent days after allegations of discrimination and harassment from a former software engineer ("Another Uber Engineer Goes Public With Sexism and Harassment Allegations", 2017). Until recent news reports surfaced, however, Uber customers were not informed that their whereabouts would be monitored. Although eventually fired the coworker had previously harassed her and dealt with no consequences. There should be some security features introduced for the safety of the drivers. Uber's website lists an extensive protocol for people who want to be drivers, but as Lindsey Mastis reported for NBC affiliate WFLA in Tampa last month, Uber's background checks are not open record in Florida. Eventually, this additional cost will be felt. Your time is important. (n.d.). These norms are: "We build globally, we live locally;" "We are customer obsessed;" "We celebrate differences;" "We act like owners;" "We persevere;" "We believe in the power of grit;" "We value ideas over hierarchy;" and "We make big bold bets." Figuring that Ubers app explains its growth is like putting the birthday cakes appeal down to the candle on top. The open letter continues, "Making changes only at the corporate leadership level creates a dangerous likelihood that Uber's sustained ethics challenges will resurface.". Accusations of sexual assaults by Uber drivers have been circling the news for some time now. Case study of Uber. The unethical approach of employeesIf the management of Uber Company wants to sustain the business for a longer period, then the appropriate practice of ethical behaviour should be encouraged among its employees. For everyone else, is an app slightly shinier than its competitors clones enough to outweigh the higher fares that should come with Ubers model? I want to suggest that this may not be possible. But as later things blew up, Uber quickly apologised for some of the managers actions, had female executives give positive testimonials on how good it is to work for this company, and examine workplace policies and procedures (Lussier, Hendon 2019). Following TfLs decision to withdraw Ubers license to operate in London, there has been a widespread picking over of the ride-hailing apps recent history and speculation about its future. You can also use our tools to come up with interesting topics and points to argue in your Retrieved from, Hartmans, A., & McAlone, N. (2016, August 1). Practical Ethics in Public Administration. These Uber ethical issues have significantly reduced the reputation of the company in various countries. Ubers CEO Dara Khosrowshahi, has said he wants to preserve what works, but it seems that what works includes long legal battles where Uber is wrong in principle. The company should have no right to retain the personal data of the passengers. Some of the ethical issues that have risen in the cause of executing their functions at Uber include; false access to private information, unfair competition, lack of professionalism, off-duty behavior and corruption. ETHICAL ISSUES. However, purposely sabotaging other ride sharing companies and turning a blind eye to numerous rape and sexual assault allegations are beyond terribly unethical and untrustworthy. Unethically Poaching down the drivers of the competitor company. Discovery Company. The following are few of the ethical issues which are highlighted: Ethical issues Passenger Safety: According to New York Times, many UBER drivers have been convicted with sexual harassment and sexually assaulting of the passengers. Privacy. Multitasking Drivers. CNN Sans & 2016 Cable News Network. Since the ethical issues of autonomous vehicles involve life and death decisions, they are understandably complex and controversial, and opinions are heavily influenced by individuals' personal moral codes. The agenda/ plan was termed as Supplying Long-Term Operations Growth (SLOG) by the management of Uber (Jiang, 2018). Another report from California which came earlier on the third of November 2015, an Uber driver had been allegedly attacked by a drunken client on the weekend. This is a mistake. An example would be the 1,000 defective cars purchased in Singapore to rent out to drivers. This was not the only case of sexual harassment Uber was accused of. Another general legal topic we went over during our required reading is a breach of contract. According to research by the American Automobile Association's Foundation for Traffic Safety and the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, taking your eyes off the road is potentially deadly for drivers and others nearby. Examples range from not running the proper background checks and allowing felons and people with driver license issues to taxi people around. Every place I worked at had a range of different people and it was very nice to meet and work together with people of different cultures, and I think me being from a different country added to that experience as well. The travel information and the payment information should be treated as classified data by the company officials, and there should be heavy penalties in case there happen evident security breaches. w23891). In November, Uber disclosed that a major security breach occurred in 2016 . We also applied three general legal topics that were discussed in the required reading which were: Trade Secrets, Breach of Contract, and FCPA. Uber Information Systems Integration Essay, The Importance of Knowledge Management Audit on Uber Essay, Case Study: Autonomous Vehicles of Uber Essay, The Interview With O'Reilly in Magnolia Essay, An Analysis of the Integrity of Ipcc as an Organization Essay, A Profile of the Company Costco Wholesale Essay, The Business Model and Market Strategy of Costco Essay, Identifying the Psychological Needs of a Wal-Mart's Magazine Advertisement Essay. HR should be there to help, to train, and to take aggressive action and have zero tolerance. And this applies to any field, but mainly to media, business, and IT. As this made her very uncomfortable, her sexual harassment claim would be characterized as a hostile work environment that goes against the 1964 