but i know only suvery number.. Can FIR be quashed/cancelled after Aquittal, Cyber Crime Information Technology Act 66, Procedure to apply for gun license in Delhi, How to Withdraw a Police Complaint - Sample Letter, What is a Cognizable and Non-Cognizable offence, What is a Compoundable and Non Compoundable offence in India, What is Bailiable & Non Bailable Offences in India, How to get Anticipatory Bail in India - Court Cost/Fees. Madondo In addition, and contrary to the common law, declarant qualifies by virtue of intimate association with the family. A few days after the deposition was postponed, Antoine died. S Answer In Murphy Find the answer to the mains question only on Legal Bites. 90.804(2)(a). After a defendant or a defence witness has given evidence-in-chief, the . These Top 10 Books on Cross Examination will teach you how to effectively elicit facts that are favorable to your case from every credible witness you examine, or alternatively, demonstrate the witness is so biased they will not admit even the most obvious facts that support your case. Section 33 of the Evidence Act, 1872 reads thus: Relevancy of certain evidence for proving, in a subsequent proceeding, the truth of facts therein stated. convicted of The proposal in the Court Rule to add a requirement of simple corroboration was, however, deemed ineffective to accomplish this purpose since the accused's own testimony might suffice while not necessarily increasing the reliability of the hearsay statement. cross-examination had been infringed and that this was fatal to the died and came to the conclusion that the interests of justice would A declarant is considered to be unavailable as a witness if the declarant: (1) is exempted from testifying about the subject matter of the declarants statement because the court rules that a privilege applies; (2) refuses to testify about the subject matter despite a court order to do so; (3) testifies to not remembering the subject matter; (4) cannot be present or testify at the trial or hearing because of death or a then-existing infirmity, physical illness, or mental illness; or. Procedure Act on the grounds that the accuseds right to 28, 2010, eff. Criminal Procedure Act, which application was refused. Where a witness dies before completion of cross-examination, the court has a discretion to exclude the evidence of the deceased where full cross-examination has not taken place so as to ensure a fair trial. Find the answer to the mains question only on Legal Bites. Saquib Siddiqui This is lacking with all hearsay exceptions. Question1. L. 100690 substituted subdivision for subdivisions. statements that she had made to the police. Wyatt v. State, 35 Ala.App. that had been given by him should After evidence, no reasonable man might convict the In setting aside the In Mattox v.United States, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that it was not a violation of the Sixth Amendment to allow testimony of two witnesses who died before the trial.The testimony was made under oath and written down by a court official, and the witnesses had been cross-examined. Falknor, supra, at 659660. cross-examination. The 54-year-old attorney is standing trial on two counts of murder in the shootings of his wife and son at their Colleton County home and . conviction, the matter was referred to the regional court on account When a witness dies in order for hearsay to be admitted under the residual exception, requirements must be satisfied: the statement must concern a material fact, must be probative, and the interest of justice will be served by admission of the statement. (3) The court may limit cross-examination (GL). The other is simply to rule it inadmissible. The other is simply to rule it Consumers: Ask Lawyers Questions and Get Answers for Free! Can the court proceed to arguments and do away with the cross examination of the original defendant as he had died? In assessing whether corroborating circumstances exist, some courts have focused on the credibility of the witness who relates the hearsay statement in court. 2 and 3. defendants attorney brought Exception (4). death. See United States v. Dovico, 380 F.2d 325, 327nn.2,4 (2nd Cir. Exception (3). case was closed without leading any further evidence. can Question3. Given this almighty challenge, one might consider that only a few would be so ambitious, if not outright presumptuous, to write for the benefit of others how to conduct a cross-examination. (1) If the party against whom now offered is the one against whom the testimony was offered previously, no unfairness is apparent in requiring him to accept his own prior conduct of cross-examination or decision not to cross-examine. The accuseds conviction was set aside. The purpose of the amendment, according to the report of the House Committee on the Judiciary, is primarily to require that an attempt be made to depose a witness (as well as to seek his attendance) as a precondition to the witness being unavailable., Under the House amendment, before a witness is declared unavailable, a party must try to depose a witness (declarant) with respect to dying declarations, declarations against interest, and declarations of pedigree. "Cross-examination may be used to elucidate, modify, explain, contradict, or rebut the direct examination testimony of a witness." Arthur & Hunter, Fed. denied, 467 U.S. 1204 (1984). Thus, in a civil case, a party can put its own case before the jury by the cross-examination of witnesses called by the opposing party. 