He wears illusion, pyrotechnics, hold person, producearound his neck the key to area 7, and he knows flame, summon another barbed devil (30%the password for the doors in area 38 ("hoggle"). Below this tilting "lid" is a 15'- counter the magical effect; each spell frees onedeep pit. The stairs are unused and dusty. Once he is attacks; SD= special defenses; AL = alignment.sure that the lower levels have been infiltrated, hegoes to area 8, takes the three magical weapons FIRST LEVEL ROSTERthere, and issues them to three humanoids of hischoicepreferring the ogres and bugbears. The spelltrap is triggered by 150 pounds (or more) of weight may be broken in the following ways: A characterbut discounts the weight of dwarves, gnomes, and may be freed of the spell if he or she is physicallynon-living matter. The found his long-lost fane. Embed L3 - Deep Dwarven Delve to websites for free. We offer every set fully hand-painted, ready for gaming right out of the box! PCs must tion (but not damage).leave the area or be crushedthey'll need to runand won't have time to rest, collect chunks of The sword's abilities are as follows:mithril, loot the bodies of dead enemies, and soforth. Several soldiers were killed, face when the world was young. 1 spirit naga Vezenor attempts to gate another barbed devil C. 1 wraith if he falls below 18 hit points. door molded the likeness of a dwarf. sometimes thrusting it into the forge to heat it up,Any dwarf character has a 30% chance of know- sometimes sticking it with a hiss into a barrel ofing this fragment of lore. All other races are unaffected by the The sword's disintegration ability has 20 helm wearer. it. back of the niche to glitter. Thus, aZalco wants revenge. It is cut into the mountainside with a flatness, create food and water; poison by touch, rock outcropping in front of it that is roughly circu-sticks to snakes; AL LE; S 18, I 16, W 17, D 15, C 19, lar with a diameter of 60 feet. As soon as any non-dwarf dents, it rolls until it reaches area 11.enters the room, the skeletons animate andattack. Roll 1d100 and consult the following chart 34. The most important fantasy novel of the day was J. R. R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. There is a 10% chance thatalways heads toward the horn, blowing it the fol- they are joined by an orc leader (AC 6; HD 1 + 2;lowing round. I got to play on Gary's sand table and was at a few of the initial playtests.When the Dungeons & Dragons game was ready for its next leap forward, I was one of theeditors who got to see the typed manuscripts for the Player's Handbook and the DUNGEONMASTER Guide. An immense statue rises nearly 50 feet from a38. Icicles clinging to the ceiling occasionally fall to The puddings are encountered only at the "X" the floor, shattering like glass. Finally someone found it and decided to organize it for publication. The next simple step came from the question "How did a fighter get to be a Hero or aSuperhero?" or a single attack wand (such as a wand of fire,It has the ability to give any cleric who uses it as a frost, lightning, or paralyzation, but not polymor-normal part of religious services the ability to cast phing) with about 3 charges.two additional cure light wounds spells eachday.) She should be played aggressivelypush must hit the car with a barehanded attack). Arranged about the walls of thisodor arises. Bellows Roommate if the sole entrant is a gnome, 40% if the The rails continue through this room. Classic Modules Today: L3 Deep Dwarven Delve (5e) - In 1999, Wizards of the Coast published the module named "Deep Dwarven Delve" with the module code &ldq A cleric, if suspi-cious, has a 5% chance per level of discovering 39. bottom of the stairs just ahead of the boulder. freezing; any character who touches the walls, ceil- ing, or floor with bare skin suffers 1 point of damage28. PDF $1.95 $1.95 Average Rating (2 ratings) In 1999, Wizards of the Coast published the module named "Deep Dwarven Delve" with the module code "L3". Almost 100 people had shownup for the Saturday convention sponsored by the International Federation of Wargaming, E.Gary Gygax, Vice President. The smith initially attacks using the axe,may use this chamber as a safe place to rest,regroup, and use healing magic.17. A find traps spell solid. #1 Wizards of the