CRA. These acts have led to 200,000 users deleting the app during a protest that occurred in February of 2017 (Bershidsky, 2017). Are you interested in getting a customized paper? B. The company did not respond to repeated requests for information about its drivers. By clicking Continue, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. Murray Goulden receives funding from a Nottingham Research Fellowship. Retrieved from Employment Law Daily:, Wakabayashi, D. (2018, May 21). Ethical Issues at Uber - Sexual Harassment - Case Study, By the response Susan Fowler got from her HR Department, and news articles I have read in the past regarding the. Ultimately, in response to Fowler's claim of sexual harassment and similar accusations, Uber fired 20 employees, including senior executives, and reprimanded 40 more employees. As a result of over three years of ongoing research and analysis, this paper is a comprehensive assessment of a number of social issues facing the integration of practices both signified and enacted in an economy driven by apps such as Uber. To be successful, Uber must address these issues in its marketing strategy so it can reduce resistance as it expands into other cities. Uber, unfortunately, is also guilty of breaching a contract. In his comprehensive critique of Uber, transport expert Hubert Horan made a key observation about the taxi business, which separates it from retail. These approaches would effectively attend the Uber ethical issue of Passenger safety in the future. In the below section, the major Uber ethical issues that are disintegrating down the reputation of the company have been discussed. With an evaluation of Uber work governance the factors can be explored effectively because company has previously involved in issues that are linked with corporate governance, risk and ethics. 3/22/2021. Leighton, P. (2016). Uber has been accused by three engineers of systematically underpaying women and minorities. Ethical issues are a great concern for the company. Uber has also been guilty of violating terms of service, specifically with APPLE. Standard & Poor's and S&P are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC and Dow Jones is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC. Like mentioned in the required reading, breach of contract is a failure, without legal excuse, to perform a promise stated in a contract. We have sent you an email with the required document. Operating in 58 countries, it is valued over 60 billion dollars. Get your custom essay on,, Legal and Ethical Issues in Online Counseling, An Examination of Legal, Ethical and Social Issues on Information Systems, (n.d.). An Uber Ethical Dilemma: Examining the Social Issues at Stake Florence Chee Loyola University Chicago, [email protected] Author Manuscript This is a pre-publication author manuscript of the final, published article. have been charged against various Uber drivers (Saadah &Mubah, 2017). Privacy IssuesThe activities of the company should be limited by the appropriate Information and Technology laws so that the personal information of the passengers could not be mishandled or shared with the other irresponsible units. This was not the only occurrence of sexual harassment, according to Ms. Avendano other coworkers made sexual advances toward her, making unappropriated comments, and although various complaints by Avendano were made, the Human Resources department refused to take the adequate steps to prevent the harassment (Wakabayashi, 2018). There are many reasons why diversity matters. Does Silicon Valley have a sexism problem? Uber in the United States has been accused with not adhering to anti-discrimination laws, having predominantly white male employees and a company culture of pushing (too) hard for good performance. Bearing the responsibility of securing their clients' private information when they utilize the Uber app will pose a significant problem for Uber. People of different cultures think differently, so there might be a problem of getting along between some people. (2020, Jan 20). Why are the rapes of so many women just a growing pain? Interactive: Human Resource Management Interactive eBook 3rd edition: 9781544320618, 9781544320601. In modern management, knowledge audit is particularly important as it provides a detailed analysis of the state of knowledge in an [], Autonomous Ride-sharing Uber was founded in 2009 to make transportation as reliable as running water, everywhere, for everyone, using a smartphone app to connect customers with drivers. The technique Uber used was called Greyball. What began in 2009 as a luxury car service in San Francisco is now valued at $62.5 billion and operates across 71 . The inconsiderate background check before employing the drivers was the major reason which led to these unfortunate events. Uber sought in September to get a new rule overturned. The review of the current literature (see methodology in Appendix) has led to the identification of three, interrelated categories of ethical debate: a) the new organisation of work; b) the new nature of work; and c) the new status of workers. Our local operations span across Australia, US, UK, South east Asia and the Middle East. English philosophers and economist Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill described this philosophy as making an action right if it promotes happiness and wrong if it has the opposite effect. For those who missed the story, Buzzfeed reported that Michael had suggested "hiring a team of opposition researchers to dig up dirt on its critics in the media.". Uber has also been guilty of violating terms of service, specifically with APPLE. Book Your Assignment at The Lowest Price Now! Lastly, we discussed Utilitarianism as another ethical framework that applied to Uber. High performance driven aggressive males could become an issue to the female employees at the company. Total Assignment help is an online assignment help service available in 9 countries. The 1964 Civil Rights Act (CRA) stands for anti-discrimination based on gender, race, nationality, and religion. Susan