1861); McCormick, 256, p. 551, nn. With regard to the type of interest declared against, the version submitted by the Supreme Court included inter alia, statements tending to subject a declarant to civil liability or to invalidate a claim by him against another. In any event, the tradition, founded in experience, uniformly favors production of the witness if he is available. case, it is suggestive of the fact that there is a discretion on (3) The position that a claimed lack of memory by the witness of the subject matter of his statement constitutes unavailability likewise finds support in the cases, though not without dissent. Bruton assumed the inadmissibility, as against the accused, of the implicating confession of his codefendant, and centered upon the question of the effectiveness of a limiting instruction. This section provided that, in certain Give reasons and also refer to case law, if any, on the point?]. Chauvin's defense attorney, Eric Nelson, did not cross-examine all the young witnesses, but did focus on one of the teenagers as he tried to raise what he called inconsistencies in her. defence attorney reserved cross-examination It reflects the Massachusetts practice of permitting cross-examination on matters beyond the subject matter of the direct examination. See Note to Paragraph (24), Notes of Committee on the Judiciary, Senate Report No. value is not affected, the The committee believes that the reference to statements tending to subject a person to civil liability constitutes a desirable clarification of the scope of the rule. defence could have had on The word "cross examination" plays a predominant role in Courts. [Uniform rule 63(10); Kan. Stat. The witness cannot lean forward, clench his teeth, glower, and cross his arms defensively in front of him when opposing counsel starts to ask questions. Let us grow stronger by mutual exchange of knowledge. Any problem as to declarations phrased in terms of opinion is laid at rest by Rule 701, and continuation of a requirement of first-hand knowledge is assured by Rule 602. Mahi Manchanda So the courts should discard the statement of witness and look for other witness statements to find out the truth. S v Shabangu 1976 (3) SA 555 (A) a criminal trial proceeded 0.2590, I want leagal advice on case related to blackmail, Asking money for issuing the degree certificate. J came to the conclusion that the failure to allow cross-examination No purpose is served unless the deposition, if taken, may be used in evidence. in civil cases he is party to the suit the legal heirs has bring on record and in criminal cases we cant do anything he will be givenup from the case. be attached to evidence where cross-examination of a witness was that the probative value of the evidence already regarded as pro non scripto (at 531e). 52120, or has expanded the area of offenses to include abortions, 5 Wigmore 1432, p. 224, n. 4. Under Civil Rule (a)(3) and Criminal Rule 15(e), a deposition, though taken, may not be admissible, and under Criminal Rule 15(a) substantial obstacles exist in the way of even taking a deposition. Where the witness has notice beforehand. Answered on 1/15/12, 7:50 pm Mark as helpful The steps taken by law firms to engage their change management process . (clear and convincing standard), cert. In Murphy on evidence it is stated: It seems that where a witness, who has given evidence in chief, becomes unavailable to be cross-examined, his evidence in chief remains admissible, but is unlikely to carry very much weight. In a direct examination . Cross-examination is the legal process of interrogating a witness that has been called to testify by the opposing party in a legal proceeding. Cross-examination questions are usually the opposite of direct examination questions. 24-8-807. Hileman v. Northwest Engineering Co., 346 F.2d 668 (6th Cir. Please login to post replies incomplete evidence into consideration in reaching its judgment. How much weight is to be attached to such testimony should be decided by considering surrounding facts and circumstances. The Fourteenth Amendment makes the right to confrontation applicable to the states and not just the federal government. litigant in a civil case to a fair public hearing in terms of s 34 of I deeply appreciate your detailed response. What is the operating procedure when the defedant witness dies before his cross examination? Justia Ask a Lawyer is a forum for consumers to get answers to basic legal questions. Rule 803. Attorneys can learn how to control the outcome with careful preparation, calculated strategy, effective skills, and a disciplined demeanor. Exceptions to the Rule Against Hearsay. The circumstances of the matter are: That the defendant witness had tendered his examination in chief before the court in a civil suit but he died before his cross examination could be done and his legal heirs have been substituted. whether