you are. The Father's name is clearly noted in the KJV version of Psalms 68:4. No one knows the original looks like or whats been taken out or put in. Your original post was a dead giveaway that you are Christian talking about Christianity. To our families, friends, children, neighbors, community, lovers, pets, and those in need all other the world! Here is Dr.Bart Ehrman of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill : Most of their research is not peer reviewed except by fellow believers. Too bad you're oblivious to that. You could worship a potato and get the same results. Your nephew is worth it. I KNOW SAMUEL L. JACKSON-HE IS A FRIEND. There is nothing wrong with that.. And they want to tell you about it It comes off as terribly insecure, like an overweight chick who recently lost a lot of weight and cant stop wearing skimpy dresses or stop talking about how HOT they look After a while you start questioning to yourself, "do you RELLY believe in your hotness?" Religions like Christianity and Islam really bash women and hide them from the writings unless they are being punished or called a prostitute of a sort! Yes, you do follow religion. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. Put two and two togetherMost people's prayers are answered because of Faith. Let's get that out of the way 1st. I'm not a distraction for that. So, just because you claim it so, doesn't make it so. Right. People claim to have seen them just like Jesus. Christ is real. See you still got nothing. Side note, I love this discussion and I love to see that people are starting to be more courageous and standing up for what they believe, even if their views are unpopular. amen to that. uh, Amen. Until you do you will continue to be the ignorant fool that you are now. and I'd like to thank neil tyson for putting out some choice quotes over the years. However, I can give suggestions and that's what I did. Some famous rappers who don't believe in God rap about religion while other famous rappers who aren't Christian share interesting quotes about atheism in interviews. Ur WRONG! Where is your evidence? Spencer Yale He rose from the dead so his body was gone. You don't know African-American history/chronology. Am I missing something here? Daron, these celebrities are self-proclaimed non-believers. To each its own!Oh well. It is a contradictory and plagiarized text. before I left America my biggest moment was telling all of my religious nut friends that I have been an atheist since the age of twelve. yeah, i'm christian because it's actually rightbut i don't see how that would be that I have a bad/no memory, because I remember Axum, and the church in Nubia and Ethiopiai fear many just haven't learned their history as much as they could. It is best that you stay off threads with your nonsense. Christianity "IS" INSANITY!!! And for those that want to question the physical evidence of his existence I ask for the same kind of proof that George Washington, Alexander the Great, Dr. King, the ancient Egyptians, and any other historical figure existed. Some of us refer to these as miracles even many doctors and scientists refer to these as miracle or Maybe you won't. Foremost among them King James who wrote his bible to kill his wives to get more wives (sounds like our suicide bombers of today)! Killing out of anger, making a man suffer too prove a point to the devil. Self reliance is something that people who believe in the invisible should really try to work on developing. So child what's your opinion. however, in this country, i will support your spiritual right to call on whomever you choose when u get in trouble. 2000+ year dead men made him up for folks like you who needed imaginary sky daddies in order to live. "And as I stated above, I have my proof and facts and I strongly believe in God whether you think he's a myth, a figurement of someone's imagination that does not detour or convert my attention away from whom I believe and what I believe in." Again, I suggest that you stop lying and being bigot. First they create the scenario by infecting you with this virus "sin" then offer you an imaginary cure "salvation". Shakira shades ex Gerard Piqu and Clara Chia's relationship and new photos of Shawn Mendes and Sabrina Carpenter walking together in Los Angeles had fans buzzing on Twitter. one was the overview, the next was the method of doing so. And dumb behind black folks are going to be the ones who suffer the most. For those of faith reading this, Allah is real so give up the cursed Bible and find a Qur'an and read it. Fact is fact. Achieving nothing but ignorance forever more. Agreed 1000%. I am female. Arrogance is telling someone who has experienced that phenomenal change in their life that they are wrong. As long as a religion doesn't preach the harming of other people then, it's all good. "nothing from nothing leaves nothing" matter and energy can't be created or destroyed only made to change form. You don't even know what the scientific method or critical thinking is. I am not very religious but their does exist good and evil in the world. its all DESIGNED. A black christian is no different than a black person who supports the Ku Klux Klan. Forever writing epistles of how "blinded" people who believe in God are! It is the wise book, and the wisest book on Earth. Religion is a tool. God wants to have a relationship with all of us, open your hearts and allow Him to reveal Himself to you and He will! God and all things theistic has been disproven for centuries. I choose to believe in GOD and that's my final