Update: Top San Francisco phalloplasty surgeon now with 8 malpractice suits, our initial post about Dr. Crane and his legal troubles, a recent (2017) survey conducted by Medscape, a large-scale study using data from the National Practitioner Data Bank, all surgical partners in Dr. Cranes practice, insurance section of Dr. Cranes practices website, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Clauberg, Whats Current: South Korean women hold two day #MeToo speakout, https://wpathopenletter.wordpress.com/2018/04/04/genital-surgery-open-letter/, https://twitter.com/4th_WaveNow/status/1037791291143118849, https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/apkb4r/honest_review_of_dr_thomas_satterwhite_san/, Catching up with renowned phalloplasty surgeon, Dr. Curtis Crane | 4thWaveNow. I will do whatever it takes to make sure no one goes through what I went through ever again. Where do they all go? Set after the events of HEROES IN CRISIS and smack in the middle of "Year of the . Any surgon can perorm them. How do I contact the post writer? After all, the Gender Fairy could someday deliver a real-life nightmare. Many of us are silenced because 1. Dr. Curtis Crane, MD is a board-certified plastic surgeon who performs Gender Reassignment Surgery procedures in Austin, Texas. dr crane phalloplasty lawsuit. Most important, it appears that Dr. Crane may no longer be performing surgery in the state of California (although his medical license is still current in that state). Dr. Crane now appears to practice in Austin, Texas, and has been joined there by Dr. Richard Santucci (together with Dr. DeLeon); Dr. Safir holds down the fort in San Francisco and has been joined by Dr. Angela Rodriguez. 4. A friend of mine is not a US resident and the above doctor did the surgery. The amount paid in settlement of such a claim is confidential virtually 100% of the time. These are their readers and the people for whom they advocate. It is helpful to have the case number (also called an index or docket number), although a search can also be performed using the persons name, so those are provided below. As a side benefit, a successful malpractice lawsuit might deter future negligence, and reduce the number of potential future victims. Of all those doctors, today only Drs. I cannot get into specifics as Ive been instructed not to because of future proceedings. Thank you for researching these cases. Diane Ehrensaft) are aware of it. This case involves a plaintiff who had already undergone several transgender surgeries who wished to replace an earlier phalloplasty with a new graft that would also include lengthened urethra. / you can be trans and love your genitals IDIOCY. These kids that are transitioning will be a much much bigger ration of suicides once they realize how difficult it is to transition and they are 25 and begin to understand how invasive and hard it is to transition. You make a reasonable effort to present it fairly as well. This gets my goat. Again it is harmful and dangerous, this surgery. Also, others who were trying to file a malpractice suit after all of those it was told that he had reached his medical insurance payout and that the clients the lawyers were already representing, were their first priority. San Francisco phalloplasty surgeon, Curtis Crane, M.D., continues his odyssey through the San Francisco court system. Finally, these litigations were also dismissed with prejudice, which means that the plaintiff cannot bring another lawsuit based on the same facts. I wanted to bring a book to the attention of some of the contributors and curators of the blog. DeLeon and Safir remain affiliated with Dr. Crane. Dear Anonymous, could I post your reply on my site, thetransgendertruth.com/mysite. Does that good experience nullify the remotest possibility that not everyones experience was so good? There is also the issue that, as had been discussed on GT and on other sites, that there is an effort afoot by the brigade, to fast track those with ASD to be transed. The authors go on to feature the history of other such media-driven plagues. Fascinating and disturbing. Some commentators argue that keeping medical malpractice settlement amounts confidential hurts the public: Secret nondisclosure agreements also affect patient safety by allowing bad doctors and other dangerous medical providers to continue to harm patients because their incompetency is hidden from their present and future patients and employers. What does this mean? FTMs need to wake up and realize the only time the news media is interested in them is if the are pregnant men. Please, FTMs, take care of yourselves and look out for each other. This makes sense, because otherwise no defendant would ever pay money in settlement of a litigation if he or she knew that the plaintiff could simply re-file the same lawsuit another day. A phalloplasty is done in a hospital under general anesthesia by a plastic surgeon and/or a urologist . The opinions expressed by individual authors, commenters, and visitors to 4thWaveNow are their own. Doe v. Crane, CGC-17-560690 was dismissed March 15, 2019.[1]. 