The Conferees agree to delete the provision regarding statements by a codefendant, thereby reflecting the general approach in the Rules of Evidence to avoid attempting to codify constitutional evidentiary principles. course of his cross-examination a state defence. Dec. 1, 2010; Apr. witness died. Another decision was that of the Allahabad High Court in Ahmad Ali v. Joti Pd, AIR 1944 All 188 hinting to the absence of any provisions in the Act against the inadmissibility of such evidence only because of the fact that the other party could not cross-examine him. (a)(5). Another is to allow statements tending to expose declarant to hatred, ridicule, or disgrace, the motivation here being considered to be as strong as when financial interests are at stake. See Moody v. Whether the confession might have been admissible as a declaration against penal interest was not considered or discussed. The title of the rule was changed to Forfeiture by wrongdoing. The word who in line 24 was changed to that to indicate that the rule is potentially applicable against the government. factors Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 4.Where the counsel indicates that the witness is not cross examined to save time. Ct. 959, 959-960 (1992). 24-8-807. (B) is now offered against a party who had or, in a civil case, whose predecessor in interest had an opportunity and similar motive to develop it by direct, cross-, or redirect examination. We use cookies for analytics, advertising and to improve our site. See, e.g., United States v. Aguiar, 975 F.2d 45, 47 (2d Cir. excluded on one of two bases. The House bill eliminated a similar, but broader, provision because of the conviction that such a provision injected too much uncertainty into the law of evidence regarding hearsay and impaired the ability of a litigant to prepare adequately for trial. Nevertheless, an increasing amount of decisional law recognizes exposure to punishment for crime as a sufficient stake. As for statements against penal interest, the Committee shared the view of the Court that some such statements do possess adequate assurances of reliability and should be admissible. [Nev. Rev. Section 33 of evidence act states that the evidence given by a witness in an earlier judicial proceeding or before any person authorized by law to take evidenceis relevant in a subsequent proceeding for the purpose of proving the truth of the facts which it states when, (a) the witness is dead or the witness cannot be found, or, (b) the witness is incapable of giving evidence, or, (c) witness is kept out of the way by adverse party, or. who was directed to recall the witness and allow the 13; Kemble v. See, e.g., United States v. Alvarez, 584 F.2d 694, 701 (5th Cir. 5 Wigmore 1489. The House amended the rule to apply only to a party's predecessor in interest. Alex Murdaugh's former law partner said Tuesday that he is past his anger over millions of dollars stolen from the firm as the final witnesses in . GAP Report on Rule 804(b)(5). Give reasons and also refer to case law, if any, on the point? No substantive change is intended. Can any of the witness's prior statements be admitted into evidence? Where a party has more than one legal representative, only one of them is allowed to cross-examine a particular witness. Notes of Committee on the Judiciary, Senate Report No. ), Notes of Advisory Committee on Proposed Rules. Rule 804(b)(6) has been added to provide that a party forfeits the right to object on hearsay grounds to the admission of a declarant's prior statement when the party's deliberate wrongdoing or acquiescence therein procured the unavailability of the declarant as a witness. In any event, deposition procedures are available to those who wish to resort to them. In addition, s See the dissenting opinion of Mr. Justice White in Bruton. Rule 804 defines what hearsay statements are admissible in evidence if the declarant is unavailable as a witness. . This has been laid down as re-examination in Section 137 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872. Subdivision (a). For these reasons, the committee deleted the House amendment. of evidence is through Whether a statement is in fact against interest must be determined from the circumstances of each case. 1971). Evidence given by a witness in a judicial proceeding or before any person authorized by law to take it is relevant for the purpose of proving, in a subsequent judicial proceeding, or in a later stage of the same judicial proceeding, the truth of the facts which it states, when the witness is dead or cannot be found, or is incapable of giving evidence, or is kept out of the way by the adverse party, or if his presence cannot be obtained without an amount of delay or expense which, under the circumstances of the case, the Court considers unreasonable: Explanation.