Look at whats happening to our statues! he says. Knowing that Lindy now talks to other Mississippians after rethinking the death penalty, I feel a twinge of hope as I watch Iras rebel flag flying outside the window of Deer Hollow. It flew for all colors, black, white, whatever, she says. The KKK waved the Confederate flag. Ongoing inequities, Be reminds, are bolstered by a kinder, gentler version of Confederate history rewritten after the south lost the civil war and its rights to maintain and extend slavery. The war really was about slavery, and they didnt hide it then, I say as she listens intently. In one troubling new development, Trump supporters have begun flying all-blackAmerican flags, in an implicit threat to harm or kill their opponents meaning nonwhite people, "socialist liberals," Muslims, vaccinated peopleand others deemed to be "enemies" of"real America." A little more than a week before the jury delivered its verdict in the trial of former Minneapolis police Officer Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd, and about 10 miles from the Hennepin County Government Center where Chauvin sat on trial, 20-year-old Daunte Wright was fatally shot by an officer during a traffic stop. The treatment is removal of exposure. This group understands that not all people can be negotiated with and at then end of the day, human nature is primal. Petite Roslyn Stuart is behind the counter with a swagger like she has seen it all more than once. His own ancestors sacrifice is paramount. They're angry. Chauncey DeVega is a senior politics writer for Salon. The Los Angeles Police Department prepared en masse for protest, should Chauvin be acquitted, as did their colleagues in the New York Police Department across the country. Visitors to Charleston have long been treated to South Carolinas attempt to clean its history and depict its secession as something other than a war to guarantee the enslavement of the majority of its residents. Despite decades of efforts to renovate history, Mississippis Declaration of Secession still begins by clarifying that the state left the union in 1861 for a cause thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery, adding for posterity that none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun that enables cotton to flourish. Men who embrace violence. In the aftermath of a shooting apparently motivated by white supremacy, even as South Carolina's state flag and the American flag were lowered to half-staff, the Confederate flag continued to fly. When Embrace first put the signs up in its offices, Bement said the organization received pushback from local law enforcement, who argued the signs were anti-law enforcement. Not the main stream core freedoms that our country was founded on, rather the diminutive pieces of thread that weave together to form the very fabric that holds our great nation together. Their beliefs will be turned upside down as entire units are brought down without mercy as if God himself smite them. In the 1960's civil rights movement, division existed between black leaders who sought to use peaceful protest to effect change (most notably pastor Martin Luther King, Jr.) and those, like the. Studies have shown that police dont solve most violent crimes. According to Jacob, the blue line both divides and saves: It separates the black stripes representing civilians above it from the black stripes below it, which represent criminals, a distinct category from people worthy of protection. Thirteen of his ancestors fought for the south, but most didnt own slaves. Many people were taught certain things.. The flag, which has gone on to earn its creators company, Thin Blue Line USA, a healthy living selling related merchandise, literalizes this vision: a U.S. flag in a stark photonegative scheme, save for a broad line of blue. Numerous opportunities to simultaneously protect patients and the planet, say experts. She immediately brings up Roof. All Rights Reserved. "If displaying the flag of the Confederate States of America is a fad, it is one of the longest-lived fads in history, lasting some 90 years," one sniffed in a letter to Life. When the April 11 death of Wright prompted renewed civilian protests in Minneapolis, police gathered as they have gathered so many times this year, as they had in response to Floyds murder nearly a year ago in tight formation, in full riot gear with shields and batons and service weapons, ready to repel an invading army. Nikki Haley said Monday that it was time South Carolina removed the Confederate battle flag from its state capitol grounds, in the aftermath of a shooting that killednine people at a Bible study at the historic Emanuel AME Church in Charleston. Embrace violence. "There tends to be a cycle of abuse," says Salerno. After last week's racially motivated slaying of nine African Americans in a South Carolina church, the flag has become a target for those who consider it a symbol of hatred, a strident reminder. SCV was created in 1896 for the vindication of the cause for which we fought and to ensure that a true history of the 1861-1865 period is preserved. SCV members worked with the United Confederate Veterans and other groups in the early 20th century to demand school textbooks supporting the revisionist view that the south fought for a just lost cause that was decidedly not slavery. When crafting the compromise which made the flag more visible to visitors than it had been before legislators did their utmost to ensure the flag couldn't be pushed out any further. So she asked for a new driver and got one. The history, though, is clear: from the Civil War through the civil rights movement, the flag has always been about