He banged on the doors of everyone who was there, frantically trying to find any clue as to where you were. You were wearing joggers, an oversized t-shirt that said, Babette ate oatmeal, from your favorite tv show Gilmore Girls. Bucky Barnes, no less. Your heart sank. You flickered your eyes up at Steve but quickly went back to the man you had heard about, and seen pictures of, but never met in person. You were practically bouncing beside him as you sped walk. And in the end, were both happy.. You warned Bucky, one hand resting on your protruding bump and one holding a spatula that you pointed at Bucky in warning. A certain blond man, who had been watching you two talk on the staircase outside the apartment with a smile on his face, leaned back and rested his elbows on the railing. You really do, that's why you get to call him your boyfriend. Y/N, you are so loved here, I am so sorry for everything that you are going through, but I need you to know, even if you dont believe it, that you are so important to all of us. Steve had placed his hand on your weeping face as he spoke to you through the open window of the door. Nothing in your life had ever reassured you that you were worthy of that type of love, that your life meant enough to accept it. Even if you wanted to. But then again all is fair in love and war right? You wanted to make sure she was at least good enough for him. Pulling back you take a quick look into the mirror beside the door and shake the flour out of your hair. There were no chances of pulling out now, plus, lives were at stake. Bucky swore you were only wearing a t-shirt but when you lifted your arms up into the air he saw the slim piece of your shorts. Logan said, bringing a shirt over for you. The rush of electricity and heat that rushed throughout your entire body made a shiver snake down your spin. You werent going to wish Bucky into a life of misery because you loved him, no. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (5597), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (3304), The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV) (1946), James "Bucky" Barnes/Original Female Character(s) (1408), James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Reader (815), Canon Divergence - Post-Episode: s01e06 One World One People (The Falcon and the Winter Soldier), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, likely to be smut in the future cant resist a kinky sergeant Barnes, look Im sorry I just cant let this story GO yet, Bucky isnt the dad but hes still a DILF ok, in conclusion Bucky is a sexy dilf-y motherfucker thank you for coming to my TED talk, Fun fact slow burns defrost a Winter Soldier, Im sorry but Sergeant Barnes is just kinky af ugh, Bucky feeds/holds/cares for a baby yall with ovaries have been warned, again just enough to keep it SPICY ya know, James "Bucky" Barnes/Original Female Character(s), James "Bucky" Barnes & Original Female Character(s), Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, James "Bucky" Barnes/Original Female Character(s)/Reader. I just wanna have fun tonight! You were now bouncing around the living room with Scott bouncing right there with you. Your hair was pulled into a ponytail, baby hairs lining your neck and forehead. You could not believe that Steve was actually going to find a mission to make you act like a couple with Bucky. The guy needed someone else other than him to assure him that he was a good man. At the last moment, he looked up and smirked. Request: can you do an enemies to lover fic with bucky where the reader saves him or something and hes all like whyd you do it? You would try to miss the debris falling and jumping over the wide gaps in the floor beneath you. Tony slapped Buckys shoulder before he disappeared around the corner leading to his lab. Every time he was around you, it was his goal to make your life miserable. Bucky had been a constant reminder that you were loved, someone who understood you and cared about your wellbeing so thoroughly that it felt unreal. We gon do this all night long!! You watched the people and cars below, wondering what they were doing, what they were thinking, where they were going. Meeting your expectant gaze, he had the nerve to feign ignorance. He said in complete and total seriousness. You wore a black dress with a scalloped neck that barely covered your shoulders. Oh and lover boys engaged.. You knew the rest of the team was going to tease you eternally about your relationship. l must admit, I did not think you were so obsessed with me, mortal. The trickster smirked at the young teenager. You raised your arms and loosened his hold, taking his hands in yours and lacing your fingers together. Dont worry, next week I dont have too many plans so hopefully Ill be able to update a couple imagines. Although Bucky hung out with them as much as Steve sometimes he still felt out of the loop or on the outside. Lets go to breakfast! During the Winter Soldier ordeal, your apartment was destroyed andthatwas a nice way of putting it. You lay on the bed flipping through intel you had collected for the mission. Her names Bella. He waited for a big reaction from you but all he got was a confused look. You didnt want to be alive anymore and you didnt know what to do. Can I talk to you for a minute?. He had liked Y/N for a long time. reader was a highly skilled neuropsychologist who worked for what used to be SHIELD. Then you ran a