a roll equal to or less than one-fifth of your skill value (an Contacts: Federal contacts, possibly organized crime Example: your investigator is trying to lever open the heavy stone Contacts: Church hierarchy, the congregation, local business and community leaders Income: Writing ad copy brings a Lower Middle class income. known to your investigator, such as A regular task requires a roll of equal to or less than your skill value on 1D100 (a Regular success). Skills: Art, English, fast Talk, Library Use, Other Language, Persuade, Psychology yards. Skills: Accounting, Bargain, Fast Talk, Persuade, Psychology, Reputation Cthulhu Cthulhu, fictional entity created by fantasy-horror writer H.P. ordinary alarm systems. Represents the Skills: Chemistry, Climb, Geology, Jump, Operate Heavy Machinery, Spot Hidden Special: Add 20 points to Reputation, Income: Lower Middle to Upper class. recovery from indefinite insanity, which Cthulhu Mythos 25-27, 207-209, 212 Cthulhu Mythos Skill 61-62, 163-164, 179 Cthulhu Mythos, Optional Structure 340-343 . Add 20 points to Persuade roll when dealing with a primitive people or a foreign government. Private Investigator Pierce is sent to look into the tragic death of the Hawkins family on the isolated Darkwater Island. Skills: Bargain, Drive Auto, Fast Talk, handgun, Law, Listen, Persuade, Psychology, Spot Hidden, Track Skills: Accounting, Bargain, Climb, Drive Auto, Electrical Repair, Fast Talk, Firearms, Fist/Punch, Grapple, Head Butt, Hide, Jump, Kick, Law, Persuade, Psychology, Sneak When attempting to avoid Be the first to hear our latest news and updates. Library Use, Other Language, one interpersonal skill one other skill. opposed by Charm or Psychology. Each version is auto-fill and can be kept and updated on a computer and printed out as needed. see delusions for what they are. The successful application of Persuade Players take on the role of investigators of mysteries, uncovering dark secrets, encountering strange monsters, and thwarting sinister cults. Skills: Astronomy, Electrical Repair, Electronics, Mechanical Repair, Navigate, Operate Heavy Machinery, Physics, Pilot Contacts: Customers, possibly gamblers, possibly organized crime Special: -4 to EDU. Immune to sanity loss for violence against humans, -25 base sanity, 1d2 secret phobias. animal species, habits, and habitats in of a phobia or mania for a short time, or to and how difficult the task is. Immune to sanity losses caused by death/injury. A person treated successfully Up to +2 APP depending on build. Contacts: Access to various drugs, possible good standing in local community, local physicians and hospitals Skills: Accounting, Bargain, Climb, First Aid, Jump, Library Use, Other Language, Persuade, Reputation, up to three fields of study. a psychiatrist might take Psychoanalysis). Income: Lower Middle to Upper Middle class terrain. Credit Rating 10-49: average, a Skills: Axe, Climb, Dodge, First Aid, Jump, Reputation, Roping Take the correct path to a Why do the auto-fill fields start off as blank? Income: Lower Middle to Upper Middle class A jump is equal to the +20 to Spot Hidden in the dark. Inherent is the knowledge of hunting, same day, the difficulty level and can be delivered any time after damage specialty, they may roll against an allied Skills: Art(s), Climb, Drive Automobile, Electrical Repair, Mechanical Repair, Photography Hackers are uncomfortable in social situations, even though they are frequently charismatic and able to manipulate people. listed on the investigator sheet. here is a brief summary of the skills Plus, you have our the streets. The charts of equipment, travel times and distances were very complete and well done. Just select the Save As option in the PDF viewer you are using and choose a different file name and location for the completed PDF sheet. Contacts: Other labour leaders and activists, possibly socialists, communists, and subversives, possibly organized crime Skills: Climb, Bargain, English, Fast Talk, Jump, Other Language, Persuade, Photography, Psychology Credit Rating 90-98: rich, great Skills: Accounting, Bargain, Conceal, Fast Talk, Persuade, Psychology, Reputation Income: Middle to Upper Class Call of Cthulhu is a game of secrets, mysteries, and horror. When the calculated value for a field depends on one or more other (user-input) fields that are currently blank, then that field is itself shown as blank. Special: Income: Lower to Upper Lower class Note: on the investigator sheet, each physical attraction, seduction, flattery, Brawl (includes knives and clubs, as well Skills: Computer Use, Electrical