34 thoughts on " Former phalloplasty patient of Dr. Curtis Crane speaks out " . Since our initial post about Dr. Crane and his legal troubles, one of the lawsuits that was then pending against him has apparently been settled, and two more have been filed. These include trauma, congenital conditions and gender confirmation. Im sorry you went through that. (uro-genital reconstructive surgeon); Ashley DeLeon, M.D. This happened to a proven 9-10 guys out of hundreds of men who had surgery. It requires careful planning in order for you to do well. One might reasonably conclude, then, that all of these actions have been settled out of court. The softball approach that these men give to each other slays me, trying to humanize them when in fact, they are monsters. I agree and Im transgender and Ive had a phalloplasty with Dr. Crane, it should be illegal.That is coming from someone that has had one. Part 1 is here. The only reason we know about Ms story at all is because M was one of at least nine former patients of Dr. Curtis Crane, late of San Francisco and currently of Austin, Texas, who filed medical malpractice or other personal injury cases against Dr. Crane. Carson v. Crane, CGC-17-556743 was dismissed October 10, 2018. On January 4, 2018, the court denied Dr. Cranes motion to dismiss the complaint. The reason why Dr. Crane has stayed in practice is because the majority of his patients were young transgender people that had been looking their entire lives to hear what Dr. Crane told them they could have. Personally, had I known the REAL percentage rate, had I known about Caydens or Raynors complications (which I asked what are some of the complications etc) he was never forthright about those complications. This case involves the truly unfortunate case of Cayden Carter, a young trans man who has endured over 20 surgeries in a thus far fruitless quest to obtain, and then ameliorate the effects of, a male-appearing genital structure. If there is anything I have learned in this process and from this experience is I am resilient. If they reach out to others Doctors for help they are directed back to Dr. Crane because very few surgeons know how to perform a Phalloplasty. For the love of whatever we must treat each other with kindness and love .this scenario is about nothing but greed . dr crane phalloplasty lawsuit. Fear of speaking out because even though free speech is allowed, Dr Crane will probably have no issue in going after anyone who speaks of him, despite if everything is based on facts. Commenters views are their own and should not be construed to be the opinion of either the site administrators or the author of a particular article. Our reporting on Dr. Crane is strictly factual, and weve bent over backwards to be fair. I have yet to meet someone that didnt have major life changing complications or failure at some level. This is not in dispute; even affirmative gender therapists (e.g. iv been in this long b4 the transtrender movement, so i know what you mean about back around 2013 it being very limited to find a surgeon, but now there seems to be so many hoping on it for the $$ its hard to even know where to look. No one deserves to go through what I and many of us have gone through. Since our initial post about Dr. Crane and his legal troubles, one of the lawsuits that was then pending against him has apparently been settled, and two more have been filed.This brings to a total of eight the number of times that Dr. Crane has now been sued for medical . A few points on your response. A physician who has had four is four times more likely and so on.. I too, at one point, thought of him as a savior. Lets see the reality of it. Most get out alive but some dont and you have to reckon those odds with yourself before doing it. It makes research harder to do but not impossible. M was forced to take off work from September 2015 through February 2016 (5 months), then returned to work in March of 2016, but had to stop working again in November 2017. Dr Crane is a very skilled surgeon. I dont like some of the language in the comments. He handled me with care and performed my procedure well. 4thWaveNow contributor Worriedmom has practiced civil litigation for many years in federal and state courts. Hey Scott! you are exactly right this is the wild west and its more wild to see people so delusional. (in this vid and reading the lawsuits) was how horribly crane and his team responded to obvious surgical problems. Thomas Satterwhite, M.D. This just strikes me as something to say rather than attempting to engage in any way with the substance. (OB/GYN, surgeon); Michael Safir, M.D. Shepherd v. Crane, CGC-17-559294, dismissed October 3, 2018. I just dont understand it, because this would NOT be the norm with any other group. Suicide or transition: The only options for gender dysphoric kids? I have a personal request which is very important. I wonder how much Crane payed him to air this? 3. What an unbelievably upsetting experience. Comments may be edited for length or if they contain offensive language. If you have had a phalloplasty and have a horror story or know someone who has please go to my website http://www.thetransgendertruth.wix.com/mysite. According to the Crane Centers Facebook page, Dr. Brownstein retired in 2013, after having performed thousands of FTM chest surgeries and passing this extensive knowledge along to Dr. Crane. We opt in to surgery. He charged me $254,000 for this surgery. You know that phrase tip of the iceberg? Its harmful saying that this surgery is experimental and dangerous. What one will notice when a reasonable attempt at a debate about the issues involving the brigade