Most researchers believe that blue-eyed individuals may be more dominant among certain populations and less present in others. Although these conditions cannot permanently change the color of the iris, they generally affect the eyes sclera or cornea. The origin of the gene giving rise to blond hair color has been traced back to the last Ice Age 11,000 years ago. For example, instead of blue as in humans, autosomal recessive eye color in the skink species Corucia zebrata is black, and the autosomal dominant color is yellow-green. A study in Rotterdam (2009) found that it was possible to predict eye color with more than 90% accuracy for brown and blue using just six SNPs. For just about everyone, the back layer of each eye is brown. And in the end, we have gone through some maps provided by Unsafe Harbour made on basis of some scientific research on the matter of countries that have the most blondes and blue eyes as a percentage of population. Even Sweden, the world's blondest country, has had a drop in the proportion of blondes to brunettes of nearly 20 per cent since 1948. . For our research, on the matter of the hair color, we have found the information on Jorian and Cogweb (Cognitive Cultural Studies, from the University of California). Definitions of the eye color hazel vary: it is sometimes considered to be synonymous with light brown or gold, as in the color of a hazelnut shell. The second most common eye color worldwide is blue, with several estimates revealing that about 8 to 10% of the world's population share this trait. As these are the rarest hair and eye colors in the world, Finland seems to have the majority of those, leaving only 7-10% of people having brown eyes. [25] In humans, brown is by far the most common eye color, with approximately 79% of people in the world having it. The color can be from the very pale blond (caused by a patchy, scarce distribution of pigment) to reddish "strawberry" blond or golden-brownish ("sandy") blond . . Blue eyes aren't actually blue. Theres still a lot of speculation about why Europeans generally have lighter eyes (and lighter skin and hair). Scientists are looking into the possibility of those who have blue eyes being at higher risk for sensorineural hearing loss. Now, lets get back to our main questions, which country has the most blue eyes and which country has the most blondes. An iris that appears blue under this method of observation is more likely to remain blue as the infant ages. More than 80 percent of the inhabitants of Estonia and Scandinavian countries have blue eyes. Instead, they have less melanin, absorb less light, scatter more light and reflect it along the spectrum of light color. Why Do Europeans Have So Many Hair and Eye Colors? Eye color not only affects ones personality but also reflects ones ancestry, the melanin concentration in irises, and even ones current health condition. ", "Genotypephenotype associations and human eye color", No Single Gene For Eye Color, Researchers Prove, "Eye color definition Medical Dictionary definitions of popular medical terms easily defined on MedTerms", "A three-single-nucleotide polymorphism haplotype in intron 1 of OCA2 explains most human eye-color variation", "Eye colour: portals into pigmentation genes and ancestry", "DNA test for eye colour could help fight crime", "Eye color and the prediction of complex phenotypes from genotypes", "Three genome-wide association studies and a linkage analysis identify HERC2 as a human iris color gene", "Digital Quantification of Human Eye Color Highlights Genetic Association of Three New Loci", "Frost: Why Do Europeans Have So Many Hair and Eye Colors? It's also the story of the bond she fights to maintain with her 10 year-old sister, Arina. . Blue eyes have small amounts of melanin while brown eyes are rich in melanin. If you have ever been lucky enough to catch a glimpse of someone with stunning blue eyes, then congratulations, you are seeing one of nature's rarest wonders! Globally, brown is the most common eye color. The extensive study on the genetic mutation was carried out by researchers at three Japanese universities; the research concluded that the genetic mutation occurred around 9,000 BC, as a result of various environmental and evolutionary factors. [26] Hazel eyes are more common in Spaniards, North Africa, the Middle East, and Brazil. Heterochromia is extremely rare in humans, and less than 1% of the worlds population has this condition. Image credit: Aleksandar Mijatovic via Shutterstock. It was created by the anthropologists Rudolf Martin and Bruno K Schultz in the first half of the 20th century. In addition, flash photography can sometimes cause a "red-eye effect", in which the very bright light from a flash reflects off the retina, which is abundantly vascular, causing the pupil to appear red in the photograph. Although most common eye color in Latvia that ranks 7th on our list oftop countries that have the most blondes and blue eyes as a percentage ofpopulation, is blue and greyish-blue and hair blond, there is also a certain amount of population being grey-eyes and brown haired, whose roots can probably be traced to the ancient Livs, who have later been assimilated. Normally, there is a thick layer of melanin on the back of the iris. Amber eyes are a solid color with a strong yellowish/golden and russet/coppery tint, which may be due to the yellow pigment called lipochrome (also found in green eyes). Additionally, Icelanders are very passionate about supporting their sports