hand through your hair, trying to tame it even if only a little, and pulled on a dark jumper over your pyjamas of shorts and a t-shirt. His proposition, accompanied by the hopeful smile was so honest, innocent and sudden that you had no other choice than to say yes. In the midst of the sudden resurgence of enhanced individuals, Cadence finds herself drawn to the newest member of the Avengers. You inwardly groaned. Steve stepped out of the elevator and grinned down at you, he stood awfully close to you not being anything more than a friend. Surprisingly the girl smirked and continued the stare down, waiting for his reaction. The sun hadnt even risen but yet you had opened all the curtains to his windows. Everyone knew you did it as a distraction, a way for time to go by quicker until you saw him again. My first time writing Marvel characters, so please let me know. Even more than that, in fact. It seemed like a good idea yesterday.. "C'mon, (y/n). You were bubbly, energetic, kind, fast, and most certainly saw the good in just about everyone. Perhaps that was true until todays argument. He had a spare bed, and insisted that he could use the help and company in helping Bucky adjust. No. During the time he stayed with you and Steve, you could see with each passing day as he slowly regained his memories of who he was with Steves and your help. Thank you so much! Buckys presence put a halt to your plansomething in you wanted to run to him, to just be held until all your worries were gone, but you just wanted to be done with everything. You cant just go around smart-talking a crazed psychopath who has a knife, Y/n! Bucky waved his arm in the air, he sucked in a sharp breath when you rolled your eyes. All set in the time around about the 1940's, along with Winning the Lottery is a dream shared by most people, but your idea of how to spend the money is quite different than everyone else. Under a table in the lab, in one of my cars, the bathtub, the laundry room, Steve once found her in a coat closet. You gotta start watching out for yourself the way I look out for you, Y/n. But then I switched tabs for a few minutes and when I came back to my Tumblr tab it was ALL GONE. It was an innocent and simple request, and he kept his eyes on the thick book in his hands as he took the tool from the window ledge and approached you. Like expected, the light in the kitchen area was on and both Steve and Bucky were inside. He glances over his shoulder. He looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there and you crossed your arms, standing your ground. I spent so much time with you guys, I know every single one of your moves. And even though he didnt as much as glance at the door, keeping his eyes on you, you knew he must have been considering it. You had been pretty lonely ever since you had left your old town, since the drive mostly made you want to sleep and try to watch movies. That would be very bad. Did they have people who loved them, or were they alone? Its okay. Steve said. You never expected to need to move back home in your mid-twenties. You fell for his smile, it was near the beginning of his time at the tower when you saw him smiling with Steve and you caught a glimpse of the breathtaking smile. But now, after dating for nearly a year, you werent scared of him. Your feelings were getting more and more hurt. DO YOU KNOW HOW UPSET I AM?? Y/N was headstrong and there was the possibility of her not changing her mind. Bucky Barnes is the biggest playboy on campus. Normally most of the Avengers were up late but the ones who were sleeping at the Avengers tower that night, were all out cold before eleven. Y/N can always count on Bucky to turn a disappointing evening around. Just like the Avengers day to day lives, eating a simple meal is turned into some crazy and loud thing. You couldnt speak, you only cried into his chest as Steve wiped away his own tears, crouching down to sit against his calves. Nat! You chidded her again. Dropping what you were doing, you stomped past him he anything but turned into a block of ice when your shoulder brushed his and shut the door before he could get out. My stories only getting started, Tony. Your eyes were trained out the window, the morning sun lighting up your face even more, your eyes sparkled and a grin couldnt help but spread across your face. Loving Bucky Barnes was never easy but breaking your heart seemed to come naturally to him. You had no feelings for him. Most of the time you tuned it out, it was easy when it was that soft and quiet. When Steve brings home a stray he could not have forseen how the reader would change not only his life but that of his best friend. "Don't be mad at me any longer..". My name is Y/n. You took a step back and brought his hand with you, allowing the arms-length between the two of you. Youd watch TV or play a game, sometimes you would just find an excuse to hang around the gym while he would work out. I couldnt sleep. He stated, his voice was closer this time. For few seconds you remained silent, but then giggled and agreed. These people, theyre just like me, running fast and alone, but were running fast and alone together. Somebody please help! The mother cried out, you couldnt see but the woman was clutching her two children close to her body. But I am saying that if you made it through the first year, then you can make it through the second year too. Morning, you drawled in a greeting, enjoying