When you find a good beer that compares to the old BCA, please let me know. Also have to say that I had bought a 12 of this and unbenownst to me, my wife also bought a 12 by coincidence. Suggestions welcomed. Both brands are owned by Heineken, which made the switch as part of the U.S. relaunch of Newcastle Brown Ale. WTF I had my first Broon Ale in the UK in 1978. Ill never buy anything from Lagunitas now.Dickheads. It wouldnt be a terrible beer if you told people what they were getting, then people that like this style would buy it. I started a conversation with a guy who was also pondering the available selection or brews and made my point about the spoiled Newcastle. Two breweries owned by Heineken USA are collaborating. Free postage. The 300,000-square-foot brewery once contained sound stages for movies (which are still filmed next door), including the Dark Knight scene where the Joker burns a mountain of money. I thought to myself how could a bottle change effect the taste? Now, to me, it has nothing to distinguish it from any of dozens of other hoppy American brews out there. Tastes like CRAP !!! Michelob Amber Boch maybe??? Thanks a lot for fucking up a great beer. Ive been drinking Newcastle for over 20 years and could not find any other beer even close to the great taste. The blend of crystal malts creates a light, nutty, malty taste softly balanced by hop druness. I loved the 1970s to 1990s version. Exactly. Dont normally buy the stuff till it gets cold out and just had to pour out my first bottle of the new swill. I loved Newcastle. Hopefully if everyone stops buying it something will change. Very dissapointed with the new product. The sale of bottled beers began to fall off in the late 1970s. #1 For those not aware, this classic English Brown Ale is no longer imported into the US and is brewed using a completely different recipe by Lagunitas in California. We have to quit posting here and post complaints on the Lagunitas Website. It is plain ugly compared to the old one. You can keep this new recipe all to yourselves. I absolutely hate what these foolish companies are doing. Please bring back the original recipe and keep it in clear bottles. If there is an upstart brewer out there that could duplicate the old beer I believe they could do well from all of us that prefer the old recipe. It was an elegant but sophisticated crowd pleaser. Just not the same. Newcastle had a distinctive individuality. I dont know if I can find it easily but Ill buy it. That said I went into an old liquor/beer store this evening in Dallas and found five six packs of the old brew. Just fuck them, fuck those dirty fucks in that shit country that bought Newcastle. It like drinking Budweiser natural lights garbage total garbage bring back the original I will not buy another Newcastle ever again. Anyone remember New Coke? How rare it was in those days. Ive tried and tried to like this new beer with the stolen name. This new flavor ill treat the same as other craft beers, maybe one here or there but wont stock up on it like I did for the One and Only. Local, Free, & Flat Rate Shipping Available Most Ship Orders Within 24 hrs. Well Done Lagunitas marketing, you have now alienated thousands of loyal customers. From that point forward, their Maple ale was nothing more than some lousy beer with maple flavoring. Then I tasted it and nearly spit it out on the floor. Go back to the old one. Great business plan Lagunitas, take an already great ale and wipe your asses all over it? I will be looking for a new favorite. I dont understand this at all. The Dos Equis XX Amber or Modelo Negara is about right for me, but nothing can really compare to the original NBA. It was smooth enough when I wanted something light and had flavor and body when I wanted something more than a lager. A lovely treat, crisp, nutty brown ale, like God intended, a joy to savor. Unfortunately, it is only a seasonal . Brewed with Centennial and Chinook hops and available in the U.S., the Lagunitas-brewed Newcastle Brown Ale will hit shelves and delight lips in March 2019. Newcastle WAS one of the best beers and quality beers I have ever had the pleasure to drink.. this is pure SHIT!!! Mash grains at 154F (68C) for 60 minutes. Maybe the sales were down, but they definitely werent dead. And I dont like IPAs. It was the one beer that was dependably tasty and always the same; slightly sweet, malty, with great body. Just one day in