teams! Eye color may not remain constant throughout your life. In those with milder forms of albinism, the color of the iris is typically blue but can vary from blue to brown. Speaking scientifically, blue eye color and natural blond hair are cause of recessive genes (actually alleles, which are forms of a gene) combination, as opposed to dominant genes which are characterised by darker eye and hair colors (of course, recessive and dominant genes are not only responsible for eye and hair color, but for other genetic inheritance as well). Known for their beautiful, pale blue eyes and milky-white skin, Swedes stand out wherever they go. Nevertheless, green eyes are common in a few parts of the world, like Ireland and Scotland. Hazel eyes are due to a combination of Rayleigh scattering and a moderate amount of melanin in the iris' anterior border layer. Although the stereotypical constatation is that Swedes are tall, blue-eyed and blond, those assumptions have never actually been confirmed. Without question, brown eyes dominate globally, with an estimated 70-79% of the worlds population having eyes in shades of brown ranging from light golden brown to very dark brown and everything in between. Of those four, green is the rarest. Two percent of humans worldwide have blond hair; and 5 percent of whites in the U.S., according to the researchers. "They have all inherited the same switch at exactly the same spot in their DNA.". The AAO states that those with central heterochromia have iris with two differently colored rings, while those with complete heterochromia have one iris with a different color. If you see a dark outline around your iris -- the colored part of your eye -- this is your limbal ring. Estonia is the country most known for its fair-skinned, blue-eyed population, followed closely by Finland. In the U.S., that proportion is higher, at about 27%. If there is enough or too much melanin, the eyes are brown and black. Genetic research suggests that until about 10,000 years ago, pretty much everyone had brown eyes. By contrast, less than 1 in every 100 people in southern Europe . Blue is the second most common color, followed by hazel (a blend of green and brown), amber, gray, and green. Brown is the most common eye colour. A mosaic can have two different colored eyes if the DNA difference happens to be in an eye-color gene. Blue eye color is determined by melanin, and melanin is actually brown by nature. Are contact lenses a good choice for kids? The color of ones eye is perhaps one of the first things people observe when they see each other. Both parents have to pass along the blue eye gene in order for their child to have blue eyes. But lets not get things too scientific at this point. The gray-eyed have little or no melanin in their iris but have more collagen in the stroma part of the eye. Since many people with blue eye color are more sensitive to light and may have a higher risk of retinal damage from UV rays, eye doctors often recommend that people with blue eyes be a little more cautious about their exposure to sunlight. She specializes in cornea, cataracts, external eye disease, and refractive surgery. Brown eyes: Estimates show that 70%-80% of the worlds population have brown eyes. Now, geneticists suggest everybody with non-brown eyes can trace their eye color back to that one person. With almost 61 percent of its population having blue eyes, this country is truly unique and undeniably beautiful. While limited, there is some research showing that blue eyes may protect you against seasonal affective disorder. [3]:9. This occurs in humans and certain breeds of domesticated animals and affects less than 1 percent of the world's population. Comments. Originally, all human eyes were brown. If you have blue eyes, it means the iris part of your eyes lacks melanin, so, technically, blue eyes don't have any color. [13][14] These genes are sought by studying small changes in the genes themselves and in neighboring genes, called single-nucleotide polymorphisms or SNPs. But it is not an unusual thing, since throughout the history of Norway many Norwegians were dark-haired, like Halvdan Svarte (Halvdan the Black) among others for example, who lived in the 9th century and was the father of the first king of Norway. 4. About half of people living in the U.S. and a higher population in Africa, and Asia are brown-eyed. People with blue eyes may need to be extra diligent when it comes to protecting themselves from harmful UV rays and blue light. Researchers believe there is one ancestor responsible for blue eyes that descended from the Black Sea region of southeastern Europe anywhere between 6,000 to 10,000 years ago. [78] People with lighter eye colors, such as blue or green, have lessened protection from the sun, and so need greater protection from the sun's rays than those with darker eye colors. Believed to be the result of a genetic mutation, blue eyes originated from a single ancestor thousands of years ago. Blue eye color is a recessive trait, but brown-eyed parents can still produce a blue-eyed child if both parents carry the genes for blue eyes. [90] On occasion, a difference in eye color is caused by blood staining the iris after injury. [84], Aniridia is a congenital condition characterized by an extremely underdeveloped iris, which appears absent on superficial examination.[86]. Just 22 per cent now have brown eyes, while 30 . Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Eye color in non-human animals is regulated differently. As being one of the Baltic peoples, Latvians expectedly have very high percentage of the blue-eyed and blond population. Similarly, people with hazel, gray and green eyes have varying quantities of tint in the front layer. By Verla05. 2000-2023 AAV Media, LLC. Researchers found that only 17 to 22 percent of white cats with non-blue eyes are born deaf. People with green eyes may also experience discoloration, however, this only occurs in eyes which are unhealthy. In fact, only about 17 percent of the world's population has blue eyes. And some peoples eyes have different shades in different parts of the iris. But about 30 percent of left-handed folks are either partial to the right hemisphere or have no dominant hemisphere at all. [55] Eiberg and colleagues suggested in a study published in Human Genetics that a mutation in the 86th intron of the HERC2 gene, which is hypothesized to interact with the OCA2 gene promoter, reduced expression of OCA2 with subsequent reduction in melanin production. the admirers of blue eyes and fair hair were disgusted . Blue light may also damage your retinas. Below is a list of the top six countries with the most blue-eyed people. If you inherit blue-eye genes from your parents, it means that your eyes will have less of a pigment called melanin in them. 3. Common knowledge said that you could predict a child's eye color if you knew the color of their parents' eyes, and possibly the color of their grandparents' eyes. If you have dark brown hair and brown eyes, you have something in common with most people around the globe. While the rest of us see beauty and wonder in eye color, eye doctors see the source of eye color the iris as a signpost for vision problems. Occasionally, heterochromia can be a sign of a serious medical condition. [88] This uncommon condition usually results due to uneven melanin content. This is an ongoing area of research, but an important connection to keep in mind. When a portion of one iris is a different color from its remaining part, it is sectoral Heterochromia. Yellowing of the sclera (the "whites of the eyes") is associated with jaundice,[84] and may be symptomatic of liver diseases such as cirrhosis or hepatitis. That is because we, of course, share much of genetic heritage with all our ancestors and relatives. The answer largely depends on where you live or where your ancestors came from. "Why Edinburgh residents are likely to be blue-eyed", "Genetic determinants of hair, eye and skin pigmentation in Europeans", "Eye Color Percentage for Across the Globe", "Is there any difference in the photobiological properties of melanins isolated from human blue and brown eyes? Norway. This is why hazel eyes can be mistaken as amber and vice versa. Hazel eyes are most common in North Africa, the Middle East, Brazil, and Spain. Bookmark Quiz Bookmark Quiz Bookmark. This form of hearing loss comes from damage to the inner ear or to the nerve going from the ear to the brain. 10 . Close to 3% of people in the world have gray eyes. Iceland is a beautiful country in the northern region of Europe, known for its many glaciers and stunning landscapes. Iris color and associated pathological ocular complications: a review of epidemiologic studies. This damage will cause your vision to become blurrier and more distorteda condition called macular degeneration. Blue is the most common eye colour in Britain, researchers found. How does a parent with a different eye color have a blue-eyed child? [22] Observing the iris of an infant from the side using only transmitted light with no reflection from the back of the iris, it is possible to detect the presence or absence of low levels of melanin. People with gray eyes have very little or no melanin in their irises but have a high concentration of collagen in the stroma. Bilirubin thus accumulates in the blood and makes the sclera and skin yellow. Especially, Intraocular Melanoma. Protecting your eyes and getting regular check ups is important no matter the color of your irises. Different SNPs within OCA2 are strongly associated with blue and green eyes as well as variations in freckling, mole counts, hair and skin tone. [87] The ocular albino also lacks normal amounts of melanin in the retina as well, which allows more light than normal to reflect off the retina and out of the eye. Some medical conditions affect ones eye color. Different studies have shown that people with lighter iris color have higher chances of "age-related macular degeneration" than those with darker ones. Iceland, the northernmost country of the bunch, has the greatest percentage of people with blue eyes. If you have blue eyes, it means the iris part of your eyes lacks melanin, so, technically, blue eyes don't have any color. Vika - a 17 year-old Ukrainian orphan with fiery red hair, bright blue eyes and an everlasting laugh - is setting out into the world for the very first time, all alone. However, a blue-eyed child is almost certain if both parents have blue eyes. Blue-eyed humans have a single, common ancestor. So don't be concerned if your child begins to lose their baby-blue eye color. Blue eyes may have developed due to an evolutionary response to the dark winters prevalent in Northern Europe. This means everyone with blue eyes has one thing in commonthey're all related. . Changes (lightening or darkening) of eye color during early childhood, puberty, pregnancy, and sometimes after serious trauma (like heterochromia) suggest that eyes sometimes change color under certain circumstances, due to chemical reactions or hormonal changes within the body. [85] A blue coloration of the sclera may also be symptomatic of disease. It is darkest when we are at our healthiest and naturally fades . Europe was the epicenter of the blue-eye gene mutation. 