It sounds like vegetable shortening to me, so perhaps try that? Ive done a bunch of experimenting with different oils, and Ive found thats what really works best for my face, and that is what I would encourage you to do as well. I was reading that any oils that have less than 20% of polyunsaturated acids give them very slow absorption rates. (I am very new at the Essential Oils business). Please note that nothing on this site has been designed or tested for large scale manufacturing or re-sale, and attempting to sell anything made from recipes on this website is a bit foolish and at your own risk. Another option is palm kernel flakes or a hard butter up to 15%. That said, they are both in the soft category, so you can try it, but the texture, scent (if using raw versions), and melting point of the final product will be quite different, especially if that ingredient makes up a large part of the recipe. Unfortunately I really cant help you here I have basically no idea what you did. Some sink in quickly, some slowly, and some very, very slowly. Thanks again!!! I am living in Indonesia, where average temperature is 27-35 C, which making coconut oil base body butter melt right after my body butter is ready. So, Id recommend making an emulsified product that includes a more interesting butter than hydrogenated soy oil (perhaps mango butter), and including some aloe vera juice in the water phase . I want to make your lemongrass & seaweed shampoo bar and was wondering what I could replace the lard with. As almond oil is an average to absorb liquid oil, anything in that category in the table above would be a good choice . Borage oil contains much more GLA than evening primrose oil, and the GLA from borage seeds contains only tiny amounts of pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which are mainly concentrated in the leaves and flowers of the plant. I would like to know what alternative you recommend to replace palm oil and be able to use a similar oil? Thanks in advance and keep doing what youre doing! thanks for that.. just one question D: .. when makin body butter, do you think i coul substitute shea butter with coconut oil? Extracted from the seeds of the plant, this is my choice for all things hormonal; premenstrual, perimenopausal, menopausal, post-menopausal and puberty. GLA is also found in borage oil and black currant oil. Hmmm you could try thickening the coconut oil with a bit of beeswax, since youre probably using the coconut oil for all its fantastic anti this & that benefits , I have no problems with glycerin in toothpasteits a humectant, and it tastes sweet, which is always a bonus for anything that goes into your mouth . I love the info about the oils, thank you! You should not use this information as self-diagnosis or for . I have a quick question. Ive got a lot of reasons, but they generally boil down to my being far too busy making soap & writing about it to sell it as well (Plus a more than full time job, social life, etc.). Borage oil has been shown to be effective at helping people maintain significant weight loss. benzyl alcohol In a hair care recipe, is there a good substitute for flax seed oil? Really, after this, its all gravy. Hey there HumbleBee! Example: I love to use coconut oil on my skin, but it doesnt seem to absorb well. That said, both product types are based around old technology and there are limitations associated with both. Check out my section of lip balm recipesIve taken many of them to Costa Rica, where it was regularly 36C, and they worked great , This is great thank you! Eczema is an inflammation of the skin which can cause severe itching, redness, flaking, scaling, or weeping. Im finding it too greasy. Ive never worked with shea oil before, but it sounds like you could use it in recipes that call for heavier oils, like avocado oil, in a 1:1 swap. really helpful post. That would give you more freedom to formulate with . Hi, so I made a lotion with mango butter and grapeseed oil and even though its considered fast absorbing, its still to greasy for my liking. Your posts are beautifully photographed and inspiring, so thank you! Ive shared many over the years . Its also exactly as long as sheets of parchment are long, meaning its super easy to line as well. Most carrier oils are very thing and liquid at body temperature, which means theyre prone to absorb or rub off really quickly without some beeswax to help them stick around. Totally up to you though ofc :) I don't have experience with this product, but if it smells weird I'd toss it. Hey! However, my cousin is allergic to shea butter. but, i think your other recipes ive looked at have convinced me to try out some cocoa butter next. Thanks for your post! Olus oil is an oil of 100% vegetable origin made from a blend of natural triglycerides. MSDS sheets are fantastic resources . It can be used up to 25%, but beware of allergies. I am making salves and am wondering if substituting out some coconut oil for some cocoa butter would either make the salve softer or more solid? Before you go much further, be sure to read this guide very carefully. From my research, navratna oil is a finished product, not the specific oil of a plant or animal. . If you want to use water solubility is a considerationcheck out this recipe for an idea of how to get the essential oils to emulsify with the water so theyll actually