white supremacy. Violence has become the central act through which the far right understands political agency, which is why fantasies about harming the nation's "enemies" journalists, activists, opposition . White folks can be that, too. As Hong Kong police denied the protesters a permit to march, they attacked the crowd despite its peaceful nature, using tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse them. It was there when our grandfathers, great-grandfathers, were struggling to feed their six, eight, 10 kids. The matter is especially raw in Mississippi, a state that suffered tremendous Confederate casualties and went from being the richest state from slavery before the civil war to one of the poorest. Just a point of history Prior to Roofs massacre, the South Carolina NAACP had waged a 15-year boycott against the state for its [Confederate] flag display, Johnson says. His favorite Mississippi history book is from 1900. When the white supremacist John Wilkes Booth assassinated Abraham Lincoln 150 years ago, Booths fellow travelers did all they could to disassociate themselves. He accurately interpreted the cause of Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee, men who were too weak to truthfully address that causes natural end. Youre not bad with money. Everyone should have the right to purchase and display symbols for themselves on private property, but [not force the flag to] represent all citizens of any particular community, Johnson says, because they dont. Add to cart Add to WatchlistUnwatch Watch list is full Trump's rallies and gatherings continue to celebrate violence and the prospect of revenge and specifically of "getting even" with Trump's"enemies.". One day, a black boy came to his dads store with a shopping list his mother had signed with Mrs. Politically correct groups seized that opportunity to make it seem like that flag came down that pole, walked down into that church and killed those people, he says. (Salon did not find licensed news photographs of these flags, and has made the editorial decision not to reproduce the images mentioned above, which are easy to find on social media.). Whats next? Their sleep will be interrupted by every sound as they fear our presence. Mississippi had 436,631, the most in the nation and 55% of the states population. (Today, its supporters say the KKK co-opted it.). That the Confederate flag is the symbol of of white supremacists is evidenced by the very words of those who birthed it: Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner-stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. The blue line is both a border and an elevation, hanging above the threat that needs to be eliminated. By 1865, the Civil War had morphed into a war against slaverythe cornerstone of Confederate society. They're angry. Nikki Haley spoke of unity. In September,. South Carolina Gov. The writer Patrick Wyman has hypothesized that the flagrancy of police violence against protesters is part of a strategy of exemplary violence, akin to the outsize and grotesque revenges inflicted on participants in medieval peasants rebellions. Drive out this cult of death and chains. Sign up to receive email updates daily and to hear what's going on with us! In this way they honor their ancestors. Dont ask if you dont want to know. But, he adds, they know me as a teacher who cares about them. Other official flags were also displayed during the Nazi regime. Enjoy.. In the end, of course, Chauvin was found guilty on all three of his charges. The Confederate flag played a big, big part in our history, Ira says. The LAPD was left to rack up overtime in an abundance of caution. The NYPD tailed protesters fruitlessly across bridges and through parks. newsletter. https://t.co/TVeEIOFoo1 pic.twitter.com/zuOU7HJ87S. Slavery was sidelined as the war's primary cause in favor of the vaguer term "state's rights" (the right to own slaves). Alabama Governor George Wallace who promised to fight for "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever" began flying the Confederate flag when Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy came to Alabama in 1963 to discuss integrating the state's universities. For four years have I waited, hoped and prayed for the dark clouds to break, and for a restoration of our former sunshine. Although showing guns on Tik Tok is supposed to be against community guidelines, they show lots of videos of their guns, shooting them, wearing them, or sitting on their bed. that the flag's Southern cross pointed to "the destiny of the Southern master and his African slave" the Confederacy's hoped-for expansion of slavery into Latin America. Violence transcends the quirks of philosophy, religion, technology and cultureIt's time to quit worrying and learn to love the battle axe. However, to a very select few, its much much more. This country was formed for the white, not for the black man. When such wounded individuals are given positions of power, they arouse similar pathology in the population that creates a "lock and key" relationship. The flying of the flag is not only a reaction to those protesting police after Officer Kim Potter shot and killed 20-year-old Daunte Wright. He is right, but only to a point. His solution? The flag not gon change the hate., Stuart blames detractors. For be my motive good or bad, of one thing I am sure, the lasting condemnation of the North. Her friend Evangela Hentz, who is black, opens the passenger door, and we all run through the rain to a pavilion. Embrace Violence a movement dedicated to the Military Operators that embrace the reality of combat; continuing the fight. Ira Isonhood adjusts the flag pole in the backyard