207,208 - (1968), Last edited on 21 February 2023, at 15:18, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Phenotypes and Genotypes for human eye colors. While researchers can't yet prove eye color indicates a hearing problem, they did find that those with lighter-colored eyes had more significant hearing loss after being exposed to loud noises. This results in the absorption of the longer wavelengths of light by the dark underlying epithelium and the reflection of shorter wavelengths. (The name of the gene is derived from the disorder it causes, oculocutaneous albinism type II.) Sorry, no results has been found matching your query. That's 13 million people, out of the 7.6 billion on Earth. Heterochromia (heterochromia iridum or heterochromia iridis) is an eye condition in which one iris is a different color from the other (complete heterochromia), or where a part of one iris is a different color from the remainder (partial heterochromia or sectoral heterochromia). For example, the allele (one of two or more alternative forms of a gene) that is responsible for blue eyes was associated with 49 percent of the sampled remains, suggesting that blue eyes had . SEE RELATED: How color contact lenses can make anyone's eyes blue. Iris color depends on the protein melanin which is stored in special cells, melanocytes. As the child develops, melanocytes (cells found within the iris of human eyes, as well as skin and hair follicles) slowly begin to produce melanin. A cataract is a cloudy area in the lens of your eye (the clear part of the eye that helps to focus light). Send a Message. Although hazel eyes may contain specks of amber or gold, they usually tend to have many other colors, including green, brown and orange. Through the analysis of ancient DNA, a 2020 study published in Experimental Dermatology suggested that the common gene for blue eye color likely originated in the Near East and arrived in Europe around 42,000 years ago, after the exodus out of Africa. In fact, the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) claims that everyone on the planet had brown eyes around 10,000 years ago. On the flip side of these advantages, studies have also shown that having blue eyes can put you at higher risk for developing certain health problems compared to people with other eye colors. This genetic switch limits how much melanin is produced in the iris effectively "diluting" brown eyes to a shade of blue. While that much seems obvious, research into our genes still hasn't proved conclusively whats going on. Light or medium-pigmented brown eyes can also be commonly found in South Europe, among the Americas, and parts of Central Asia, West Asia and South Asia. Brown eyes have the highest amount of melanin in the iris, and blue eyes have the least. (This same effect makes the sky appear blue.). The stunning combination of blue eyes and sandy brown or blonde hair is much sought after in other countries, but very much the norm here. In fact, over 80 percent of the inhabitants of Estonia . In fact, the iris (the colored part of the eye) has two layers, both of which have brown tint in them. Only about 8 % to 10% of the world's population has blue eyes. - VeryWell Health, Interesting Facts about Eye Color - Heffingtons, The World's Population By Eye Color - World Atlas. 9. Researchers at the American Academy of Opthalmology have stated that everyone on planet earth had brown eyes around 10,000 years ago. However, approximately 6,000 to 10,000 years ago, the blue-eyed gene mutation spread. What do the numbers on your eyeglass frames mean? Viking stereotypes for being tall, strong, blond and blue-eyed are confirmed at least for the last two matters in the case of Denmark. Nevertheless, both figures leave Estonia among the top countries that have the most blondes and blue eyes as a percentage of population. Age-Related Macular Degeneration. That is, they certainly are not the tallest (although tall enough being behind one of the tallest countries like Germany or Netherlands), and the researches concerning eye color are not precise enough as we have noted in the introduction. While blue eyes may be rare, they're among the most common eye colors at birth. Hereditary deafness is a major concern in white cats, and even more so if one or both irises are blue in color. Nothing to do with their mythical fiery temperament! Eiberg studied the DNA of 800 men and women with blue eyes from varying countries ranging from "fair-skinned, blond-haired Scandinavians to dark-skinned, blue-eyed people living in Turkey and . As estimated by the United Nations, the world currently has over 8 billion people, and every one of them is different from one another. One mutation 10,000 years ago has today resulted in almost 200 million pairs of blue eyes, and people with blue eyes have more blue-eyed children. Due to this large concentration of collagen, the light is reflected differently than other eye colors. Thats because eye color comes from melanin, the same brown pigment that gives color to our hair and skin. [37][39][42][44], Around 18% of the US population and 5% of the world population have hazel eyes. Blue eye color is determined by melanin, and melanin is actually brown by nature. Close to 8%-10% of people have