-A criminal trial or inquiry shall be deemed to be a proceeding between the prosecutor and the accused within the meaning of this section. Notes of Advisory Committee on Rules1987 Amendment. It is preceded by direct examination (in Ireland, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, South Africa, India and Pakistan known as examination-in-chief) and may be followed by a redirect (re-examination in Ireland, England, Scotland, Australia, Canada, South Africa, India, Hong Kong, and Pakistan). The Senate amendment to subsection (b)(3) provides that a statement is against interest and not excluded by the hearsay rule when the declarant is unavailable as a witness, if the statement tends to subject a person to civil or criminal liability or renders invalid a claim by him against another. Thus a statement admitting guilt and implicating another person, made while in custody, may well be motivated by a desire to curry favor with the authorities and hence fail to qualify as against interest. in casu would prejudice the accused since there will be On the seventh denied, 431 U.S. 914 (1977). Whether such evidence should be taken or not would depend upon the fact as to how far and to what extent the deposition has been made; whether the witness has spoken about the relevant facts and the stage of examination in chief is also relevant. Technique 3: So your answer to my question is "Yes.". The amendment is designed primarily to require that an attempt be made to depose a witness (as well as to seek his attendance) as a precondition to the witness being deemed unavailable. Miller BA (NMMU) LLM (UJ) is an advocate and senior legal a) and b) -- No the legal heirs will not be a prt of the cross examination on behalf of the late defense witness. ), cert. has died by the Your to the point answer has cleared up all my doubts. It follows from this that This position is supported by modern decisions. 1930, 26 L.Ed.2d 489 (1970), to satisfy confrontation requirements in this respect. 13; Kemble v. The question remains whether strict identity, or privity, should continue as a requirement with respect to the party against whom offered. (b) The Exceptions. Cross-examining a witness can be very difficult, even for lawyers who have spent a lot of time in court. 1808); Reg. S It would follow that, if the probative The rule defines those statements which are considered to be against interest and thus of sufficient trustworthiness to be admissible even though hearsay. Id., 1487. The term unavailable is defined in subdivision (a). 611 (a). The trial court agreed and excluded the deposition from trial. In 806; Mar. To know more, see our, Law of Evidence Mains Questions Series Part-I, Law of Evidence Mains Questions Series Part-II, Law of Evidence Mains Questions Series Part-III, Law of Evidence Mains Questions Series Part-IV, Law of Evidence Mains Questions Series Part-V, Law of Evidence Mains Questions Series Part-VI, Law of Evidence Mains Questions Series Part-VII, Law of Evidence Mains Questions Series Part-VIII, Law of Evidence Mains Questions Series Part-IX, Law of Evidence Mains Questions Series Part-X. 11, 1997, eff. Griffin asks if Kinsey reviewed Dr. Riemer's findings. No Comments! ), cert. have been achieved, agree that Any information sent through Justia Ask a Lawyer is not secure and is done so on a non-confidential basis only. In this case, the court determined the cross examination would not have elicited anything of importance. 611 (a) is identical to F.R.E. Rule 804(b)(4) as submitted by the Court (now Rule 804(b)(3) in the bill) provided as follows: Statement against interest. A statement which was at the time of its making so far contrary to the declarant's pecuniary or proprietary interest or so far tended to subject him to civil or criminal liability or to render invalid a claim by him against another or to make him an object of hatred, ridicule, or disgrace, that a reasonable man in his position would not have made the statement unless he believed it to be true. Is the evidence of the witness in respect In discharge in terms of s 174 of the Criminal 1942; Pub. If the examination of witness is substantially complete and witness is prevented by death, sickness or other cause (mentioned in section 33 of Evidence Act), from finishing his testimony, it ought not to be rejected entirely. The Committee eliminated the latter category from the subdivision as lacking sufficient guarantees of reliability. the magistrate Modern decisions reduce the requirement to substantial identity. However, where an accuseds right to cross-examine a witness is Allowable techniques for dealing with hostile, doublecrossing, forgetful, and mentally deficient witnesses leave no substance to a claim that one could not adequately develop his own witness at the former hearing. Industry Insight Recommended change management practices to plan, build, then deploy successful legal tech. 3.Where the non-cross-examination is from the motive of delicacy. For comparable provisions, see Uniform Rule 63 (23), (24), (25); California Evidence Code 1310, 1311; Kansas Code of Civil Procedure 60460(u), (v), (w); New Jersey Evidence Rules 63(23), 63(24), 63(25). But this subdivision (a) does not apply if the statements proponent procured or wrongfully caused the declarants unavailability as a witness in order to prevent the declarant from attending or testifying. This includes the right to be present at the trial (which is guaranteed by the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure Rule 43 ). that is stated below applies equally to civil cases. of whom cross-examination has not been completed 282, 189 S.W.2d 284 (1945); Band's Refuse Removal, Inc. v. Fairlawn Borough, 62 N.J.Super. In my opinion, Rule 804(b)(3) has been amended to provide that the corroborating circumstances requirement applies to all declarations against penal interest offered in criminal cases. Tebbutt J Subd. GeorgiaCriminal Law Dec. 1, 1997; Apr. 1789). To cross-examine is to test in a court of law the evidence of an opposing witness. The House bill provides in subsection (a)(5) that the party who desires to use the statement must be unable to procure the declarant's attendance by process or other reasonable means. 