disperse. The slight bitterness of an escarole is quite difficult to replace. Ive been meaning to write this post for ages, Im so glad youre finding it useful Its easy to forget how much chemistry is involved in all these DIY projects, and while Im hardly keen to get out my periodic table again (ugh lol), remembering a few basic principles can really help. I found this article because I am looking for an alternative to argan oil. Heres a quick list that Ill elaborate on further down: The most basic, obvious thing carriers oils do is basically make up the majority of many products (along with water in some formulations). So, when making substitutions in a formula where the melting point and texture are important, be sure to pay attention to the melting points and textures of your ingredients. These patties sit on top of the bee frames and if it gets sunny with a warm spell it can get pretty warm in the hives. can I use olive oil or coconut oil instead of jojoba oil to make a lip scrub? It is very viscous and does not absorb into the skin readily. Bad news is that I could not find a store that would sell me a small enough amount of candelilla to experiment with. It finds applications in skin care, hair treatments, sun care and decorative cosmetics.. But the coconut oil makes me break out like CRAZY! Do you think palm kernel oil is a good replacement for coconut oil in soapmaking? Coconut oil is soft at room temperature, absorbs on the quicker side of average, and melts at 24 (which is pretty low for oils that are solid at room temperature as it means its only barely solid at 21). I really appreciate your insight! Hi Ayse! hi Borage plant parts including the leaf, flower, and seed can contain PAs. Common carrier oils include olive oil, coconut oil, shea butter, cocoa butter, grapeseed oil, canola oil, sweet almond oil, walnut oil, and more. Hello, I love your blog, Im from Mexico. thank you , Olive oil would be the better alternative as it is liquid and has a similar consistency to jojoba . Im only a teen, by the way! I followed the recipe for the homemade read diffuser refills. Borage oil's benefits for skin health include helping to seal skin moisture, maintain skin suppleness and fight skin inflammation. , Hey Stephanie! You dont have to spend long reading descriptions, benefit lists, and reviews of various carrier oils to decide that you need every single one of them, stat! It has really good charts listing oil properties etc. Its as follows: Face creams: beeswax, shea butter, grapeseed oil, apricot kernal oil, coconut oil *some essential oils* I look for MSDS with the oils I buy to find information about their melting get point, scent etc. and Im switching out the beeswax for candelilla for it to be vegan friendly and i know that using half the amount of candelilla when replacing the beeswax. The combination works really well during our hot summer which is between 30 to 39 degree. One of the main reasons to grow borage in your garden is as an edible crop. However, it is so prevalent in most recipes. Thanks for an excellent website, videos etc. Thank you so much for this wonderful blog & explanation of the differences between the carrier oils. Bezoin is a natural, plant derived resinoid. Its always important to get to know your ingredientsin some cases those swaps would be appropriate, and in others I wouldnt make those choices, but as with so many things DIY, your mileage may vary Make sure you always man-handle your oils so you know what theyre like . Coconut melts too quickly so I want something with a higher melting point in there with it. Ill definitely need to try a smaller batch in the same ratios and hope for the best that it works out! This wonderful Guide is just Best thing you can do for anybody whos learning about Essential Oils and trying to live a natural life. I LOVE the way you explain everything so clearly that even us who havent yet started will understand :)! Hello from frigid Hamilton. With more shea, the lotion will be solid w/out me having to use the fridge. Also, if you havent checked out my new post on DIY for Beginners, you totally should, it walks you through more info like this & great starter recipes . Thyme is the herb most closely related in taste to savory, with a slightly minty and pungent flavor. As I explain in the article, shea butter and coconut oil arent generally a good swap as they have drastically different melting points and textures. What a great post for someone who is just learning these things. Soybean oil and safflower oil have a smoke point of 450, so you can use both the oils for frying. Obviously shea butter is not a good sub. Thank you for the work you put into this. I believe it is also slightly astringent. Id recommend looking for some nice golden beeswaxtry your local farmers market and chat up a bee keeper . It sounds like youre having great fun experimenting Something to keep in mind with body butter is that you just need to use way less of it than lotionmy mother has also remarked that salves/body butters are quite greasy, but when I see how much she applies, its no wonder she thinks they take ages to absorb! Im really enjoying reading your informative information and looking foward to making many of your recipes. Additionally, I was wondering what your opinion is on soybean and safflower oil. I am thinking to made a body Butter with 240ml shea butter, 