Coast has just released a print-on-demand option for L3 Deep Dwarven Delve ($9.99) over on DriveThruRPG! A soft, magical glow illuminates the 30'-high,These zombies wear chain mail and carry ham- roughly hewn cavern and the many huge stalac-mers and 4-48 gp. The to pick up the tools and mine some gold. A charge is used every time it hits an eli- helm by force causes the wearer and any dwarfgible creature, whether or not the creature makes or gnome in sight, regardless of alignment, toits saving throw. y,CDMkq Gary got Don Lowry to produce the book that he called the Chainmail rules. Frelpic throw is successful, the gas acts as a stinkingmakes use of these items if hard-pressed. Both substances are now Constitution points are recovered at a rate of 1long gone. Let disorder fall in my wake and ene-The hole is a gate directly to the sixth plane of hell. around the secret door. Staging and Bunk Area The skeletons attack until destroyed but do not This 90'-diameter chamber has a domed ceil- leave the room. ai thinker esp32 cam datasheet Play him very aggres- sively. Baalzebul cares little about the gems,stunning effect that lasts for 3-12 segmentsno but if any attempt is made to remove one, eithersaving throw. Characters are allowed a saving throwdings; immune to cold and lightning attacks; every round; failure indicates 1 point of damage.AL N). As time passed,players were playing fantasy miniatures using the Chainmail rules, and a line of fantasy fig-ures appeared (Grenadier, I think, with Ral Partha a few years later). A knock spell also resets the trap. The Ghostly Smith A measured, metallic ringing, as of blowsbeing struck, can be heard several hundred feetfrom this room. End of the Linethe crevice but shattered rocks and debris. The lock is not trapped. Events long forgotten have Baalzebul, Frelpic animated the corpses of manytaken center stage in a drama of great peril for the of his former companions and returned to theentire region. Believe itor not, this was the inception of the Dungeons & Dragons game. Dungeon Module L3 Deep Dwarven Delve by Len Lakofka AN ADVENTURE FOR CHARACTER LEVELS 3-6 This module has lain unseen and forgotten in the TSR design vault for twenty years. returns to the Prime Material Plane, he seeks to recover the gems, one at a time if necessary. 2. luckstone, a potion of healing, or an arrow of direction would be good choices. Etsy Close searchSearch for items or shops Skip to Content Sign in 0 Cart Mother's Day Gifts Jewelry & Accessories Clothing & Shoes Any gold takenmechanism for setting the pit trap is located in from the niche eventually turns out to be ironarea 15. Somewhere deep below the surface lies the heart of darkness-a corrupting evil that must be stopped before its influence can spread! Deep Dwarven Delve by Len Lakofka AN ADVENTURE FOR CHARACTER LEVELS 3-6 This module has lain unseen and forgotten in the TSR design vault for twenty years. a 20% chance per turn of finding a coin: copper (40%), silver (30%), gold (20%), or platinum (10%).27. The bellows, which point down along thedwarven skeletons lose their advantage and are track to area 11, were plainly of the type used forattacked in kind. 2 ogreswho lurk below can manifest beyond the confines C. 1 orc (commander)of Level Two or Threeunless the heroes possess any D. 8 orcs (entrance guard)of the gems carried by the devils and Frelpic. Human and demi-human bones The passage slopes westward at a 25-degreeand offal are spread around the chamber. The timbers are braced by piles of If the final blow against the wraith is landed by rubble and held in place other timbers and rocksa dwarf, gnome, or any axe-type weapon, the to seal the passage. pits (two orcs can fit in each pit) and attempt to surprise intruders. In either case, the smith attacks the offender and anyone The power of the dwarven pantheon is so else in the room. "B" BACK DOOR The walls of this chamber (like others on this level) are decorated with intricate bas-reliefs depicting The rear entrance is also 80 feet from ground scenes from dwarven legends. It was only available as a limited release as part of the Dungeons & Dragons Silver Anniversary Collector's Edition set released in 1999, making it the last official . I was then asked totake my own game world, which was located on Oerth, and make it into a few modules.These became the Secret of Bone Hill, The Assassin's Knot, and the Deep Dwarven Delve. A Lair in the Darkness by the naga. Thus, the PCs must be responsible for One or two clerics, and perhaps a druid, oftheir own healing. If the horn has been sounded (seeright side of the tunnel. Over 250 years ago, an evil host rose from the underdark and pushed the dwarves out of their ancestral mountains. If forced back tostraw, offal, and rotting feed for the ores' mounts. L3 Deep Dwarven Delve Pdf 18 . 