is attempted, the reversion to schoolyard level tactics comes across on the part of the person[s] from the community. Doe v. Crane, CGC-16-550630 was dismissed April 5, 2017. Having seen the photos of what Dr Curtis Crane has done to my friends arm, that arm will never recover, believe that Dr Curtis Crane should stop performing phalloplasty. For what amount of damages? Specifically, M alleges that when M complained to Dr. Crane that vaginectomy and scrotoplasty were listed on Ms informed consent document, when those operations were not supposed to be performed, Dr. Crane reassured M that they were listed on the document either as a typo or for billing purposes [emphasis added]. Would you like to guest post on this site? You call them hysterical when confronted with medical disasters (yikes, pretty gendered there!) Probably 90% of guys who have great experiences just disappear into the ether and live a largely stealth life. Poignantly if not somewhat hypocritically, the ftm (female to male) Reddit references our earlier post about Dr. Crane as the source for information about his practice, and goes on to allege that his practice has been dropped from the Kaiser Permanente California health plan due to the amount of lawsuits against him: We were not able to confirm whether Dr. Crane is still a listed physician with Kaiser Permanente from that insurers site, but at least one additional source seems to confirm that he is not. Part 2 is here. So, yes. heard some bad stories of him but after your story its the cherry ontop. At the end of the day, there are resources out there to equip guys with the information they need to know what the general risks are no matter who the surgeon is. Your comment will have a better chance of publication if it makes a constructive contribution to the topic at hand. I do not want to be rude, but its just almost impossible for me to build a reasonable phallus from a piece of flesh. The lack of concern from the trans-focused media is unbelievable. First, as of this writing, there no longer appear to be any open civil cases against Dr. Crane in the state of California. I was actually the one to email you when you posted. Please keep your remarks on topic and free of religious dogma of any kind. This wasnt Jacobs first time in the spotlight, either. As though truth is a menace and honesty is to be ignored. As a final note, other than coverage by 4thWaveNow, there appears to be nothing on the internet about Dr. Curtis Crane that is not completely laudatory and admiring of his surgical skills and acumen. Dr. Crane thus appears to be among the fraction of physicians who are extremely frequent targets for medical malpractice lawsuits. Doe v. Crane, CGC-17-557327. What is notable is that, as of the time of our earlier article in 2018, Brownstein-Crane was a thriving California transgender medical practice. Oliver Davis v. Crane, CGC-17-557363. He seems to have the requisite level of detached sociopathy for doing experiments on peoples genitalia. What is notable is that, as of the time of our earlier article in 2018, Brownstein-Crane was a thriving California transgender medical practice. Dr. Crane is one of only a few surgeons in the world who is trained as both a plastic surgeon and urologist and has also completed fellowships in reconstructive urology and gender reassignment surgery. That is mostly reserved for older folks like me, who have a lifetime of bad health decisions that are just now catching up to them. Stan Monstrey is who did my phalloplasty with urinary hook up over in Gent, Belgium. Or, harmful care for some is outweighed by competent care for others? wondering if youd be willing to chat with me further? We may never know whether Jacob, who like the others has been frequently lauded as brave and inspirational, will have the happy ending that early childhood transition, we are told, is guaranteed to produce. I wonder how this doctor is able to continue his practice if he maxed out his liability insurance. All surgeries and procedures are experimental until its proven to work. DeLeon and Safir remain affiliated with Dr. Crane. Facial Feminization. Consider the case of Windell Boutee, the Georgia cosmetic surgeon who filmed herself in the operating theatre rapping while performing surgery, whose patients only stepped forward after one brave woman spoke out. Most surgeon websites are not very informative and most 3rd party websites on this topic are broken and fragmented at best. Crane's got absolutely ridiculous wait times because he's one of the high profile surgeons for phalloplasty. Interestingly, possibly due to potential statute of limitations restrictions, the plaintiff brought his complaint seeking damages for medical battery and promissory fraud, rather than medical malpractice. Part 1 is here. A lot of them are mens rights advocates who couldnt care less about the fact that bottom surgery for women is rarely successful. By . Excellent investigative journalism, worriedmom. It doesnt exist. When mistakes arise its down played and the patient starts questioning themselves. Claim-proneness results from a number of factors, including type of specialty, age and sex; however: Compared to physicians with only one previous claim, a physician who has had three previous claims is three times as likely to have another one, said lead author David Studdert, a professor of medicine and law