100ml coconut oil and 40ml almond oil. My observations on shea butter are similar to yoursits thick and greasy, and definitely in the slow to very slow category when it comes to absorption. nerolidol (an essential oil in plants). But ALL the easy, waterless, recipes have it!!!!! If its too greasy thats likely because youre using more oil than water based ingredients, but thats just a guess. You can use shea butter in a scrub, and it will make it creamier, but I would recommend including an emulsifier to improve rinse-off and reduce the mess left in the tub , Hi Marie, Would I leave all other Ingredients the same amounts? Should I be using sodium lactate or something? Thanks for the clear and informative post! Im making my first DIY lip balm. Could I use shea butter instead of mango butter? Appreciate your thoughts on this. Is honey ok to mix with my dry ingredients and store without adding a preservative? . But still wondering what oil is best to use to thin the tacky RSO out but also have the best absortion rate. Hi Carol! It is converted by your body into prostaglandins, which . Thanks so much for all your helpful, well-written posts. It prevented free radical production and thus may help patients undergoing radiotherapy treatment [ 42 ]. I am working on making some substitutions in a hand repair balm and landed on your page! I am making a salve for eczema and it calls for neem oil. What can I substitute coconut oil with in a shaving cream recipe thats non-comedogenic? Squirts and what not are not reliable measurements, so I havent a clue how much of any one thing youve used in relation to anything else. For example, some oils may give a silky lather, while others may contribute extra moisturizing properties. Borage Oil: 3 years.135: up to 33%: Canola Oil: 1 year.132: up to 40%: Carrot Seed Oil: 2 years.137: up to 15%: Castor Oil: 2 years.135: up to 25%, recommend 2-5%: Chia Seed Oil . Be sure to try out argan oil and tallow, theyre both wonderful for mature skin . I enjoyed this article so much! If you are under treatment for any health . Ive found theres not a ton of benefit to using just a tiny bit of a dozen different oils for my skin (all it seems to do is make for more complicated and expensive recipes). However, there is limited research to support its effectiveness . Hi! do you have info on it what it is used for or how to use it or its properties, and uses. Some are obvious, but some are not. It is not intended as a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. This review identified 12 clinical trials of oral or topical borage oil for treatment of atopic dermatitis and one preventive trial. Starflower oil, also referred to as borage oil or borage seed oil, is derived from the seeds of the borage plant . Welcome back So sorry to hear youve been ill, thats awful. I was wondering should I put more shea or coconut oil for my lotion? The plants grow best in full sun but will tolerate a little shade. Ive been using Shea butter, coconut oil (also tried olive oil), arrowroot flour, Vitamin E oil and an essential oil for scent. . Some types of carrot oil should never be applied directly to the skin and should be diluted first. Thanks in advance! Keep an eye out for more entries in this seriesthe next will be on essential oils . Pale yellow liquid oil. It also melts upon contact with skin (76F) just like coconut oil. DO you know which carrier oils would be the thickest consistency? Many thanks, I haven't had any bad reactions to oil, probably because my skin is naturally dry. Peanut Oil This oil is used as a substitute for olive or canola oil in soap making recipes. It also protects against flare ups of eczema. But Im thinking theres likely to be more to it than that I want to keep ingreds simple & natural & Im not an aromatherapist so cant add other tasty bits. Honey is also a humectant, though, so if it can attract enough water to itself there can eventually be enough water that some of it has some free time to go cause trouble. Its yeah. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. It also helps create amazing lather when paired with coconut oil. Can I mix several carrier oils for my hair? Since youre working with ingredients Ive already done quite a few experiments with, Id recommend checking out all these guides. Read up on em and see what sounds good , Thanks Marie! You need the beeswax especially to thicken it up and give you something solid, and the cocoa butter helps thicken it and gives a lovely texture and fragrance. The leaves can be added to drinks but mostly the flowers are used in salads or candied and used for dessert decorations. INCI. Hopefully you can help me with this! This website participates in the Formula Botanica, Baraka Shea Butter, TKB Trading, and Amazon affiliate programs; as an Amazon Associate, Humblebee & Me earns from qualifying purchases. Can I use that instead of coconut oil? 2 drops tea tree oil I was wondering if I could replace coconut oil with sweet almond oil / jojoba oil / avocado oil / macadamia nut oil? I just woke up and its -8C here, and its only going to get worse over the coming months . If you have a lotion recipe or deodorant one especially, please post it! You make the chemistry behind DIY much fun and tolerable to people like me. For neem, if you can find a refined version youd likely get more use out of it as the unrefined stuff stinks. Im afraid Ive never worked with shea nut oilIve never even seen it for sale in Canada. 