In this time of such great affliction for so many the message of My Merciful Love will bring Mankind consolation and confidence. Kiss them very often., Numberless times. In all your prayers you must build a truly deep and intimate relationship with heaven. Oh, help Me to Save Souls. You may help yourselves in the royal treasury of Love, from all the riches of the graces of redemption. Oh,this Love covers all the sins. This Love wishes to heal many and grave wounds from which all mankind is suffering. Disease prevention has shifted in that time from public health requirements to individual . This has produced many saints such as. Come and offer Me repeatedly what is dearest to Me. per tre Carogne e Sette Peccatrici). In every HOLY MASS, I offer you anew the merits of My Holy Wounds. Believe in the healing power of My Precious Blood. For the sake of the immeasurable Love of My Son, for the sake of the inexpressible Love that is granted you in His Sacred Wounds, I wish to embrace you with My Love and be for ever Father to you. Whosoever seek refuge there is saved! His Most Sacred Heart is the Eucharist, as many miracles over the centuries have proven. The more the powers of darkness vent forth their evil forces, in order to break down all order, the more you must seek refuge in the saving remedies of My redeeming Passion. I was told that this is the Heart of Mary. Mother Mary Crucified as the superior and guide of the first convent has earned the title of "foundress of the first convent". century Italian exorcist and spiritual director to special souls such as Natuzza Evolo, said in one of his tapes: Kiss My Wounds often. 9 reviews. Little Mariam Baouardy, now known as Sister Mary of Jesus Crucified, was professed on 21 November 1871 as a Carmelite Religious. I don't have a clue if my suffering body is being used by our Lord, but if it is, I will accept this calling. (9 January 1897 - 18 July 1918)<br> <br>We have reached the limit<br>Golgotha shadow defeated:<br>The Madness of the World<br . My Holy Wounds belong after all to you. ), The devotion to the Holy Wounds will be a lightning rod for the Christians who will have kept it. The sisters inspired Paula and she wanted to enter the religious life, but her moms passing altered her plans. Paula, like the others, was sent to the. When you venerate My Sacred Wounds and My Sacred Precious Blood, I will shower you still more than ever with My Redeeming Grace. With the Prayer of Mercy, the Victory is on your side, for I Myself will then be fighting with you.Under the protection of My Sacred Wounds, no harm can come to you. Do not cease to hold out to the Heavenly Father the Love of My Holy Wounds and My Precious Blood, so that His Heart may no longer recall the horror of sins but only My immense Love. Prayer when in distress should always invoke our Paraclete. Where will you turn to, when in the coming time, the difficulties grow still greater? For they are permitted to help you. So let this message that My Love has revealed to you, take root in your hearts. Yes, thank Me for My infinite Mercy and Love, and I will give you everything that the love of your heart can desire. I am so glad this was written. I saw Bishops and pastors approaching one another and exchanging books. All healing comes from My Sacred Wounds. How can you do better than to entrust them to Me? Look for the book on the Life of Sr. Marie-Martha Chambon on amazon; I think that it is where I found it and you would be surprised at other books there. They are My children after all, and when they suffer so greatly, then I suffer too. Struggling with a problem you cant seem to cope with? If, in gazing on My Cross, your eyes are opened to the true life of Love, then your hearts will be transformed, immersed in the Ocean of Love that flows from My Sacred Wounds and envelops the life of all. When she told him her story her tried to make her deny her faith and because she refused he slashed her throat and dumped her body on the roadside, convinced that she was dead. Nowhere are you better protected." (p.16) A great contemplation for holy week. Paula was always willing to lend a helping hand where she could, and developed a bond with many of the young women who worked at the mill. Sadly before she was three years old both her parents died from an infectious illness, within a few days of each other. The blessed sister Mary of Jesus Crucified wished for this lofty worship to spread among monks and believers. You must lead men home into My Wounds,into the shelter and protection. I have given you a Prayer that My Heart cannot resist. Exclude no one, and place even the groaning, ravaged creation in the healing and purifying bath of My Precious Blood for it has Power to Save and renew all things. -Click on photo, Servant of God, Brother Marcel Van & his visions of St Therese, St Mary Magdalene -First woman mystic of the Church, -Maria Teresa Carloni; became a mystic later in life, The Possession, Exorcism and death of Anneliese Michel, Irving "Francis" Houle -American stigmatic, St Padre Pio relic locket rosaries in the Gift Store, St Padre Pio locket available in the Gift Store, Maria Simma and the visits from the souls in Purgatory, Blessed Maria Bolognesi -The mystic who endured a demonic possession, Sr. Cristina Montella -Mystic & Stigmatic -The "little girl" of Padre Pio, Devotion to the Holy Wounds of Jesus as described by various mystics, Maria Simma & the visits from the souls in Purgatory, Amazing stories from Purgatory and the afterlife, Marie-Julie Jahenny, The Breton Stigmatist -Her life and prophecies, Blessed Elena Aiello -Mystic, Stigmatic & Foundress, Blessed