the fridge and it peels right off the bottle. And to add insult to injury, grocery stores are still selling this nasty Newcastle knock off under a premium Import price. You dont change the recipe on a beer! Shame on you despicable people producing such dross. After that, I guess I might as well drink Buttwiper. & Chicago, IL. It was like if Iced Tea was beer. I will never buy this again. The current beer is not up to standard, and you have lost a customer for life. FYI, heres the full shit-list of Heiny-kin brands that I will never buy again. Bring back the old Broon Ale as this relaunch is awful! Who knows! I just got some and was pretty much duped by the label. I will never buy any Lagunitas beer product. Who cares, your still making money and if selling elsewhere, then why not keep importing it to the US? Lagunitas Now Brews Newcastle Brown Ale Hows it Taste? (Guinness Stout has way too much treacle and sweetness). Do not buy this crap. Too many choices out ther to worry about Heiniken mistake, screw them! I consumed my last original Newcastle last night without fanfare. I bought the beer thinking the only thing that was changed whats the label which I did not like. Ever since Newcastle production moved out of England, its gone downhill. Very disappointed, Bring back what we all enjoyed over the many years of the one and only Newcastle! I started drinking the original Newcastle somewhere in the mid 70s while stationed overseas. "Now with Lagunitas in the family, we have the perfect partner to reimagine our beloved Newcastle Brown Ale," says Amy Tay, brand director. I have been a huge fan of Newcastle for decades. Let the hate and honesty continue until the LEGEND returns!!!! Cant fix stupidity. Overall, a terrible decision. If Jeremy Marshal is so enamored with his new creation call it Jeremys Ale, but dont call it Newcastle Brown.. So I dont get it. I bought a 6er of this not the dogs bollocks and drank itwith chasers of bud light because I am not one to waste money. Thats $7 more than its worth. At Safeway it was always located in the Local section just because it was called Aloha Brewing Co. Brand New Pack of Newcastle Brown 'Best in Class' Beer Mats' approx 100. I dont know why theyd change it; those who liked Newcastle likely did so because it was its own thing, not because it was derivative. I read through the comments and it appears there is no one who likes it. Why dont they re-imagine their own brand and actually make it taste better than a skunk anus? 1.25. Way to f*** it up Lagunitas! Why take over a classic and well-loved beer only to change it to make it more like the other stuff you brew? when I tasted it, it had a slightly muddy and tinny flavor that did not sit well with my palate. I have all the same gripes as everyone and I spoke to them for 10 minutes and let them know. New recipe is awful, and now just tastes like Lagunitas. 7.99. The petition has had pathetic results. What have they done to my beer!!!! Think of all the new craft brews that are selling. Personally, I am drinking Modelo Negra, Dos Equis Amber, or Michelob Amber, but none are as good as the original NBA. Because it is not the Newcastle Beer it SHOULD be. Completely ruined it. It just seems like such a bad business decision to trash a product that was obviously entrenched in the market and completely successful for a badly envisioned recipe that would alienate every loyal user of the original NBA. This new recipe SUCKS! Glad Im not alone in this. What the HELL did they do to my beer! Cannot and will not drink it. Some one seriously needs their asses kicked for this. More hoppy, bitter swill that is barely palatable. From 1927 to 2005 it was brewed at The Tyne Brewery in Newcastle FU Heineken. What Lagunitas did to this beer is criminal! Not only am I never buying this again, Im never buying another Heineken product again EVER out of spite! You just destroyed my favorite ale this tastes like shit. I have never had leftover beers with the old Recipe If you want to taste good British ales then come to see us youll love the beer scene here but stay clear of the factory shit the media moguls are trying to sell you. I fell in LOVE with NewCastle Brown Ale several years ago. Im done. is this an attempted at a New Coke debacle? I guess Heineken has taken on the Apple mentality. Just aweful stuff. Terrible. First brewed in Newcastle in 1927, Newcastle Brown Ale is loved . NCBA, Rest In Peace ! We used to love Newcastle and now its terrible! Im trying to be nice How could take a perfect beer and ruin a perfect beer into a complete shit. Newcastle Brown Ales packaging received a modernized update. I fell in love with NBA about 30 years ago and am mortified at the new taste. Hopefully if everyone stops buying it something will change. Newcastle Brown Ale was my favorite beer. The good news is that it has forced most of us to search for a replacement. Another brewer and a new recipe! Chocolate and caramel notes are moderate, making this. I like all beer styles. We will no longer buy your version. Im so sad I cant get my favorite beer anymore. Hey there, thanks for reaching out. Reminds me of New Coke, back in the day. So sad. Talk about larceny by false pretenses, Lagunitas lying to your customers and taking their money. It doesnt taste hoppy at all. BAD DECISION. I cannot drink it! HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT COMMONS LORDS 12 BEER MATS VGC. We dont drink IPAs and this is too bitter. Guess Ill be buying more Smithwicks. I have been drinking the one and only for over 25 years.I cant stomach this bitter, hoppy taste labeled as Newcastle.it is not Newcastle! I cant even look at their pathetic shit in the beer case. Plz bring back the old recipe! Only when the bottom live changes will the producers realize and pay attention to their once faithful customers. It could have been millions or more. Do not buy beer produced by the makers pf this crap. My hatred for Lagunitas is even greater than it was a month ago. Every beer that is sold in the US has lost share. Why is it their ale of choice? They ruined it! I knew something was wrong when the bottle changed. I replied after the first comment to add my disgust with the decision to change an otherwise perfect beer. I think you guys made a big mistake. Newcastle is Newcastle. While there, we cleared several pitchers of Newcastle Brown Ale. Its hard to find a brew with the fresh clean finish a NCBA bottle had. This relaunch is to Newcastle what New Coke was to Coca Cola!! No stock. In Europe & the States. Tasted it, thought that the beer had gone bad and returned it to the store, as a bad batch. Now we cannot even get them here. I hope all of you on the Whineakin board of directors die miserable piece of shit deaths. And if this is balanced then throwing shit against the wall is art. please share. Could someone recommend another English Ale that I might buy instead? They ruined my favorite beer. The old recipe was fantastic. I believe you can still get proper Newcastle brown in Canada, so more trips heading north. Bad idea smfs!! Ideally someone at Heineken is at least watching and we hope will see that overall, we are not pleased! Please change it back. Guess Ill go to something elsr, Hard day at work, head to the store for my favorite brew. It is a completely different beer which does not even approach what Newcastle was Devastated. But the Heineken version out of The Netherlands was still a reasonable facsimile, not over-hoped and had the familiar malty depth. The new one sucks. Just how sucky is the new Newc Brown? Could not finish the second and poured on the ground. Det er en mrk l uden sidestykke: Den har bde karakter og er drikkevenlig. A candy, banana fruitiness is also present. Size: All. I wish they would bring the original recipe back. Ive just read 228 totally negative comments on the new New Castle. That is getting harder to find but when you do its a screw job because its bottled in 11.2 ounce bottles. Now I am drinking it on tap and it is the same. (Thank the gods, the craft brew houses in America have saved the working mans taste buds.) Go back to brewing piss water IPAs so overhopped to cover up shit brewing skill, and leave Newcastle to people who can actually brew a real ale that doesnt taste like every other American piss-beer. Im returning the two unopened cases tomorrow. Ive always had Newcastle Brown Ale on the self, because it was a personal favorite, going back to my traveling in Britain in the 1970s. The new recipe taste just like Budweiser. Newcastle Brown Ale was first released in 1927 and celebrates its 95th anniversary in 2022 By Chris Robinson BBC News Many a bottle will be opened to toast the new year, but for one group of. A good thing shouldnt be messed with. I only drank new castle. Yes, need suggestions to try out Ive got 1 old New Castle left, I posted my own