at Stanford. Thats what everyone should be focusing on. Dr. Curtis Crane, MD is a Urology Specialist in Greenbrae, CA and has over 21 years of experience in the medical field. If more people knew what was going on, there wouldnt be so much blind support. [Which is no different than the multiple side effects that can occur from ANY usage of steriods/hormones for an over-extended time period, especially if it is done in an off-label vein. The issue is that the State of California only allows ONE year from the date of INITIAL incident to sue for medical malpractice. Davis v. Crane, CGC-17-557363 was dismissed December 10, 2018. It is safe to assume that at least that case was settled (for quite a lot of money to cover the medical debt from all the surgeries and have enough left overto buy a house in the markets he is looking in). With fellowship training in transgender surgery and craniofacial surgery, our surgeons have the training and experience to provide superior FFS results. A curious fact, if true. He never and I mean, never alluded to anything. We know no one is god. They all have slightly different techniques and they sometimes meet up to share ideas. Your comments are so dangerous, if you have never had a phallo, you dont have a right to say anything. From interrogatory answers filed in the Raynor case, cited above, we do know something about Dr. Cranes professional liability and medical malpractice coverage in 2016, the date the malpractice alleged in that case was claimed to have occurred (see Motion for Relief from Waiver of Discovery Objections dated April 16, 2018, Declaration of Corban J. Porter and Exhibit D thereto): Private settlement agreements also typically include NDA (or non-disclosure agreement) provisions, in which the parties agree to keep all terms of the settlement confidential, and further agree to the payment of damages in the event of a breach. The smiling faces on the Stepford Wife wannabees, hawking the clinic of this quack, remind me of those lovely faces, of the attendants, in the Home from Soylent Green. Thomas Satterwhite, M.D. I spent a month on a morphine drip after another doctor admitted me when Crane would not. Had stage 1 with Crane this past fall and stage 2 yesterday actually. SAN FRANCISCO The patient of a San Francisco County physician alleges he was injured because of a surgical procedure. (plastic surgeon); and. I understand that you had a good experience with Dr. Crane, so lucky for you. Youre attaching something to the bodycan it be unattached if the patient decides they dont like it? I have yet to speak with one trans man that had a Phalloplasty that worked properly or didnt suffer from grave complication. These NDA provisions have, of course, come under public scrutiny as part of the MeToo movement and the Stormy Daniels affairs. Your comments are much more dangerous than any one on this site that is concerned out the early stage of transitioning. A ninth malpractice case, Hansen v. Crane (CGC-18-571442), brought in November of last year, was also dismissed on January 14, 2019. Apparently not. I dont believe hes being uncaring or half-assed. Will be used in accordance with our terms of service & privacy policy. My honest review of Dr. Thomas Satterwhite, San Francisco, CA: https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/apkb4r/honest_review_of_dr_thomas_satterwhite_san/, Pingback: Catching up with renowned phalloplasty surgeon, Dr. Curtis Crane | 4thWaveNow. [1] Interestingly, on March 7, 2019, Cranes defense counsel in this case was ordered to pay a $1,800 sanction for misuse of the discovery process.. Then, in March 2018, Dr. Garcia and another surgeon again performed surgery on M, this time to re-place the existing penis (which was also displaced), and to re-orient Ms scrotum. I know you guys are angry and those with personal experiences are free to give their personal opinion about it freely. First, he literally gave me the ideal erect and flacciid penis both in length and girth from a woman's perspective. The truth always.. The latter of which, yours truly is dealing with, thanks to Prednisone being used to remedy sarcoidosis ]. But young people, for the most part, have the wonderful luxury of taking their good health for granted. Dr. Crane is one of only a few surgeons in the world who is trained as both a plastic surgeon and urologist and has also completed fellowships in . Third in a series. The amount of transsexual (or surgically transitioning) FTMs also dwarfs the general population of FTMs. Stage is a complex concept because it means different things to different people. Third in a series. Thats pretty out there; not really ethical medical practice. In and of itself, this is not surprising. The fact that Dr. Crane has been sued for medical malpractice in connection with transgender surgery no fewer than eight times in the last two years is a highly pertinent and relevant thing for transgender people to know. I begged God for the month to kill me but unfortunately I am still alive and urinate in a broad spray with no sexual organs. These days, the world (or at least the media) certainly does not seem in short supply of telegenic, winsome, and appealing transgender children. One recent example is Jacob LeMay, pictured here, who as a nine-year old prompted Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren to commit to seeking Jacobs input and guidance on her choice for Secretary of Education. According to his attestation, Ms efforts to become a man began in late 2003 with a social transition. According to medical records, M was born in 1977, which made him 26 years old at the commencement of the transformation process. Nobody can possibly know that these eight lawsuits represent the totality of all medical error committed by Dr. Crane. 