Anna Maria Taigi -Wife Mother & Mystic, Therese Neumann -Mystic Victim Soul & Stigmatic, Maria Teresa Carloni, A modern day mystic and stigmatic, Sister Magdalena of the Cross -The nun who made a pact with the devil, -Who I am and the origins of this website, -Important note on judging private revelations, -Obedience to the Pope; Respecting the authority of the Vicar of Christ. The various sects recognized the Church by her miraculous victory and the pure light of revelation they had seen beaming upon her When I saw this reunion, I felt that the kingdom of God was near. , a victim soul who was possessed by the devil. And now, kneeling at Thy feet, I will try at least to console Thee, to give Thee thanks, to ask of Thee pardon and contrition; wherefore with heart and lips I say: Holy wound of the Left Foot of my Jesus! of Sister Maria de Santo Domingo The Dominican tertiary Sister Maria de Santo Domingo was born around 1485 and died in about 1524. She was fittingly given the name, Sister Mary of Jesus Crucified. IV) . Mariam was given the religious name, Sr. Mary of Jesus Crucified. Time is short. In Me is Truth. Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet and include the whole world in these petitionsthat opened the Fathers Heartso that, with the Arms of His Love, he can enfold the whole humanity in order to save, heal and redeem it. She was beatified in 1940 and canonized in 1954, both by Pope Pius XII. It's FREE! Jesus then told her: Then a miracle of Divine Providence happened. A child "called" by God while still young, Maria Grazia made a private vow of virginity at age five in front of a statue of the Blessed Mother. Kind of ironical. epidemic broke out in Brescia, and Paula immediately began to help treat those infected. Pray and Trust in My Love. The more Satan and his henchmen extend their power, the more I stretch out the Arms of My Merciful Love over the whole world. Come, I am waiting for you. And so you may place them in My Heart. Eternal Father, grant us mercy through the Blood of Jesus Christ, Your only Son; grant us mercy, we beseech You. Pray The Chaplet of Mercy with great fervour. Do not cease to implore this Salvation for all. May God bless all who visit here. Let me please use the occasion to ask you (if you didn't do it before) on this glorious Easter Day when pope Francis speaks of the End of Revelation words of Jesus "I make all things new" to please keep posting newer devotions such as the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and newer ones that we don't know (only approved by the Church!) Let no one be lost. THANK YOU FOR ALL OF OUR BLESSING.XXXXXOOOOO. Those who will honor them will have a true knowledge of Jesus Christ., There will be no death for the soul that expires in My Wounds, They give true life., My Jesus, pardon and mercy through the merits of Thy Holy Wounds., Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Wounds of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, to heal the wounds of our souls., You must offer the merits of the Holy Wounds for persons who die in the night or during the course of the day. Jesus told her of this great gift He had given to her community: Behold your treasure. Jubilee Year Sister Maria of the Angels, O.P. Section 2 discusses what Sobrino has described as his 'awakening from the sleep of inhumanity' in the 1970s as he encountered liberation theology in El Salvador . There is no sin that cannot be purified and atoned for by My Sacred Precious Blood. the Carmel of Pau, near Therefore,everysoul who strives to liberate them is especially dear to Me. Make use of this extraordinary proof of grace. I never knew how really efficacious the chaplet of the Holy Wounds was till I read this article, just now. And the Lord was pleased to bruise him in infirmity: if he shall lay down his life for sin, he shall see a long-lived seed, and the will of the Lord shall be prosperous in his hand. Thanks be to God for all the blessings and miracles to such unworthy sinners as us. How I would like to see you safe, forever, under the shelter of My Sacred Wounds, so that no hostile power can ever hurt you! Our Lord asked us to remain devoted to His Precious Blood and not to forget the pious practice of offering all our prayers and works in union with the Divine merits and graces of His most Precious Blood. The poor souls in Purgatory need the prayers of the faithful to help them in their final purification. My heart is open to all men and with it the Heart of the Heavenly Father. "On it hung the Savior from whose wounds shot brilliant rays over the whole earth. to Sister Franziska Maria of the Crucified Love, a . August 26, 2019 at 5: . Psalm 51 is also traditionally recited annually at noon on December 8th as the Hour of Grace in some churches. Her Charism: The primary objective of this cloistered Benedictine Sister is to make the mystery of the Cross brilliant and shining by surrendering and offering herself to the Will of . The more sin runs rampant, the more My Mercy grows. To the right path lead me. As for you, it will be your salvation, while giving Honour and Glory to the eternal Love of the Trinity. Many are in such danger and adversary is trying everything to make fall. Count Francisco de Campos Barreto, Bishop of Campinas, Brazil. You bear such a great responsibility, because I have entrusted to you so much that is so precious. September 19, 2022 Monastic Life in Pictures 75 Years of Love of Jesus Crucified Let Christ, who was fastened to the cross for all, be fast-knit to their hearts. The more the hosts of the seducer advance, the more fervently and deliberately you must forge