Fowler, also a former engineer, accused her direct supervisor of sexually harassing her. Sexual Harassment was not the only specific law that applies to Uber. In our post-9/11 world, city governments have cameras in an increasing number of public places. Retrieved March 1, 2023 , from, Get in touch with our top writers for a non-plagiarized essays written to satisfy your needs. Studies show that certain people (mostly older and of oriental origins) do not tolerate much female supervisors. Lussier, R. N., & Hendon, J. R. (2019). His personality was not a role model to be set before the huge business empire. Uber executives were driven by profit and decided to not allow government regulations to interfere. Uber has been rocked by a steady stream of scandals and negative publicity in recent years, including revelations of questionable spy programs, a high-stakes technology lawsuit, claims of. This technique of Greyball could be considered a violation of intentional obstruction of justice or violation of the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (In, 2017). The most concrete and effective thing Uber can do is face this problem like it's faced every other scaling obstacle. Importance of the Case Current report will assist in analysing the key factors that are associated with corporate governance, risk and ethics. Uber Eats. Uber's 2019-2020 Safety Report states that 99.9% of all Uber rides are completed without incident. Ingrid Avendano was a former engineer at Uber. Wyman, K. M. (2017). If Uber can achieve market dominance before it runs out of funding, the inefficiencies in its model cease to matter. Although Uber settled with Waymo, this was an example of unethical behavior to try to have the founder status of self-driving cars (Harvard JLOT, 2018). Uber is a ride sharing service, written by journalist Cathy Rainone of NBC4 "a customer requests a car using a smartphone app and Uber sends its closest driver to their location, using the phone's GPS. HR and ethics and compliance functions are, by their nature, culture drivers and protectors. Ever since, the company now known as Uber has exponentially grown through the entire world. The three engineers, Ingrid Avendano being one of them as well as Ana Medina and Roxana del Toro, accuse Uber of favoring men of white or Asian race. Retrieved from Forbes:, EEOC. In 2016, Rahwan's team stumbled on an ethical paradox about self-driving cars 2: in surveys, people said that they wanted an autonomous vehicle to protect pedestrians even if it meant sacrificing. The country's Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB). Amazon became the largest online retailer on the planet by burning through huge sums of investment on the way to becoming dominant in an ever-increasing number of sectors, and a de facto monopoly in some such as books. World news: Uber faces probe under U.S. bribery law justice looks at whether managers breached foreign corrupt practices act. Loading. In the contract, Uber had with its drivers it never mentioned that the charge would be deducted from the drivers earnings, in fact, Uber promised and made it clear in the contract that it would not deduct the fee form its drivers. Trade secrets are something not generally known. Examples range from not running the proper background checks and allowing felons and people with driver license issues to taxi people around. And nobody gets away with just an apology. Uber's advantages include door-to-door convenience, safety, and reliable quality. Uber's main selling point -- that nearby drivers are notified immediately of your desire to get a ride -- is also its chief drawback, at least from a safety perspective. Sabrina Sy March 22, 2021 Uber Workers' Rights. Ensuring HR has a significant seat at the table. God View, the tracking system utilized by the company to keep track of its customers was utilized by its management to get the contacts of the customers so that timely advertisement and notifications regarding new services could be sent to them (Cramer &Krueger, 2016). Second, and more crucially, we know we're being watched when we go out for a stroll or a bite to eat. She sued the company, claiming to be sexually harassed by a co-worker. It is not that Uber is incapable of such ethical measures. Factset: FactSet Research Systems Inc.2019. . Uber began violating the Americans with Disabilities Act in 2016 when it first began charging these fees in target markets, the Justice . A wealth of data at your fingertips. for. Uber and GMB signed a collective bargaining agreement on 26 May 2021, allowing the GMB to represent up to 70,000 UK Uber drivers in negotiations with the company on issues such as pensions and . Uber has had numerous examples of a culture guilty of misleading others. The evolution of information systems has allowed synchronized its components in [], Knowledge management audit is an integral step in the process of knowledge management. Ethical Issues facing Uber The main ethical issues at Uber start from its leadership and management. Glss, M., McGregor, M., & Brown, B. In conclusion, we have discussed three specific laws that applied to the company which was: Sexual harassment, violation of Equal Pay Act, and violation of intentional obstruction of justice or violation of the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. By the activities of Uber, the main rival companies like Lyft have to undergo humungous loss because of the pointless expenditures conducted for the pick-up and return to back to other customers in case of bogus and failed orders. Ethics made easy - comprehensive, simple to use, transparent and reliable ethical rankings. In November, a New York court dismissed Uber's lawsuit challenging a city law limiting the number of licenses for ride-hailing services. , so there might be a problem of getting along between some people set before the huge empire. Sexual assaults by Uber drivers ( Saadah & Mubah, 2017 ) target markets, the inefficiencies in marketing!, R. N., & Brown, B have cameras in an increasing number public. 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