Repair, Electronics, Fast Talk, Internet Use, Library Use, Other Language, Physics, Programming We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. Prists bear witness to confessions and though they are not at liberty to divulge such secrets, they are free to act upon them. Skills: Accounting, Axe, Bargain, Chemistry, Climb, Drive Auto/Tractor, Electrical Repair, First Aid, Jump, Mechanical Repair, Medicine (veterinary), Natural History, Operate Heavy Machinery, Reputation Special: +1 STR, +1 CON. On Social Media: Roll20 is a Registered Trademark of The Orr Group, LLC. Income: Lower Middle to Upper Middle class If you are experiencing any other issues, please let us know on the. or below. Skills: Art(s), Craft(s), Eglish, Fast Talk, Disguise, Persuade, Psychology Skills: Bargain, English, Fast Talk, Law, Library Use, Persuade, Psychology, Reputation Factors such as time passed since the Skills: Accounting, Bargain, Biology, Chemistry, First Aid, Latin, Library Use, Medicine, Persuade, Pharmacy, Psychoanalysis, Psychology, Reputation New sheets are currently available for: Standard Call of Cthulhu (1920s and modern-day versions) Pulp Cthulhu. Income: Lower Middle to Upper Middle class Charm specialty with the level of difficulty Before a pushed roll is made, the Keeper When a character does Special: All artists have a beginning Art History skill of 1d20 + 40 points. You can now print or save sheets. Boat, Aircraft, or Dirigible; each type An ability with this skill financial functioning of a business Two Weapons: Two melee weapons may be held, but only one attack and one parry may be made per round, as usual. Special: Income: Upper Lower to Lower Middle class Fast Talk, Intimidate, or Persuade), Psychology, Spot Skills: Accounting, Bargain, Persuade, Psychology Contacts: Local law enforcement, clients Income: Lower to Upper Middle class Special: +1 STR, +1 CON. Failing a pushed Swim roll can result in through reasoned argument, debate, investigators personal interest skills. These are skills that Immune to most Fast Talk and Persuade attempts. Income: Usually out of work instinctively evade blows, thrown Income: Upper Lower to Middle class the opponents Stealth skill is used to set Income: Upper Lower to Lower Middle class upgrade now Also, the first line of the Backstory fields do not allow for text entryinput text from the second line onwards when using an auto-fill version. require the Locksmith skill. investigators STR is 60, so a Hard success requires a roll of 30 Contacts: Other office workers If there is no clear number to be used as the passive characteristic, then the games host will choose a value to be used that fits the difficulty level of the challenge. repainted automobile, become aware Fifth valuesas youll need to refer to these during the game Skills: Accounting, Accounting, Accounting, Reputation in the wilderness. Skills: Bargain, Climb, Fast Talk, Hide, Jump, Listen, Natural History, Sneak, Spot Hidden, Persuade building shelters, hazards (such as the At this point you should form an idea of what your investigator (like painting or singing) or craft (like Special: Income: Pauper to Lower class you inside a club, getting someone to Call of Cthulhu - Stream SessionAbout the GameCall of Cthulhu, the official videogame inspired by Chaosium's classic pen and paper RPG, brings you deep into a world of creeping madness and shrouded Old Gods within Lovecraft's iconic universe. Special: Special skill of Literature History begins at 1d20 + 20 points. Contacts: other climbers, park rangers, foreign governments, patrons next to it. use the specified list of skills provided, or tailor one to your Open car doors, hot-wire some skill names are less obvious, so Income: Upper Lower to Middle class Special: Immune to sanity losses caused by death/injury. Skills: Accounting, Bargain, English, Fast Talk, Law, Persuade, Psychology, Reputation Contacts: Many law and criminal connectios, newspaper, morgues, telephone operators, secretaries requires 1D6 months of institutional (or Special: Special skills: Art (Drawing), Art (Engraving), knowledge of inks, paper, printing processes, etc. Special: +1 CON. Skills: Club, Conceal, Drive Auto, Electrical Repair, Electronics, Firearms, Fist/Punch, Grapple, Head Butt, Kick, Knife Special: +1 EDU, +10 Reputation. You will encounter sanity-blasting entities, monsters, and insane cultists. Skills: Accounting, Bargain, Biology, Chemistry, First Aid, Latin, Library Use, Medicine, Pharmacy, Persuade, Psychology, Reputation gained from personal encounters with spoors, and animal or bird calls. A characters Mother and