answer!!! Good for them. Religion is something that is deeply ingrained into black culture. Believe what you want!!! Lmao!! FYI. Lesson: don't play with your puppy while texting with swype lol. Estevan Carlos Benson "a God" doesn't exist. I can't believe most of you are sell outs like this. Isa Massi While I have immense abundant respect for your faith, I can personally guarantee you there is plenty of true spiritual guidance coming from our particular brand of Buddhist practice. '"~Matthew 4:4. Learn and keep an open mind, I am trying to change your belief system I want you question things and acquire new knowledge. And please don't cite the bible. I actually have a modicum of respect for Tyler the Creator now. By Martha Sorren and Elizabeth Berry Updated: Sep 12, 2022 Martha Sorren Martha. Period. Salam. What's wrong with an approach that says "Hey you are a/an Christian/Atheist? And more. You don't comprehend vast subjects like the Spiritual realm, or the various dimensions of existence. AND HINDUISM CAME FROM ANCIENT KEMIT (EGYPT) IT IS A KNOWN FACT!!! Yup nothing screams love like telling slaves to obey their masters as well as it basically saying that slavery is ok. Guys.. most of us know most Christian rappers are bad at rapping or rap too much about themselves and not God. I love it! Then I got cut open and with my guts hanging out in the street I found my faith and I was spared. Also, there is plenty of factual data and signs for those who believe. yahshua said, he comes in his Father's name. Kamilah T. Harris I believe in questioning and challenging. myself, silly!! Yawwwwn oh and good things happen in life as do bad so god ain't saving you from neither and neither is your imaginary friend Jesus! I am so blessed because of what God has done for my life. Bet you and people like you still think that Eve was the first woman created by God and that women are 2nd class citizens according to scripture. Many people get lost in the thought , for those who still don't believe in God, they are simply not educated enough and same goes to those that believe in religion, they are all followers because they simply cant think for themselves so they stop searching and crawl to the easiest option which is obviously a global opinion being religious or not believing in anything, i call that weak . I can accept that if you believe that,.Then you can believe in the non existence of God, the way the universe is organised and coordinated in a systematic manner show no doubt in the existence of God and if you dont believe in the existence of God then you should not believe in your own existence also, what makes you exist and think that God cannot exist.? I don't care. He proves Himself so that we will increase in Faith in Him. I wish (if Jesus were real and alive today) for him the middle easterner that he was to show up at your front door, bleed from his hand into a cup and hand it to you with request to drink it JUST so you can remember him. All i can say here is BIG UP TO THE EIGHT hope to see many more AWAKEN PEOPLE LET THE christian demoms BURY there DEAD AND leave them that is awaken to live as they chose too ! I hate when U, as well as ppl LIKE u think that it was ur OWN intelligence or MIND that woke u up, etc, made u healthy, fed, n sheltered! Study history it will not match that book. Lol. We must change our lives and conform to His Word! Instead I would do what I and others like me have done. All had Jesus beat ,into them and now dance like clowns in praise of it. Neither one speaks to you. All y'all done lost y'all's mind! god: 2 million+ deaths in the bible the devil: 10. Regarding Satan and God, how can you tell which is which? ROMANS CLEARLY SPEAKS OF NOT JUDGING SOMEONE, I BEG YOU TO LOOK UP THE MOVIE FAREWELL UNCLE TOM. It takes a firm foundation in Islam. Winfred Theteacher Wills how is it that an invisible man that is everywhere at the same time created everything out of nothing just by wishing it? Its the internet equivalent of a child throwing a temper tantrum in a store. BECAUSE THEY GAVE BIRTH TO EVERY LIVING MAN WOMAN ON THIS PLANET! Wis.5 Without God I am nothing. Out of all the people in the Bible, can you name one burial place? We must respect the What I can also tell you for certain Jerry is that religion has been manipulated and abused. When it comes to investigation and challenge of prophetic claims, none have really ever measured up. The whole thing about Satan convincing people be doesn't exist is a line from a Shakespeare play, not the Bible. Brad Pitt has said on more than one occasion that he doesn't believe in God. He does exist pray to him everyday and he will reach you. We're fools because we don't believe in a book that says you should kill your misbehaving child! But I understand that our people do suffer more than other groups in this world and it is important to many to have that faith. Yeah. Cheryl South you don't have to be a christian to love and help others. I'd confess Lady Gaga was lord after enough torture. But then, tell me why the earth was PERFECTLY positioned not too close to the sun and not to far from the sun, where Earth gets a perfect amount of sunlight. "I ain't religious by the way. Faith is assertion and claim without evidence so your analogies of the brain and oceans are horrible. Thank you O merciful one. Supernatural CAN NOT exist without God! Also, those stories would have to be verified objectively which is impossible with hearsay. I see going to college hasn't done you any good. @Kamilah T. Harris thanks for the specifics. The lead singer of a Christian rock band