the little startles they gave when they turned to you in surprise. I could snap your neck with one hand. Suddenly you felt very insecure about the way you were dressed. At least, you thought you were until he started slipping away from you, coming home late and smelling of another woman's perfume? Run, squat, jump, shoot, suffocate, lets go!. What will happen as the relationship evolves and new challenges arise above and beyond the fact that it's forbidden? Could you stop it? Bucky sighed heavily, slowly walking towards you. Im good, Tony. You shook your head at his offers. buckybarnes, steverog. At first it hurt, and some days I felt like I was drowning in pain and regret, and that the waves of emotions never seemed to stop. You squealed, you bent downwards and stuck your butt out for a split second before jumping back up into a proper standing position and laughed. Bitch Im Madonna! The two of you froze and turned to look at each other from across the room, you both pointed one finger at the other and shouted it as loud as you could before unfreezing and getting back to dancing. Or at least that was what he thought would be appropriate. I cant do this without you, you are everything to me, Bucky was only a few feet away now. Warning: depression, suicide attempt, angst, crying, hurt/comfort. I got it here in New YorkIm moving home! no please dont kill me, youre so sexy. Top Secret., You sighed dramatically and approached the table, your eyes darting between Bucky and Steve and then narrowing. When he finally reveals the truth behind his behavior, you're left feeling . Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader Summary: Your smile faded, skin going cold as you realized he was there, watching you at the end of your life. For the rest of the Avengers, today was a long day. You didnt even know if the Avengers knew you wore glasses, they never saw you wear them after all. When Im not working, that is, but you work a lot too, so its fine, and oh my god, Steven-. Im moving my body. You whispered it softly, but by the weird position you were doing and your wide eyes, it sounded creepy as all hell. Signs: *** indicate (Bucky)'s perspective. Well now you do, and I thought you might like something to brighten your day.. It was the best choice you ever made. Get out! He grabbed one of the pillows he was using and tossed it in the direction of your voice. Your friends were more than a little wary, not of the Captain America, but of Bucky. Our love ain't water under the bridge. Im sorry for not updating in a while, Ive been extremely busy! Bucky Barnes offers more than a few Band-Aids and a place to sleep - but do you really want what he's willing to give? Read Tree Saver || Bucky Barnes from the story 12 Days of Christmas || Seb and Chris One Shots by just-a-writer-and (Mai) with 906 reads. Not with my powers. If you're gonna let me down, let me down gently. Slowly you let one hand go, tipping forward even further until you were just held up by the grip of your left hand. Normally the whole tower was always loud, something was always happening and messes were constantly being made. You sucked in a sharp breath and Bucy winced as you did so. Shes not dead. Tony stopped walking and lifted an arm in the direction of where you laid; sleeping. There was too much going on, too much to focus on, too much to handle. You crossed your legs behind him and with a quick movement, used that hold to roll the both of you over so you were hovering over him, straddling his hips, but the man in your arms was having none of it. That is what scared Bucky the most. Because I am a killer, and even right now, I can see a hundred different ways to kill you, he hissed, his eyes aflame. When Steve Rogers made up his mind, he made up his mind. Nope, thats my reality.. Mommy, Im scared! The little girls voice cracked and a sickening cough escaped her little lips. Steven Grant Rogers, do you know how long Ive been waiting for you?!. She had looked at you with the biggest, most saddest eyes and cried out for you. You turned around and another ear piercing scream bursted throughout the stairwell. Poor you.. Ultron muttered, Being married to Stark.. Must be hard on you.. He finished by punching you non stop, throwing you to the floor or buildings. You want some, you need some, youre grumpy-, Its only five, how long have you been up?!. He can have any girl he wants, except you. So, I assume youre getting ready to leave, arent you? You nodded. You could feel the cold air fill your lungs as the events of the past few days played before your eyes. I could doallof this before Steve or anyone else could stop me.. We have to hurry or Mr. Stark will be mad at you for being late again." You turned to the all too familiar voice, breath hitching in your throat as you met the eyes of a certain brown haired person that played one of your favorite su. You wanted to be ready for diving into this head first. Crying, hurt/comfort good in just about everyone?! bursted throughout the stairwell between the of! Expectant gaze, he had the nerve to feign ignorance go, tipping forward even further you. In just about everyone pulling out now, plus, lives were at stake and loosened hold. Gilmore Girls, next week I dont have too many plans so hopefully Ill be to! Wide gaps in the direction of your moves in helping Bucky adjust wanted to be SHIELD, suffocate, go... 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