13-28 (3d6 + 10) normal orcs (AC 7; HD 1; hp 5 each; #AT 1; D by weapon; AL LE) dressed in ring Strewn about the room are six large pallets, mail and carrying a halberd and 1-20 ep each.four huge (ogre-sized) clubs, some cured skins Also here are 2-8 raiding party orcs (AC 6; HD 1;(two are leopard skins worth 80 gp each), animal hp 6 each; #AT 1; D by weapon; AL LE), each wear-bones, broken weapons, and smashed armor. This power of the helm works forpromises to help it track down the dwarf responsi- humans, demi-humans, and humanoids only.ble for slaying its former wielder. The gate can be closed only by remov- throw vs. spell or fall to dust (suffering 15 points ofing or destroying both of the statue's eye gems. The stairwell is lit by a continual light continual light spell. We had prepared the Horticulture Hall the Friday before, settingup the tables and game areasalthough we had no vendors that first year. $8.99 $9.99 Watermarked PDF + Softcover, B&W Book $11.29 $14.98 Average Rating (36 ratings) Your party of stalwart heroes must venture into a lost dwarven mining complex, fighting terrible monsters, bypassing deadly traps, and exploring chambers heavy with the dust of ages. The room contains without torches, and those torches that remain aretwo large wooden chests, one containing 7,940 cp rotten and crumble at the slightest touch. The glow seems cannot be detected as such.) Heat radi-The golem is hidden in shadows and can be seen ates from the brazier, raising the already high tem-only by characters in the passageway. When they are clearly "equalizer" if the PCs start to overwhelm the Delve'soutnumbered or overwhelmed, the monsters defenders. "hoggle" is spoken (which only Enthar and FrelpicThe glyph detonates when the secret door is know), or if it is forced open by brute physicaltouched by a living creature. The zombie sleep, charm, hold, and cold-based spells; AL NE).cleric wears chain mail and carries a shield, These zombies possess the same armor and equip-hammer and 4-40 gp. L3 Dungeon Module L3 Deep Dwarven Delve by Len Lakofka AN ADVENTURE FOR CHARACTER LEVELS 3-6This module has lain unseen and forgotten in the TSR design vault for twenty years. Originally written as the concluding adventure in the "L" series, the manuscript was completed in 1979. Deep Dwarven Delve was published by Fantasy Gaming on 2022-08-18. He is actually a wraith (AC 4; HDstrong in this area that none of the undead crea- 5 + 3; hp 23; #AT 1; D 1-6; SA energy drain (one level); SD silver or magical weapons needed to hit; tures or the devils can enter this room. Two to four fighters, perhaps one ranger of levels 3-5, with possibly one of level 6. 24, The words you are searching are inside this book. cloud spell, no saving throw. She is not well disposed to bargaining and istaken to stop it. Teleporter Room The walls of most tunnels and chambers are The floor of this room consists of three raised smooth and true; there are no places to hide along the walls.tiers, each tier approximately 5 feet above the onebeneath. The prisoners are chambers were carved from seamless stone bysecured by their wrists and ankles, and the mana- skilled dwarven miners. This adventure describes what happens when the Rod of Seven Parts is discovered . Heroes should make a normal sur- 95% likely to attack without warning. The statue features two immense red gems for The receiving end of the teleporter is located eyes (worth 5,000 gp apiece) and a mouthatop the highest tier of the ziggurat (upon a 10' x 5' widened in a rictus that promises pain and suffer-platform) and is enchanted with a detect evil ing to all who gaze on the fearful visage of thespell. The rails can bear the weight of the8 each; #AT 1; D 1-6 (hand axe); SD suffer half car, although there is a non-cumulative 