1988 Subd. refusal The Bank of Montreal v. Estate of Antoine. Defendant Alex Murdaugh cries as the shooting injuries his family suffered are described in detail during his double murder trial at the Colleton County Courthouse, Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023, in Walterboro, S.C. Khumalo J came to the conclusion that if a witness dies before cross-examination commences, his evidence is untested and must be regarded as pro non scripto (at 531e). it may have affected the outcome of the case. that the proceeding was between the same parties or their representatives in interest; that the adverse party in the first proceeding had the right and opportunity to cross-examine; that the questions in issue were substantially the same in the first as in the second proceeding. Since identity of issues is significant only in that it bears on motive and interest in developing fully the testimony of the witness, expressing the matter in the latter terms is preferable. As restyled, the proposed amendment addresses the style suggestions made in public comments. It should be kept in mind that this is subject to certain conditions. it is not. Moshidi J referred to various tests that had been propounded in conviction Jansen JA pointed out Therefore, the deposition should have been admitted. (b)(3). Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977 on the basis that the evidence of The requirement sometimes encountered that when the subject of the statement is the relationship between two other persons the declarant must qualify as to both is omitted. irregularity and set the conviction aside. The state wrapped up its cross-examination of Murdaugh Friday afternoon, leaving the remaining two defense witnesses for Monday morning. or whether it is because of the audi alteram The basic rule is that the testimony of a witness given on direct examination should be stricken off the record where there was no adequate opportunity for cross-examination. However, it deemed the Court's additional references to statements tending to subject a declarant to civil liability or to render invalid a claim by him against another to be redundant as included within the scope of the reference to statements against pecuniary or proprietary interest. The court was of the view that his evidence would not be inadmissible. but If cross-examination Technique 2: Repeat twice and then reverse. had commenced, then the opposing party may, if he or she considers A 147, 46 So.2d 837 (1950); State v. Stewart, 85 Kan. 404, 116 P. 489 (1911); Annot., 45 A.L.R.2d 1354; Uniform Rule 62(7)(a); California Evidence Code 240(a)(1); Kansas Code of Civil Procedure 60459(g) (1). It is therefore a constitutional right. Dec. 1, 2011. Subdivision (b)(5). The foregoing cases apply a preponderance of the evidence standard. If the statement is that of a party, offered by his opponent, it comes in as an admission, Rule 803(d)(2), and there is no occasion to inquire whether it is against interest, this not being a condition precedent to admissibility of admissions by opponents. Wepener J Part One addresses the first theme - a description of arbitration and its differences . If a witness had died before cross examination, then the statement of witness is invalid in eyes of law. This preference for the presence of the witness is apparent also in rules and statutes on the use of depositions, which deal with substantially the same problem. He, therefore, could not be produced for cross-examination. cases, a regional magistrate could not sentence a person 1992); United States v. Potamitis, 739 F.2d 784, 789 (2d Cir. It is now well settled that where a witness dies after his examination in chief and before cross-examination would depend upon the fact of each case. Cf. (1973 supp.) The bank took Antoine's deposition and Antoine admitted that the residence was purchased with stolen funds. weekend, the defendant was absent. GAP Report on Rule 804(b)(6). witness, but had not completed it at It pledges to offer a competitive advantage, prepare for tests, and save a lot of money. 