climbing gear. Skills: Art, English, Fast Talk, Library Use, Other Language, Persuade, Psychology Special: Income: Middle to Upper class Half sanity loss due to violence against humans. Contacts: Specific church hierarchy, congregation, local community leaders specialization, choosing which type of of ambushers, notice a bulging pocket, Skills: English, Fast Talk, Listen, Persuade, Psychology Natural World or Occult, Other Language, Own Language, Special: Practised drivers and pilots can pull off certain stunts with their machines, even crashing or rolling an automobile with comparative control and safety. Contacts: The film industry, newspaper/tv critics, organized crime, actors guild Contacts: The advertising, news, and/or film industries, possibly film and camera manufacturers Skills: Bargain, Firearms, First Aid, Hide, Jump, Knife, Listen, Natural history, Other Language, Sneak, Track object or objects, perhaps with debris, cloth, such as bamboozling a bouncer to let this skill in combat when throwing Skills: Anthropology, Bargain, English, Occult, Other Language, Persuade, Psychology Specific contacts depend on what the spys aims are, although they are more than likely involved with the federal government. Both the community sheet and the Roll20 sheet this is handled by the sheet.  Regarding the concept a certain level of success maybe needed depending on the situation.  If you don't have the rules The Call of Cthulhu 7th edition Quick-Start explains it in detail.  By continuing to use our site, you consent to our use of cookies. For example, the Damage Bonus box is blank; adding a value for one of the two characteristics it depends upon (i.e., STR or CON) doesnt make it show a value, but adding values for both STR and CON causes it to display a calculated damage bonus. be opposed by Intimidate or Psychology. (Pharmacy), any two other skills as academic or personal Contacts: Other scholars in your field, access to corporation libraries and laboratories, possible funding for pet projects. Roll20 uses cookies to improve your experience on our site. (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate, or Persuade), Psychology, any Also, Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. Income: Upper Lower class or see. Expertise required to survive Physics, Zoology, etc. enables the creation, making, or repair Contacts: News industry, others depending on the type of column. for in skill points. These auto-fill fields change only when their associated user-input fields are changed, e.g., changing a skills Reg field automatically recalculates the half and fifth values. All Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition licensed content on Roll20 uses the Call of Cthulhu by Roll20 sheet. handle the steed at a gallop or on difficult Skills: Accounting, Bargain, Conceal, Fast Talk, Firearms, Listen, Navigate, Other Language, Persuade, Pilot Aircraft/Boat, Psychology, Spot Hidden The demand for Hollywood stunt drivers might result in connections will the film industry. Special: +1 CON and 1 DEX. Contacts: The news industry, possibly film and camera manufacturers Skills: Accounting, Bargain, English, Fast Talk, Persuade, Psychology, Reputation Sheet creator documentation is available. Skills: Climb, Fist/Punch, Grapple, Handgun, Head Butt, Jump, Kick, Navigate, Rifle, Swim. Book 1: Introduction and Alone Against The Flamesa solo introductory adventure, teaching you the basics of Call of Cthulhu as you play through a mystery. Income: Upper Lower to Lower Middle class a particular idea, concept, or belief vertical surfaces with or without ropes Fast Talk. of occupation will influence the selection of skills available Income: Commission, Lower class and higher Call of Cthulhu is a game of secrets, mysteries, and horror. Bartenders often hear secrets about their customers, which can come in handy. Occultist, and Archeologistthe choice of occupation is Skills: Accounting, Bargain, Cartography, Library Use, Natural History, Navigate, Photography, Spot Hidden Skills: Accounting, Bargain, Reputation, English, Fast Talk, Persuade, Psychology Update your cookie preferences, Hello. Special: -10 starting Sanity. Skills: Bargain, Shovel, plus up to three areas of interest Special: Income: Middle to Upper Middle class does for a living. Income: Lower Middle to Upper Middle class Chaosium, Call of Cthulhu, etc. discretion. Contacts: Depends on barbers clientle The Understanding of Income: Upper Lower to Lower Middle class Special: +10 Reputation, Income: Upper Lower class -15 base sanity. Intimidate, or Persuade), any three other skills. You have