5% chancedamage from edged weapons; unaffected by per 100 feet that fatigue causes the rails to breaksleep, charm, hold, and cold-based spells; AL N; and the car to tip over. In chests at the foot of thelow, tangled, lichen-like plant. thick vein of gold. Originally written as theconcluding adventure in the "L" series, the manuscript was completed in 1979. This 30'-high rectangular room is lit by a dim6. The glow hasthe magical intensity of a moonlit night; the lightfills the entire room, This hexagonal chamber was chipped fromthe inside of a monstrously huge quartz crystal.The walls are faceted in great reflecting planes.The 60'-high ceiling is supported by a 10'-diame-ter pillar of transparent crystal. L3: Deep Dwarven Delve Introduction To use this conversion guide you will need a copy of "L3 Deep Dwarven Delve", originally available in hard-copy and now for sale in Digital format at www.dndclassics.com. This document gives DMs advice to convert the module to the latest 5th Edition rules and guidance on preparing the adventure. Trying toprotected by a glyph of warding that explodes in force open the door with magic (such as a knocka 10' radius for 16 points of damage (half damage spell) proves futile and causes the golem to ani-if a saving throw vs. spell succeeds). At the foot of each bed is an unlocked#AT 1; D by weapon; SA always acts last in a wooden locker, seven of which contain treasure:melee round; SD suffers half damage from edged 20, 37, 41, 8, 23, 89, and 39 gp respectively.weapons; unaffected by sleep, charm, hold, andcold-based spells; AL NE) and one dwarven This area is guarded by three dwarven zombiezombie cleric (AC 4; 3rd-level cleric; hp 18; #AT 1; clerics (AC 4; 3rd-level cleric; hp 17, 12, 10; #AT 1; DD by weapon; SA always acts last in a melee by weapon; SA always act last in a melee round;round; spellscause light wounds and cause spellscause light wounds and cause fear; for 18additional spells, see ROSTER; SD suffer half THE LOWER CAVES (AREAS 26-39)damage from edged weapons; unaffected bysteep, charm, hold, and cold-based spells; AL NE). This unlit, circular chamber is used for ore 81-90 0 2 2 0 1 2 storage and contains nothing else of value. Ceilings. Once animated, the skele-tons ignore dwarves (100% chance), gnomes ber, similar in size to area 9, contains the crumbling(60% chance), and halflings (40% chance). The Lower Minesit is thoroughly washed off. Thecreatures spotted the ranger hiding in the scrub most powerful agent of Baalzebul was a clericand fired at her with their crossbows. Deep Dwarven Delve [L3] [WotC] Deep Freeze [Dungeon] Demonclaw [Dungeon] Descent into the Depths of the Earth [D1-2] [TSR] Descent into the Depths of the Earth [D1] [TSR] Determined Pirates [The Scarlet Brotherhood] Devilspawn [L4] [Independent] Miscellaneous magic, if any, should be minorthey will earn the gratitude (and rewards) justly or defensive: A bag of holding, boots of speed, adue such heroes! If the by the original dwarves, as may be determinednecklace is worn and the word "gate" is spoken, after close inspection of the area. It is said to be a sequel to L1 The Secret of Bone Hill and L2 The Assassin's Knot though it was published much later. Musty air and swirls of dust greet those can be thrown up to face the western passage. most, with no more than 45 total levels. Many modules have been written for 1st Edition AD&D after 1989, and the . Neither paper or on-line version is meant as a challenge to any copyrights held by Hasbro, WotC, or TSR. A dwarf orhand. hX[F+PV_B,$B4M,;M8cmVUU8sf57PAs,-q o*iyJM|V@9`$Pq]R(T#m iA Alright, let's talk Dwarves. Any dwarves or gnomes in the party Characters in this chamber can hear therecognize the growth as airweed, a plant used to sound of mining from the northwest tunnel (lead-replenish the stale air in the deepest mines where ing to areas 24 and 25).ventilation is difficult or impossible.22. If one is not available (having area 6. Click to read more about Deep Dwarven Delve (L3) by Len Lakofka. %PDF-1.6 % Fifty feet from the chamber This is an old, deserted barracks. L3 is a pretty straightforward dungeon crawl that leads the players through an abandoned dwarven mine. For months, maraud- of detection by the residents of Restenford anding humanoids have been attacking the small Lake Farmin, the dwarves decided to abandon thetowns of Restenford and Lake Farmin. 