79. The charts are extremely helpful! I love this. Your site is a great source. I have dry lip (not parch, just dry). Love this! Ill head right over to that site, and Ill let you know when I find my miracle cure! Happy making! However, I was wondering if adding a few drops of my Orange EO to my face lotion, I use twice a day, is considered a CO. Required fields are marked *. Products that claim to treat conditions like eczema are considered drugs, and arent something you can DIY and sell. Very informative article, thank you! I have psoriasis and havent been able to find anything that really helps(and that doesnt kill my immune system). Recipes that I find online usually call for coconut oil. You might find this document comparing the two interesting! Thanks for sharing, Im loking for a carrier oil specifically for carrying my supplemets into the skin instead of tablets Should I use a different oil? Marie, You just saved my life! Cocoa butter is so amazing if youre a cocoa addict like me Smell like chocolate all the time, try not to lick yourself life is hard ;P. What can I use instead of Almond oil for lip balm? Id like to try making lotion but dont want to use cocoa butter just dont like the chocolate smell on my skin. I know which method Id prefer, lol! Buy NutriONN Borage Oil - 1000 mg - 180 Softgels - Cold Pressed High GLA Borage Seed Oil - Hexane and PA Free . Is there a specific reason for that ? Borage oil contains about 18% to 26% GLA. Yes, doooooo it! This ingredient also helps promote a healthy skin barrier by . Thank you! Or should I just use less grapeseed oil perhaps half the amount? It was ok but not what I was really looking for. I love the recipes just not that specific ingredient lol, You can also look it up in the encyclopedia for other ideas . Rice Bran oil - 5%. This, however, is rarely a good idea. What do I look for? , Hello, i am making bath bombs and the recipe calls for sweet almond oil and I was wondering if I could use coconut oil instead. This cellulite cream is loaded with grapefruit, but honestly I couldnt imagine putting it on before exercising. I must say you have an amazing site! However, the salad green Arugula begs to differ. Its more so for the recipes that call for that ingredient specifically. Borage seed oil contains high concentrations of gamma-linolenic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid, and possibly small amounts of pyrrolizidine alkaloids. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Make it Up: The Essential Guide to DIY Makeup and Skin Care is now available at booksellers all over the world! Do you think a balm with tumeric butter, St. Johns wort oil and beeswax would work? Other oils: hazelnut, sweet almond, apricot kernel, grapeseed, hemp, etc. They are the same product and have the same benefits. Each oil and butter contributes various properties to the finished bar. Is that the whole recipe? Thanks for reading, Kathy! Borage seed oil contains very high levels of two types of polyunsaturated omega-6 essential fatty acids, 20-26% gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and linolenic acid (LA, which your body converts to GLA). I notice that you use the water bath to melt, instead of the microwave. The oil is made up of 95.7% neutral lipids, 2.0% glycolipids, and 2.3% phospholipids ( Senanayake and Shahidi, 2000 ). To busy to poke around your site today but youre bookmarked and Ill definitely be back. There are carrier oils that are said to help with pretty much every ailment: acne, psoriasis, warts, dry skin, oily skin, sore muscles, soft tissue injuries, sprains, sunburns, eczema, burns, cuts, sprains, rosacea and the list goes on. It can be used up to 25%. . Upon doing more research I have found this combination looks more reasonable, but I have not tried it yet and wanted your opinion before purchasing. If you want to make the balm harder Id reduce the liquid oil and increase the wax by an equal amount to keep the recipe in balance. cold pressed Camelina sativa (Camelina), I have incredibly sensitive skin- I actually stopped using shampoo and conditioner and found out that it was the reason my acne was so bad. I absolutely detest coconut and everything related to it. Hey Heidi! In body butters recipes call for shea, cocoa and mango butter.. What can I use in place of mango butter? I tend to get the majority of my information from the internet, and its good to be reminded that there are great resources at your local library as well . Hi Reya! Do you think its suitable for around the eye too? Should I use a different oil? First off, LOVE this article. Hey! Hope that helps! Thanks again! Acne Prone Skin: This oils is amazing for oily prone skin and especially acne prone skin. Properties etc absorb well skin is naturally dry types are based around old technology and there limitations! Many thanks, I love the way you explain everything so clearly that even us havent... And was wondering should I just use less grapeseed oil perhaps half amount. 25 %, but it doesnt seem to absorb well and uses oil or borage seed oil about... Good idea putting it on before exercising GLA is also found borage oil substitute borage oil contains concentrations. 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Edward Murray Obituary, Articles B