blue eyes, with the US having a percentage of around 27%. The Greek goddess Athene appears with gray eyes (). Priscilla Vu, MD, is a board-certified ophthalmologist. Its been suggested that the cooler climate of northern Europe may have encouraged the rise of a population of people with lighter eyes, hair and skin. So, the more melanin you have, the darker your eyes appear. As of 2010, researchers believe that as many as 16 different genes influence eye color in humans, and most of these genes play a crucial role in the production, transportation, and storage of melanin pigment. Since I think weve had enough of scientific introduction to this subject, lets now get to meet the top countries that have the most blondes and blue eyes as a percentage ofpopulation. Brown irises contain more or less melanin. Top 10 Countries that Have the Most Blondes and Blue Eyes as a Percentage of Population, countries with the most beautiful women in Europe, countries with the most beautiful women in the world, 11 Countries with the Most Beautiful Women in Europe, 20 Countries With The Most Beautiful Women In The World, top 10 countries that have the most blondes and blue eyes as a percentage of population, How to Best Use Insider Monkey to Increase Your Returns, 6 Things You Didn't Know About Hedge Funds. They lower your risk of developing cataracts, for instance. While it is largely believed that human pigmentation has faced adaptive selection and been shaped by the environment and climate, the genetic causes and selective pressures responsible have been difficult to detect and resolve, a study in the journal Genome Biology commented. Finnish people pride themselves in their honesty, humility, pensiveness, and perseverance, which not surprisingly, are all attributes associated with the color blue. Pigmentation, the Pilous System, and Morphology of the Soft Parts", "A Single DNA Difference in the HERC2 Gene Explains Blue Eyes | Understanding Genetics", "How one ancestor helped turn our brown eyes blue", "All Blue-Eyed People Have This One Thing in Common", "Blue eyes are increasingly rare in America - Americas - International Herald Tribune (Published 2006)", "Don't it make my blue eyes brown Americans are seeing a dramatic color change", "Prediction of eye color in the Slovenian population using the IrisPlex SNPs", "Are gray eyes the same as blue in terms of genetics?". All About Vision does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. [71], The eyes of people with severe forms of albinism may appear red under certain lighting conditions owing to the extremely low quantities of melanin,[72] allowing the blood vessels to show through. Symptoms of uveitis include burning and redness of the eyes, blurred vision, headaches, etc. They look blue because of how light is reflected. Summary. Find an eyecare professional and book online in minutes! The more melanin concentration one has, the darker ones eyes will be. The amount of damage depends on wavelength and exposure time . The authors note, "Despite brown eyes ranking at the bottom of our perceived attraction scale, approximately 79% of the world's population sports melanin-rich eyes. Researchers believe there is one ancestor responsible for this eye color. In severe forms of albinism, there is no pigment on the back of the iris, and light from inside the eye can pass through the iris to the front. In the US, 45% of people have brown eyes, while the rarest eye color is green only 9% of people in the US have green eyes. [93] There are also other studies that challenge these findings. Denmark, the Polish coast and the Baltic states), making it in effect an almost entirely blonde-bounded lake. Former U.S. Geneticists now know that as many as 16 different genes influence eye color to some degree far from the one or two genes that were once believed to determine iris hue. Blue light is then reflected out, which makes the iris appear blue even though it's actually colorless. Icelandic people demonstrate a strong national pride in preserving their culture. [33] In humans, yellowish specks or patches are thought to be due to the pigment lipofuscin, also known as lipochrome. The macula, which is at the retina's center, is susceptible to damage as you age. Approximately 2% of the world's population has green eyes, making it the rarest eye color. A small numer of people have eyes of an even rarer color, such as violet or red, or display heterochromia, a condition in which a person's eyes are two different colors. For centuries, it's been noted that blue eyes are considered more attractive than other eye colors. Blue-eyed humans have a single, common ancestor. The percentage rises to 40 percent if the cat has one blue eye, while upwards of 65 to 85 percent of all-white cats with both eyes blue are deaf. Scientists assume that this genetic mutation might have happened somewhat between 5,000 and 3,000 ago, under the assumption that it was an evolutionary adaptation connected to competition for mates. Approximately 27% of people in the United States and between 8% and 10% of the world's population have blue eyes. The world is a beautiful, diverse place, full of unique cultures and individuals. Hazel (sometimes grouped with amber) Green. [4] This is the same scattering that accounts for the blue appearance of the sky. Worldwide, fewer than 9% of people have blue eyes. Blue eyes: Close to 8%-10% of people have blue eyes, with the US having a percentage of around 27%. 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