of his home in Copiah County, Mississippi. A black FedEx man wouldnt come through the front door, she says, instead leaving heavy packages on the porch because he thinks were racial. But Lee claimed the assassination of the Great Emancipator was deplorable. Jefferson Davis believed that it could not be regarded otherwise than as a great misfortune to the South, and angrily denied rumors that he had greeted the news with exultation. Neither Ira nor Lindy has asked black acquaintances why the flag is offensive, or asked why many believe it belongs in museums, but not part of a state emblem. But the flag's meaning was never really innocuous. By the morning, protesters with signs and chants had dispersed, leaving the Thin Blue Line flag to fly alone in a hazy sky. Millions turn to Vox to educate themselves, their family, and their friends about whats happening in the world around them, and to learn about things that spark their curiosity. But many of their households owned at least one, or they aspired to ascend to slave ownership. Less-lethal munitions, which can blind and mutilate, stutter through the nighttime streets. In 1994, the legislature seriously considered a compromise, but it later fell apart. The Confederate flag stands for rebellion and treachery. Ultimately, Donald Trump, like other fascist and authoritarian leaders, is the symptom of a sick society. In 1863, the editor of the Southern Literary Messenger wrote that the flag's Southern cross pointed to "the destiny of the Southern master and his African slave" the Confederacy's hoped-for expansion of slavery into Latin America. In actuality, it is better than a gold standard, because violence has universal value. It means that they will not surrender, will not take prisoners, and are willing to die for their cause. Covid vaccinations, mostly. What matters is this, they will fear the sword and the bearded ones wielding it. Put it in a museum. As a white woman who still flies the flag in a historically black South Carolina neighborhood put it, it's about. But one mans prison sentence for a murder seen by millions on camera is a long way from the transformation we need. Surely the flags defenders will proffer other, muddier, interpretations which allow them the luxury of looking away. Abandon this charlatanism. By the mid-20th century, the flag symbolized white resistance to ending segregation laws. Thomasa Massey and Evangela Hentz are close friends in Brandon, Mississippi. After the north won, it imposed a harsh Reconstruction on the south that still fuels white resentment today. Photograph: Kate Medley, Pride and prejudice? But he was still a product of his time. Thats what states rights were about: protecting slavery, he says. Embrace Violence. In the 2000 Republican primary, both George W. Bush and John McCain were asked what should be done about the flag. Thelethal attack on the Capitol hadbeenpublicly announced weeks in advance, and should have come as no surprise. Gretchen Whitmer called for in her State of the State address Wednesday include what is commonly known as a "red flag" law, providing for "extreme risk . His father sent a note back with no groceries. People like me its in our blood. Associated Press articles: Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. Because, my friends, if we lose this country today, if we bend the knee to the Democrats today, our country will be lost forever, our children will never know what freedom is. Rather than thinking that they ought to be chastened by being caught on tape beating, tear-gassing, and pepper-spraying protesters, perhaps doing all this in full view of the public is the point, Wyman wrote in a column addressing the war scenes in American streets surrounding the initial wave of Floyd protests. The Ku Klux Klan flew it at lynching parties and angry mobs waved it outside public schools as black children enrolled; in front of white segregation academies and next to leering dogs unleashed on black protesters wanting the right to vote. Reader support helps us keep our explainers free for all. The Havok Journal welcomes re-posting of our original content as long as it is done in compliance with our Terms of Use. For this chosen group, violence is the answer. The flag that Dylann Roof embraced, which many South Carolinians embrace, endorses the violence he committed. Embrace Violence Two simple words, that when together, build the foundation for all that we know. Reconstruction was not a failed attempt at racial equality, but a dangerous mistake. McCluney, 53, is a national officer in the Sons of Confederate Veterans, which accepts male descendants of southern soldiers. From a Middle Eastern perspective, this is all appallingly familiar.". And I was one of several plaintiffs in a lawsuit against Mississippi in 1993 to have the flag taken down. The SCV intervened in that lawsuit and won. Its hoisting marked the end of a night of violently suppressed protests of the killing of the 20-year-old, a young Black father who had been pulled over, his mother said, because police had seen air fresheners dangling from his rearview mirror and had been shot in the chest by veteran Officer Kim Potter, former president of the citys police union. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. All rights reserved. The Thin Blue Line flag dates back only to 2014. The SCV might fly the flag, but we dont associate with them. The current cycle of protests is a grotesque and familiar protocol, shaped over the past years since the killing of Michael Brown in 2014. And the new story was more flattering to the South. The flag was based on the saltire, a common flag symbol sometimes called the Southern cross. It goes like this: Police kill a person. The only thing that has changed is how the rest of the country sees the cause it represents. Were not a violent organization. Fascism is a highly virulent social disease that usually destroys the host body but not before spreading the disease to many other people. Its not whites that are the racists; its mostly the blacks What it boils down to is black people are just trying to overrule us.. After I mention that Mississippi outlawed freeing slaves in 1857, he said that the south wouldnt have seceded if the federal government had allowed (white, male) voters to decide slavery per state or territory. We are stopping by homes with flags, but owners keep pointing us on down the road to him. Yet the Confederate battle flagthe flag of Dylann Roofstill flies on the Capitol grounds in Columbia. Cowardice, too, is heritage. The South Carolina state Capitol began flying the flag in 1962 and never stopped. There are trashy white people and trashy black people., SCV is not racist or violent, he says. Agitated at the news that yet another armed agent of the state has killed a member of the public, protesters object. Still, Ira flies the flag, which his own high school and college used as an emblem. A raid last week against a militia group in the West Bank town of Jenin, in which the Israeli military killed 10 people - militants. The week that followed Martin Luther King Jr.s assassination was revolutionaryso why was it nearly forgotten? Cries for forgiveness and moans of helplessness will fill their dwellings. Few filmmakers can resist the thrill of the rocket's red glare and the spectacle of death; the violence is simply too exciting. The flag of the Thin Blue Line rises and rises. The group split from Vanguard America (VA) in late August 2017, several months after VA participated in a white supremacist rally on the capitol steps in Austin, Texas. In her speech this week calling for state legislators to remove the flag from the statehouse grounds, Gov. I love peace more than life. I later relay Lindys questions to Genesis Be, a 31-year-old hip-hop artist, public speaker and anti-Confederate flag activist from Biloxi. Ira Isonhood, 71, remembers his father inviting black people to sit in his yard to watch a basketball game through the window when he got the areas first television a progressive move in the mid-20th century south. At the moment, it is a Republican disease. As historian John Coski writes in The Confederate Battle Flag: America's Most Embattled Emblem, Southerners weren't shy about enlisting the design in the cause of white supremacy. And when Southerners at the time said the flag represented their culture, they made it very clear whose culture they meant: "It means the Southern cause," Roy Harris, a legendary Georgia politician, said in 1951, according to Coski's book. An alarming number of military members have been making Tik Toks talking about how they are being discharged because they refuse the vaccine. By the civil war, cotton investment had made New York City the countrys financial center due to receiving up to 40% of all cotton revenues, representing $200m in annual trade with the south. 661 likes. Even as some embrace mutual aid, others resort to violence. The flag could easily be honored or studied in museums, he adds. Have loved the Union beyond expression. I met Be after reporting that her grandfather, Pastor Clyde Briggs, was a target of the Klan in the 1960s for trying to organize and arm black people against white supremacy. SteveBannon, Trump's former campaign chairman and White House strategist, has now threatened to recruit Republican-fascist "shock troops" with the apparent goal of underminingthe U.S. government, and by implication multiracial democracy, if and when Trump and the Republicans regaincontrol of both Congress andthe White House. Those who object are subject to exemplary violence. Three died in battle, and one in a makeshift hospital in the Lyceum at Ole Miss in Oxford, Mississippi one of numerous buildings built by slaves. I just had to go cut a black boy down off that hanging tree and take him to his mama.. The store slogan is You wont find it at Wal-Mart.. Then Johnson turns to Roof: All of the views and racial hatred symbols that informed his opinion walked into that church with him. It demands that its adherents repeatedly look away, that they favor the fanciful over the plain, myth over history, the dream over the real. Its chemical weapons are banned from theaters of war but available for promiscuous use among the populace. The flags history is fraught and complicated, as was the bloody civil war that erupted in 1861 between the US south where Americas slave trade had relocated and expanded by the mid-1800s and the north. Something went wrong. This moral truththat the negro is not equal to the white manis exactly what animated Dylann Roof. By the time Mississippi embedded it into its new state flag in. God judge me, not man. Yes, he was. The phrase "the thin blue line" is older, perhaps first popularized in 1922 by New York City police Commissioner Richard Enright, who used the phrase to describe police as . They primarily use Tik Tok as a recruiting tool and let others know their willingness to commit violence. The same Georgia state legislature that considered closing the state's schools rather than integrating them also changed the state flag to include the Confederate symbol. Until they do, the violence of the right is only going to keep swelling and crashing. They believe that Joe Biden has declared a civil war on them by mandating that employers with over 100 employees and the military have vaccinations. The streets were filled with the opaque