and the son of a pastor announced on Instagram that he no longer believes in God. Learn instead. Cheryl South it's also a major part of being an atheistthank you very much. Modern science has more than proven that there must be an afterlife and that Allah is real. You have to call people who don't believe what you do "demon possessed"? And even if they didn't have a Bible in hand or men of science to say so, they still would have justified it with with their guns. I blame SLAVERY on the bible, that is why it was illegal to teach slaves to read. u should have seen them shouting about praying for my soul. You people with your finite minds are not intelligent enough to contemplate an infinite God, creator, source of matter and energy. One of the biggest tricks the devil ever played was convincing gullible people that God don't exist. Confess you sin and he will accept you now. He is also the co-founder of reach records. They're put on a pedestal (fame & money) and soon they began to think the are greater thou. Check out this video on double standards. The bible is nothing but myths. Faith and belief are the same thing by definition assertion and claiming without evidence and proof existing or supporting it. I know I don't need a piece of paper to honor me as to what I'm good at doing. I didn't expect anything too intelligent eh? 1) You don't scare me. The spiritual side is inside us we can not deny it ( he must first believe in yourself knowing that you are part of a whole) if interress about seriously . Thus, the conclusions being flawed not only on face value but minute detail as well. Heck, it's A.B.I. It was easy for you to believe 2000+ year dead men so if you want to continue being a sheep head, go right ahead. Bummer. Just a simple warning. @ron jones yeah my fellow mexicans have the same plight forced upon them but with semi-different bvllshit,catholic church. I have wanted to create something like this where all religions come together along with a panel of anthropologists, scientists, geologists, Indigenous Spiritualists, Metaphysicians, Cosmologists, etc. Preach, lol. ther buybull is man mad nonsense to subjugate the low info. In the meantime, check yourself into a mental asylum. Carl B Grant , That's a good point. Islam is the perfect religion. Lol. When Satan deceives people in the Bible, they're very much aware of him. What you see in the black church is our spirituality and energy that came with us from Africa. This is why religiosity and god belief are mental illnesses. Some religions will put you in jail for not giving 10 percent of your income yet it was Jesus who said a poor man will get to heaven before a rich man. the black sheeple don't care, they'll still support these stars while blindly still believing, Chuks Amadi : right on Chuks____what a shame. 9:5; Psalms 146:4). There is a lot the church doesn't teach. He wakes Us up in the Morning! Those stories would also have to be actively investigated for their validity. Typical. Just because you say or think something to be true does not mean that it is. 2) You obviously have no idea what a Nobel Prize is and what it takes to get one. All objective evidence/proof points directly to the contrary. God is real. The big bang theory is secondary, my question to you is how was the fuse lit, when and by whom? For any black person to be Christian or support the religion shows they have completely lost their memory or don't know their own history. you like her better than me huh? were found on the biblical principal "Love your brother as your self" This is a big crock of twisted rhetoric and bogus quotes. Put down the symbol of death (the cross) and Sankofa. As you can see from the thread, Dennis & I go back a bit with spatting. I simply suggest that you have faith. Then maybe we can start getting somewhere together as a species, and really start to progress in exploring and appreciating this fantastic existence, together, Oh right I forgot that bullshit religion isn't real, but your bullshit religion is? You got nothing but an exit line. It has nothing to do with measurement of smarts. Yaaaaaas! by the way treating people the way you want to be treated IS a Christian notion. Heaven and hell don't exist and never have or will. There is no discrepancy written in it because it is from Allah and it proves Allah's existence in the fact of how it was revealed and that no one else can bring 10 chapters like it.. Sam! 1) Atheism is not a religion. It is unfortunate that the reality of who God is won't sink in until it's everlasting to late. Now, right here I'm going to give total strangers my basis on my disbelief of the Judea-Christian doctrine: If in fact there is a Godhead and an evil dark force known as Stan; if God grants eternal life and peace to his believers, and the Devil punishes those who don't accept nor believe for eternity,wouldn't in fact God and the Devil be cooperative business partners at the very least, or the same figurehead at literal value. Interview: Christian Rappers Influenced by the Music of XXXTentacion and Lil Peep (PART 2) By Justin Sarachik December 14, 2018 Last week, in an article titled " Christian Hip-Hop Pushes Emo Rap to a Positive Narrative " we broke down Emo Rap's significance on Christian rap. 10. I think you know this. Allah proves Himself with His words, for without them we would have no knowledge of Allah. Maybe one day brother you will wake up and realize that your masters religion is not your own. In their life that they are wrong to live I found my faith belief. 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