the bond of Love with Me that protects and frees you from the impending enslavement of the adversary. You must believe that My Sacred Wounds can do all things. I am always ready to raise you out of the greatest need. You mustbelieve that I open My heart to you in a quiet way when you are humble. Trust in the Healing and Redeeming Power of My Sacred Wounds and of My Sacred and Precious Blood. I will bless all your efforts. Pray especially for My Priest, for they are in great danger. PLEASE HAVE MERCY ON THE SOULS IN PURGATORY AND BRING THEM HOME TO YOU QUICKLY. "Ilia Delio's Crucified Love has become a modern classic in the study of Bonaventure's Christology and theology of the Cross." Daniel P. Horan, OFM, author, All God's Creatures: A Theology of Creation and The Last Words of Jesus: A Meditation on Love and Suffering In this comprehensive study of St. Bonaventure's theology of Christ crucified, Sr. Ilia Delio explores the breadth . Do this for the whole world; ask Me on behalf of all mankind. Mary my mother, look down upon me. Believe in the Power of Love that seeks to save and redeem all men. The Five Holy Wounds is a beautiful prayer of repentance for any soul desiring to sit in adoration with our merciful Lord to atone for a personal sin and seek forgiveness. See, how greatly I care for the Souls in Purgatory. Ask Me for this. Dont permit, Jesus, that Your Precious Blood be lost to them. And they have looked and stared upon me. When the cholera epidemic subsided, Paula left her job at the mill and began caring for women as her full-time job. You too must be untiring in Reparation and Sacrifice. Because of her love for the crucifix or rather, the One who was died upon it she was beheaded on March 30, 1943. Whatever you have done if you only come in sorrow to Me, then I will forgive everything. Paulas father wanted her to marry and kept lining up suitors for her. This Mission of My Sacred Wounds is the great Mission of My Merciful Love, which in this age desires to lead men back to GOD once more, in order to heal their grievous wounds and free them from the clutches of the evil enemy. The new order would be dedicated to all the suffering members of His Mystical Body. Their eager and painful efforts were quite pitiful. Here in the peace of the Lord reposes Sister Mary of Jesus Crucified, professed religious of the white veil. They are wondrous remedy for body and soul. Throughout her diary it is clear that St. Veronica had a great devotion to the Holy Wounds. Can there be anything more important than to faithfully fulfil My instructions? Paula had a deep love for Christ on the Cross and the order was modeled on the love of the crucified Christ. She submitted a request in the regard of His Holiness Pope Pius IX. . Come to Me with complete Trust. (Constitutions of the Nuns, 74. Amen. I particularly like the ninth promise which says, "When you have some trouble, something to suffer, quickly place it in My Wounds, and the pain will be alleviated". This comment has been removed by the author. Today, more than 1,000 sisters serve in 102 communities, located in five countries; Italy, Rwanda, Croatia, Brazil, and Ecuador. Our Eucharistic Lord can be adored through this beautiful prayer of praise found in Psalm 34. Consider, in holy reverence, the fact that in asking you to venerate My Sacred Wounds, the Father has entrusted these Wounds to you in a quiet special way. Thank you for all material, Please Jesus through your Holy Wounds have mercy on all of us and please save us from the coronavirus . Before Mariam's birth, her parents had seen twelve children die in infancy. Try surrendering it to the Lord with this very powerful Surrender Novena. O good and gentle Jesus,I kneel before you,and with all the fervor of my soul I pray that you engrave within my heartlively sentiments of faith, hope, and love,true repentance for my sins,and a firm purpose of amendment.While I see and I ponder your five woundswith great affection and sorrow in my soul,I have before my eyes those words of yoursthat David prophesied about you: My strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue hath cleaved to my jaws: and thou hast brought me down into the dust of death. From My Wounds flow Grace and Mercy in indescribable fullness. I desire devotion to My Sacred Wounds to be promoted in prayer and writing. I offer to the Eternal Father all the pain and love of Thy most holy humanity, and I pray Thee to change my heart and its affections, and make me do all my actions in accordance with the will of God. I now need heroic souls, so that the Mission of My Sacred Wounds can be carried into the world. Pray, pray that people will accept this remedy, for there is nothing else that can save them., (The above quotes taken from the revelations given to Sr. Maria of the Crucified Love, from the book "By His Wounds You Are Healed". Pray. She went to Bethlehem herself with the seven nuns from Pau who set out to make the Foundation. And bring them home to you, take root in your hearts in... `` on it hung the Savior from whose Wounds shot brilliant rays the. Should always invoke our Paraclete giving Honour and Glory to the Lord Sister! Her job at the mill and began caring for women as her full-time job grant us mercy through Blood... Sin runs rampant, the devotion to My Sacred Wounds can be adored through this beautiful of. Of His Holiness Pope Pius XII your only Son ; grant us mercy, we beseech.! Peace of the Angels, O.P, was sent to the eternal Love the. The more My mercy grows ), the difficulties grow still greater sin runs rampant, difficulties. 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