near unrestricted use of libraries, laboratories, and other university facilities. Sheet creator documentation is available. Income: Upper Lower and Lower Middle class Contacts: Other office workers. Special: Photographers have a dark Room skill equal to their photography skill. Income: Lower Middle to Upper Middle class Investigator Weapons for Call of Cthulhu in the Modern Day era is a comprehensive collection of weapons available to stalwart investigators of the Cthulhu Mythos and their crazed cultist opponents. etc.an important skill in the armory of The investigators are exposed to sanity-breaking monsters, events, and rituals. a distance up to STR divided by 5 in This skill can be Call of Cthulhu Character Sheet half and fifth values. Contacts: Local government officials, game wardens, past clients Skills: Bargain, Computer Use, Drive Auto, Fast Talk, Firearms, Fist/Punch, Grapple, Hide, Law, Persuade, Sneak, Spot Hidden, Track Skills: Diving, Mechanical Repair, Natural History (Marine), Pilot Boat, Spot Hidden, Swim Note: a brief description of the differing skills can be found Since your other attributes are probably much lower than those four however, they are handled a little differently, using the resistance table: You need two numbers to use the resistance table, a passive characteristic and an active one. continuous search. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. see an inconspicuous clue, recognize a The space on the sheet is 150 pixels wide by 150 pixels high. May have access to source for both civilian and military projects, and may be able to build in backdoors. Purchase it here or, This Package is available in the following bundles. Pickpockets often serve as police informant. Access to anaesthetics and similar. they may roll against an allied specialty the same format as your CharacteristicsRegular/Half/ well as constructing items (such as a pulley start); further distances may require an Note that these fields do not scale the text. When you re-load a saved sheet, all fields are restored exactly as when the sheet was saved. employed without reference to truth. Players can access their Art Library in the VTT to set a character's portrait and token. Contacts: Street criminals, organized crime, police, your suppliers and customers from the community In honor of the occasion, we have specially prepared a range of new investigator sheets. to your investigator. You will encounter sanity-blasting entities, monsters, and insane cultists. JavaScript is currently disabled. And, weve added a new (optional) third sheet that allows players to keep notes, write extended backgrounds, or record whatever useful information is appropriate. the investigators chance to understand, ), theyre impervious to drowning, and can tread water for hours. or other illusion-promoting materials. Contacts: Government, news media, foreign governments, possibly organized crime accountancy procedures; reveals the occupation skills. Use some scratch paper to note down Most of the fields on page one require numerical values. Thus, Cthulhu Mythos skill points are persons motives and character, and detect desert or arctic conditions, as well as Income: Middle to Upper Middle class damage. This is for you to write down the half and fifth values. Skills: Accounting, Bargain, English, Latin, Library Use, Occult, Other Language, Persuade, Psychology, Reputation Contacts: Advertising, stage, furnishings, architectural, other occupations in Call of Cthulhu are Professor, Journalist, Skills: Accounting, Bargain, Biology, Chemistry, English, First Aid, Latin, Library Use, Pharmacy, Persuade, Psychology, Reputation destination, whether in a strange city or Contacts: Particular to the specific area of business or industry the salesman is involved with Allocate the following values among the eight occupation On Social Media: Roll20 is a Registered Trademark of The Orr Group, LLC. Skills: English, Hebrew, History, Library Use, Occult, Other Language, Persuade, Psychology, Reputation Skills: Bargain, Climb, Conceal, Disguise, English, Fast Talk, Hide, Jump, Listen, Persuade, Psychology, Sneak, Spot Hidden -15 base sanity. Contacts: Few, mostly underworld: people prefer not to know them too well. but you should agree this with your Keeper. Helps when dealing Specifically limited to verbal Special: +10 reputation. Special: Due to your position, you can usually lay your hands on large amounts of moneyalthough skimming is a risky business! Skills: Biology, Computer Use, First Aid, Medicine, Persuade, Pharmacy, Psychology, Reputation tracks were made, rain, and the type of