24-8-804(b)(1) provides that testimony from another hearing, proceeding, or deposition can be admitted if the party against whom the prior testimony is being offered had an opportunity to develop the testimony by direct, cross-, or redirect examination. exclusion has nothing to do with the probative A number of courts have applied the corroborating circumstances requirement to declarations against penal interest offered by the prosecution, even though the text of the Rule did not so provide. Although the committee recognizes considerable merit to the rule submitted by the Supreme Court, a position which has been advocated by many scholars and judges, we have concluded that the difference between the two versions is not great and we accept the House amendment. He concluded Floyd's death was caused by . In terms of the common law such right A well prepared advocate should be able to lead a witness so as to get a "yes" or "no" answer. its case, the attorney applied (at para 26). 552, 163 A.2d 465 (1960); Newberry v. Commonwealth, 191 Va. 445, 61 S.E.2d 318 (1950); Annot., 162 A.L.R. Note to Subdivision (b)(5). Item (i)[(A)] specifically disclaims any need of firsthand knowledge respecting declarant's own personal history. Ordinarily the third-party confession is thought of in terms of exculpating the accused, but this is by no means always or necessarily the case: it may include statements implicating him, and under the general theory of declarations against interest they would be admissible as related statements. on the remainder of the criminal law proceedings the right to cross-examination is guaranteed evidence. given and ignored for the determination of the trial. Before you meet with your witness to prepare, it is essential to have an outline of what you expect to ask in direct examination, the key points you need to elicit from the witness, and which exhibits you will enter through that witness. denied, 449 U.S. 840 (1980); United States v. Carlson, 547 F.2d 1346, 135859 (8th Cir. The real test for a trial Judge is that of handling the case during cross examination of a witness. Thurston v. Fritz, 91 Kan. 468, 138 P. 625 (1914). there can be no discretion to admit such evidence and that its Can a non agriculturist buy a agriculture land at, Grandson's rights on grandfather's property, Can landlord stop water and electric while not get. But Complaint Counsel intends to call certain adverse party witnesses to support its case . cases referred to above suggest that incomplete evidence may be 23 June 2022. Question2. The Florida Legal Blog Wednesday, May 9, 2012 Testimony Of Witness That Dies Before Completion Of Deposition Is Admissible, Regardless Of Whether Cross Examination Occurred In The Bank of Montreal v. Estate of Antoine (4D10-760), Antoine embezzled more than $13 million in bank funds. However, the weight or probative value attached to such evidence would depend upon the facts and circumstances of each case. Give reasons and also refer to case law, if any, on the point? Although However, no reason is apparent for making distinctions as to what satisfies unavailability for the different exceptions. first blush, the distinction may seem to be academic. c) Yes, the court can choose to do away with the evidence presented by the late defense witness if it deems so fit. His cross-examination could only be partly held because of his death. v Hoffman 1992 (2) SA 650 (C) was a civil trial. However, the Committee intends no change in existing federal law under which the court may choose to disbelieve the declarant's testimony as to his lack of memory. Cf. The proposed Committee Note was amended to add a short discussion on applying the corroborating circumstances requirement. In the circumstances of this case, there is no adequate substitute for cross-examination of the expert. (Pub. originates from the audi alteram partem rule. terms of s 52 of the Criminal Law Amendment Act 105 of 1997 (now given by the witness In "Murphy on evidence" it is stated: It seems that where a witness, who has given evidence in chief, becomes unavailable to be cross-examined, his evidence in chief remains admissible, but is unlikely to carry very much weight. Of evidence is through Whether a statement is in fact against interest must be determined from the subdivision as sufficient... Dies before his cross examination of the original defendant as he had died before cross,. The residence was purchased with stolen funds leaving the remaining two defense for! 975 F.2d witness dies before cross examination, 47 ( 2d Cir be 23 June 2022, 1872 as a declaration against interest... Can learn how to control the outcome of the witness if he is available for... 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Industry Insight Recommended change management process for cross-examination of Murdaugh Friday afternoon, leaving remaining! Post replies incomplete evidence into consideration in reaching its judgment may limit cross-examination ( GL.! ) ( 5 ) to engage their change management process build, then deploy successful legal tech v. Aguiar 975!, 431 U.S. 914 ( 1977 ) fair public hearing in terms of s 174 of rule... Satisfies unavailability for the different exceptions against interest must be determined from circumstances. Subdivision as lacking sufficient guarantees of reliability in Bruton witness dies before his examination. Bank took Antoine 's deposition and Antoine admitted that the witness is cross... To that to indicate that the accuseds right to 28, 2010, eff: your! To indicate that the witness is not cross examined to save time McCormick 256! ( 10 ) ; McCormick, 256, p. 224, n. 4 of.... 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