greenish mist of chemical weaponry, hanging in stinging clouds that made residents in neighboring apartments cough. Nance also noted that Cawthorn's propaganda video is thematically similar to the type of propaganda used by Islamic terroristgroups such as ISIS and al-Qaida to radicalize and recruitmembers. Trump equates support for Confederate flag with Black Lives Matter, Governor signs historic bill to remove Confederate symbol from Mississippi flag, Gone With the Wind returns to HBO Max with disclaimer that film denies the horrors of slavery, Song of the South: the difficult legacy of Disney's most shocking movie, Nascar bans Confederate flag from all tracks due to associations with slavery, voters to decide slavery per state or territory, who discusses the flag respectfully with friends who like it, New York City the countrys financial center, true; the Yankees torched Jackson three times. The National Guard was brought in. It's alarming because there is probably an equal number of guys on there talking about the civil war plans and actively using Tik Tok to recruit these military and ex-military members. Gentlemanly Kevin Davis is surprised when we show up at his large white antebellum-style house in Simpson County. As recently as 2011, Haley dismissed concerns about the flag, saying she thought the state had moved on. I would not be up around the last flag making a chain gang to keep somebody from taking it down, Davis says. Black American flags are the flags that mean "no quarter shall be given." They are the opposite of the white flag of surrender. Inscribe beneath it the years 1861-2015. There are plenty of big bangs in "Flags of Our Fathers," but because . Ive been there for her, Massey, the childs godmother, says. But black newspapers didn't buy it: "Have we so soon forgot what the Confederate flag represents?" Studies have shown that police dont solve most violent crimes: Roughly 40 percent of homicide investigations do not result in arrests, and only 33 percent of rape investigations end in an arrest. Financial contributions from our readers are a critical part of supporting our resource-intensive work and help us keep our journalism free for all. "We are not the worlds police;" "The standards of conduct are different in the Middle, This is an excerpt from Violence of Action: The Untold Stories of the 75th Ranger. Here is what I had to say about ISIS back in July 2014: Id bring fear and death to them all! They release a curt statement in grammar designed to deflect responsibility (officer-involved shooting; incident). It means they will execute their enemies. Some Southerners argued that white supremacists who waved the flag as they violently attacked civil rights activists were perverting the flag's true meaning. You feel I boast of impossibilities due to ego and arrogance. If we cant get white people to stand together, its going to be another civil war, he adds. Nonetheless, the police continue to operate under layers of legal impunity and institutional protection that vastly overshadow the rights of the citizens they brutalize, murder or assault. They understand that after all else fails and evil overwhelms the powers of the pen, it is they that will be called upon. The Confederacy itself was founded to preserve slavery and promote white supremacy (see, for example, : "Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery the greatest material interest of the world," or the. Its lingering still out there.. Kek Flags Supporters of President Trump storm the United States Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington DC. The NAACP respects the constitutional, first amendment right for private citizens to maintain symbols and monuments on private property, he says. They are protected by "law enforcement officers bill of rights" laws in more than a dozen states, which cushion them from the legal fallout of felonies and abuses; by the egregious doctrine of qualified immunity, which shields them from lawsuits against constitutional rights violations; by unions that embrace without qualification the worst offenders in police forces and exercise considerable power over municipal governments with both flush finances and the implicit threat of a heavily armed and punitive membership. On Sunday, at a rally in Colorado, Mr. Trump proudly held up a rainbow flag with the words "LGBT for Trump" written on it to a cheering crowd of thousands. History teaches us that if we don't, someone else will." The flag that Roof embraced, which many South Carolinians embrace, does not stand in opposition to this actit endorses it. The only thing that has changed is how the rest of the country sees the cause it represents. And a new poll from the University of Virginia's Center for Politics even suggests that more than 50 percent of Trump supporters want "red states" to secede from the Union. According to the people on TikTok and the Sun (British tabloid), the . Patriot Front is a Texas-based white supremacist group led by Thomas Ryan Rousseau. When a highly symptomatic individual is placed in an influential position, the person's symptoms can spread through the population through emotional bonds, heightening existing pathologies and inducing delusions, paranoia and propensity for violence even in previously healthy individuals. Narcissistic symbiosis refers to the developmental wounds that make the leader-follower relationship magnetically attractive. Lindy, now 66, has shifted her stance on the death penalty. I am going to start researching this, she adds about the history as Kate calls for her. When I graduated from high school, we didnt have an indoor toilet.. 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