3.3 (7 ratings) Leave a review Brownstein and Crane Surgical Services 575 Sir Francis Drake Blvd Ste 1 Greenbrae, CA 94904 Accepting new patients Doe v. Crane, CGC-17-557327 was dismissed November 8, 2018. The court file reveals Ms journey to manhood, which, in his own words, entailed many surgeries. Ms transition journey is detailed below and all of the information is taken directly from the court file: Alas, Ms gender journey was far from over. It is yet another example that the world cannot compartmentalize its citizens. Dr. Curtis Crane. Since our last coverage of medical malpractice litigation against renowned phalloplasty surgeon Curtis Crane, M.D., weve received frequent inquiries about the current status of the lawsuits and his practice. Yet, one of the huge benefits to being young is that, by and large, a young person doesnt have to worry about chronic health problems. Moreover, M claimed, Dr. Crane had moved Ms testicles from their customary side by side position and re-placed them one in front of the other. Since our last coverage of medical malpractice litigation against renowned phalloplasty surgeon Curtis Crane, M.D., we've received frequent inquiries about the current status of the lawsuits and his practice. At this point, words cannot really begin to describe Ms ordeal. Jacobs mother, Mimi, has already written her memoir chronicling the familys journey. In 2005, M received a bilateral mastectomy. Please let us know. The case is set for trial on April 15, 2019. 12,000 children across Japan suddenly fell ill watching the show after that news report was made. It has graphic pics and videos and breakdowns of what I experienced. Protected by Google ReCAPTCHA. Hi scott, The reports triggered a wave of mass hysteria across the country. Apparently, the cartoon had a lights flashing sequence that doctors said, in theory, could make a tiny fraction of children, with certain nervous system syndromes, possibly react with seizures. You have no idea what you are talking about and you are unaware how many people you are hurting. Why is this experimental surgery even allowed? An educated guess, but Crane is probably performing more surgeries of this nature than most, if not all other surgeons in the usa, so his likelihood for being sued / fail rate, is probably higher. 2. San Francisco Superior Court case number CGC18571442, California falls behind on water storage as losses mount for businesses, residents, Lawsuit claims big sellers of sports bras, other athletic apparel violate Prop 65 by not warning of BPA, New California policy review aims to require more cities to build more 'affordable' housing, Adult film firm Strike 3 Holdings continues to mass-file copyright lawsuits, Cal/OSHAs Permanent COVID-19 Standard: What Employers Should Know About Californias Next Phase in COVID-19 Compliance on February 28, 2023, Class action accuses YouTube of misleading consumers about cancellation, auto renewal after free trial, Humboldt County faces class action from landowners over marijuana-related code enforcement using satellite pics. Tags: ALT phalloplasty, bottom surgery, Dr. Crane, female to male gender reassignment, FTM, phalloplasty, Transsexual Male, transsexual surgery 2 So things have been pretty uneventful since surgery. Parents here who love their kids and are looking out for their best interest for their health in years to come are not (as The Trans Advocate has been quoted as saying about 4thwavenow) a hate group pimping out their (the victims of Crane) suffering nor is 4thwavenow a creepy conspiracy site. dr crane phalloplasty lawsuitnifty infra stocks list with weightage dr crane phalloplasty lawsuit. https://twitter.com/4th_WaveNow/status/1037791291143118849. Check out especially chapter 8 on Pokmon Panics. (p. 44) Its one of the greatest cases of mass suggestion in history, In 1997, Japanese TV reported that watching a cartoon could make children sick. Unlike some other surgeries, however, there is a fairly high risk of complications associated . YouTube videos sing his praises (see Dr. 3. careful girls dont make a mistake dont operate with crane, Pingback: Update: Top San Francisco phalloplasty surgeon now with 8 malpractice suits | 4thWaveNow, Catching up with renowned phalloplasty surgeon, Dr. Curtis Crane, over 90% of all medical malpractice cases, the plaintiff cannot bring another lawsuit based on the same facts, According to the Crane Centers Facebook page, Former phalloplasty patient of Dr. Curtis Crane speaks out | 4thWaveNow, http://www.thetransgendertruth.wix.com/mysite, Update: Top San Francisco phalloplasty surgeon now with 8 malpractice suits | 4thWaveNow. Confidential virtually 100 % of guys who have great experiences just disappear into the ether and a. The are pregnant men wonder how this doctor is able to continue his practice if he out. Appears to be among the fraction of physicians who are extremely frequent targets for medical lawsuits... 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