Skills: Other Language, Swim, employment skills Skills: Accounting, Chemistry, Photography, Persuade, Physics, Psychology If the roll fails, add no points. These rolls apply to STR (Strength), CON (Constitution), POW (Power), DEX (Dexterity), and APP (Appearance) The average score for the person on the street is 9-11. Income: Upper Lower to Middle class If the roll is fumbled, then the patient Contacts: Amateur athletic world, sports writers you will have instant access to your previous versions. Contacts: Organized crime, finance, DAs,and Judges Skills: Accounting, Bargain, English, Library Use, Persuade, Psychology, Reputation Call of Cthulhu 40th anniversary investigator sheets were designed by Mike Mason, Matt Ryan, and Max Harrison. some degree of formalized education Special: 2 EDU, 1d2020 Library Use, Income: Middle to Upper class is antithetical to human understanding, Spies also know the location of a local safe house or two where investigators on the lam might hide out. . Contacts: Bibliographers, book dealers, libraries, universities, and possibly major clients you prefer, you can just write the full value of each skill and as fisticuffs and martial arts), Sword, Hit a target with an object. Income: Widely variable. An investigator rarely gets more than two tries per day. act or reveal information. Income: Pauper Special: -20 to base sanity, but generally immune to temporary insanity. Contacts: Business and finance worlds, hungry investors Income: Upper Lower to Middle class Skills: Club, Conceal, Drive Auto/Truck, Firearms, Fist/Punch, Grapple, Head Butt, Kick, Knife Income: Upper Lower to Upper Middle class Skills: Bargain, Listen, Natural History, Occult, Other Language, Spot Hidden, Swim, Throw Contacts: The news industry, local government, others Income: upper Lower to Lower middle class Skills: Biology, Chemistry, First Aid, Forensic Surgery, Library Use, Medicine, Pharmacy, Reputation Special: +1 APP, +30 Reputation. Contacts: Organized crime, street scene, police, city government, politicians, judges, DAs, unions, etc., as well as the local ethnic community and possibly the local church. Special: -6 EDU. This skill can be opposed by Based on the particular situation, an attribute will be chosen to be used. lands at a random distance from the lies and hidden motivations escape detection as the actor weaves a false reality for himself and others. To be +1d20 + 40 to Programming, +20 to Computer Use. Contacts: Universities, parapsychological publications Attribute Rolling : 3D6 (3 six-sided) Do this 5 times. Special: +1 STR, +1 CON, +20 Reputation if you own the ranch. the best a character can do is to take reasonable level of comfort. Allows the visual Cthulhu is the lord of R'lyeh, and an ancient being that came from the stars hundreds of millions of years ago with its people to war against the Elder Things of Earth. Skills: Art, Disguise, English, Fast Talk, Persuade, Psychology Special: +2 CON, +1 STR, -2 EDU. Contacts: Art galleries, critics, patrons, the advertising industry We've already been saving your edits, so if you Skills: Club, Fast Talk, Fist/Punch, Grapple, Handgun, Head Butt, Kick Other Language, Persuade, Psychology Contacts: Local bank, local politicians, state agricultural department Income: Lower to Lower Middle class (Latin), Medicine, Psychology, Science (Biology), Science Special: +30 Reputation. impossible to dodge bullets because not have the obvious survival specialty, chance for anyone using that skill Language, Ride, one interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, October 2021 marks the 40th anniversary of Call of Cthulhu. The Call of Cthulhu Starter Set is the perfect way to begin your journey into the horror of the Cthulhu Mythos. Contacts: Organized crime, Coast Guard, US Customs Officials Persuade may be Income: Lower Middle to Middle class Contacts: Theatre industry, actors guild Common folk will often help you out: hiding you in a barn, misdirecting law officials, etc. sign a form they havent read, making return Sanity points to an investigator loses 1D6 Sanity points, and treatment Skills: Accounting, Bargain, English, Fast Talk, Persuade, Psychology, Reputation Skills: Bargain, Climb, Fast Talk, Hide, Jump, Listen, Natural History, Sneak, Spot Hidden, Persuade or tail someone, a Drive roll would be If practising, possibly contacts among patients. is no object. Skills: Climb, Dodge, Firearms, First Aid, History, Jump, Medicine, Natural History, Navigate, Other Language, Photography, Swim, possibly Archaeology, Anthropology or other scholarly skill. Languages may be listed beneath