2021-09-21 Delve into dungeons with this kit for the world's greatest roleplaying game Delve into the Dungeons' Depths This kit equips the Dungeon Master with a screen and other tools that are perfect for . Thesetranslucent stones seem to be the source of theambient light. Apply the following penalties: room, characters can hear the distant sound of dripping water (from area 13). characters may take them. Any character who here as well.fails the saving throw is struck by the boulder for5-30 (5d6) points of damage. The passage beyond and the chambers it leads to were carved out by the In addition to the ogres, there is a 30% chance humanoids.that the magic-user Enthar is here. Your party of stalwart heroes must venture into a lost dwarven mining complex, fighting terrible monsters, bypassing deadly traps, and exploring chambers heavy with the dust of ages. The healers require this item to receive the The magic-users might have a single protectionspells necessary to tend to the wounded. If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA After searching through the burned ruins ofthe town hall, it became clear that the mayor of Before the party attempts to tackle the lowerRestenford did not perish in the conflagration. The hills have fewto tear the heart from the body and eat it, 30% bushes, and their rocky sides are worn by glacia-likely to take the body to hell by teleportation, tion. Half of the undead dwarves present arespell. Returning the chalice earns each hero 500 The average level of the party should be 4 atexperience points. Publisher's blurb: In 1999, Wizards of the Coast published the module L3: Deep Dwarven Delve. Thewounds, protection from good; hold person, western edge of the floor drops 30 feet to the sur-silence 15' radius, create food and water; face of the spring, which is 150 feet deep.AL CE). Although it has taken nearlyshare the rewards of their labor, the dwarves con- twenty decades, the arch-devil's persistent call has finally attracted a suitable army of mortal fol-cealed their presence from the nearby communi- lowers: the humanoid forces that now control theties. Somewhe, 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Do not sell or share my personal information. The skull has been crushed. If Vezenor kills a character, there is a 30% chance that he tears open the victim's chest and eats the character's heart, and a 20% chance that he just takes the body and teleports to hell at once. Five huge timbers seal the southern passage out of the room. Check L3 - Deep Dwarven Delve from archangel777 here. angle.Smashed and broken weapons also litter the floor,as do torn armor and battered shields. 26. Flames burn abovebetter weapon to hit; lightning slows it for 3 rounds; the surface of this brazier, although there are noall other magical attacks inflict no damage; AL N). Age hasroom save those being ignored by the skeletons, rendered them inoperable.the skeletons return to their rest in 3-12 rounds. cast against 21st-level magic. The dwarves use this forge 31 32 33 34 35 36 to mint coins, although no treasure can be found here currently. For those who remember, this is an AD&D 1st Edition module that was only released in 1999 as part of the Silver Anniversary boxed set. If a party enters the chamber with lit torchesor open lanterns, the quartz walls reflects andmultiplies the light enormously, and any charac-ters who are in the room at that time are blindedfor 2-5 rounds unless a saving throw vs. spell issuccessful. Download AD&D 1.0 L3 Level 3-6 Adventure - Deep Dwarven Delve (No Map) Free in pdf format. Lakofka found the manuscript and brought it to . Once the PCs have Do your best to have the opposing creatures retrieved the magical long sword Zalco from areafight in an intelligent and aggressive manner. Here is a suggested PC party composi-hold (Level One), and second as a hidden treas- tion:ure store and place of great evil (Levels Two andThree). Or TSR the offender and anyone the power of the day was J. R. Tolkien! Broken weapons also litter the floor, as of blowsbeing struck, can be heard several feetfrom! Floor with bare skin suffers 1 point of damage28 must hit the car with barehanded! 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