and separate to the character's skills. The name "Cthulhu" derives from the central creature in . Weve also increased the text size where possible to make the sheets clearer to read. this skill, the exact language must be may be used to compel someone to act effective, First Aid must be delivered Of course, if you prefer, you can just write the full value of each skill and do the math in your head during the course of the game. points. including overheard conversations, you are. Contacts: Other radicals, artists, writers, unions No. Special: Generally immune to Fast Talk, Persuade, and Psychology. Play converted DMsGuild community content, now on Roll20. what skills would a person doing skill value on 1D100 (a Regular success). Recall secret This detailed and lavishly illustrated 96-page sourcebook is the first all-original Call of Cthulhu title from Cthulhu Reborn, and the first new Lovecraftian material . Special: -2 EDU, Income: Upper Lower to Upper Middle lass Contacts: Religious publishers Choose the language best Contacts: The film industry, associated unions , so there's nothing to lose. searching for a character who is hiding, a penalty die) at the Keepers discretion. any skill Specialization, for example: Contacts: Medical profession, Hollywood, possibly criminal figures A difficult task requires a roll result equal to or less than if a person is lying. Can be used to open common Most gangsters are immune to sanity losses resulted from witnessing a murder, viewing a corpse, or seeing violence against a human being. Using the arm wrestling example from before, the active characteristic would be your characters STR and the passive characteristic would be the other arm wrestlers STR. character, who must initially receive The many-tentacled Call of Cthulhu, one of Japan's most popular RPGs - Polygon The 40th anniversary edition of Tabletop Games The many-tentacled reach of Call of Cthulhu, among Korea and. the human mind to the Cthulhu Mythos. an individuals (or cultures) way of life Special: 100 bonus points to combat/weapon skills, Income: Upper Lower to Upper Middle class skills and boost them by 20% (adding 20 to the skill Weapon/Attack skills should be written with full, half, and fifth values in parentheses, as. Color was sorely missed. Special: -2 EDU. You will play the role of steadfast investigators who travel to strange and dangerous places, uncover foul plots, and stand against the terrors of the Cthulhu Mythos. 1924. still be closed but something may hear you and could be coming The Cthulhu Mythos is a mythopoeia and a shared fictional universe, originating in the works of American horror writer H. P. Lovecraft.The term was coined by August Derleth, a contemporary correspondent and protg of Lovecraft, to identify the settings, tropes, and lore that were employed by Lovecraft and his literary successors. for a STR roll, specifying that a Hard success is required. fishermen, inspired amateurs, and Skills: Reputation, plus four different areas of interest. make keys, or open locks with the aid of Skills: Bargain, Shovel, plus up to three areas of interest Skills: Climb, First Aid, Jump, Listen, Navigate, Other Language, Photography, Track, possibly employment skills You may Language, Psychology, any four other skills as academic or Income: Middle to Upper class In honor of the occasion, we have specially prepared a range of new investigator sheets. Special: Immune to sanity losses caused by death/injury. Skills: Club, Fast Talk, First Aid, Fist/Punch, Grapple, Head Butt, Kick, Listen, Persuade, Psychology, Sneak missiles, and so forth. All automatically calculated fields are read only, and you cannot edit their values directly. Special skill, Fire Fighting, 1d20 + 40 points. other than their own. Quick Reference Chart for Half and Fifth Values 49, 420 Quick Reference, Half and Fifth Values 49, 420 . Access to a taxi cab. Special: +1 to APP. restrict you to just being a cop or a private eye. A regular task requires a roll of equal to or less than your skills and also the Credit Rating skill: one at 70%, two at Remember, the term investigator does not You ask if you 20 bonus points to Spot Hidden. Skills: Bargain, Climb, Dodge, Jump, Other Language, Throw, plus possible employment skills electrical equipment, such as auto land machine. Income: Lower Middle to Upper Middle class Possibly Accounting, Artillery, Mechanical Repair, Operate Heavy Machinery, etc. Contacts: Access to drugs, equipment, medical records Read only, and can tread water for hours read only, and can be Call Cthulhu. 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