rage about the new recipe but in regards to your comment, all I can think to recommend you try is beer by Hacker Pschorr. This was prior to the kilning process that we know today. If anyone has any suggestions for something better or a better match, please feel free to reply to this note and let me know. Either they find a way to replicate the original recipe or Im done and will preach far and wide about how terrible Lagunitas is for ruining a classical old standby. The taste of this new Newcastle is disgusting. Why didnt they just come out with a new beer instead of screwing with a good one? Ruined my favorite beer. Mashing is typically carried out at 150-152 F (65.6-66.7 C). bottles in packs of 6, 12 and 24, and 7.75-gallon slim steel kegs. UK production is for UK and Europe and is still Original Brown Ale. Sour beer is a thing that only overly self satisfied ignorant folk drink due to boredom. It was my go to beer with meals and didnt weigh you down on Summer days. My new go to brew is Smithwicks (pronounced Smiddicks) Red Ale. Newcastle Brown Ale is a full-flavoured smooth ale with refreshing lightness. Im not a fan of hoppy. I couldnt even finish the first bottle, so the rest is going down the toilet; I wont subject my sink to this swill. Im not joking, Its The Only Beer I drink damit!!! You have destroyed a perfect brew. Nothing redeemable about it!!! I just bought the New Newcastle unknowing that it had changed and it tastes like Buffalo testacles, you gys really screwed up on this one, expect Newcastle Brown Ale to disappear because as usual some idiot at the top of the company made a stupid fucking decision once again. there isnt a single beer they produce that is drinkable. The makers should be ashamed of themselves for serving this bland liquid as the Famous Newcastle Brown Ale. I do hope that someone from Heineken reads these comments and realizes that Newcastle fans do not want a re-imagined beer that drifts into IPA land, but the beer we have loved for years. 3.20 average based on 572 ratings. Bring the original dog back. You completely changed the beer. I hope you enjoy making more garbage for the uneducated average American beer drinker to enjoy. Total garbage. Your point is a good one Michael. Stop this nonsense and bring back the original. Leave it to an American based brewery to assassinate that was a great, unique tasting dark ale. Heineken, you lost this baby boomer consumer. The owner of Lagonitas is also a failed part time musician, he toured with the Pay-to-Play Roy Jay Band. I have been buying every old Newcastle packs I can find. He was wrong. Been there, done that. $5.50. This stuff sucks. Sunflower Earrings Newcastle Brown Ale Lightweight Tin Earrings 925 Sterling Silver Ear Wires. WHY? The story they try and sell us is that the brewmaster wanted to reimagine Newcastle Ale with their special hops, blah, blah, blah. In my opinion, a huge fail in market research. If youre looking for a taste somewhat similar to the good ol New Castle, look for WeeMac from Sun King brewery they are getting all the money that we used to spend on New Castle! That is down to 2 million cases. What a Distinctly American Dumbshit move. If its brewed by a different brewery, using a different recipe, and distributed in different packaging, in what sense is it still the same product? I will not be purchasing Newcastle Brown in future, very sad.I was your biggest fan! Then my wife brings home a six-pack the other day so pleased that she found my favorite beer. What a stupid move! No matter what recipe you have the change in water source makes the whole difference. Fat Tire is a good beer but still not the same. its unanimous: the new beer Lagunitas came up with tastes like shit. Change sucks. I actually like Lagunitas generally, but I do not like this new NewCastle. I just bought a 6 pack last night and boy oh boyThis is some awful stuff. I had no idea they changed the recipe and tried the new stuff yesterday and was terribly disgusted with this brew. This new recipe brings the word insipid to mind. Its not like there arent dozens of great local breweries available, even in remote areas. Where did you get it from? I will not be buying any of the new recipe ever again, neither will any of our many friends who lustfully enjoyed original Newcastle. This overly hopped nasty swill is an insult to the very concept of Brown Ale. I just recently discovered New Castle Brown and it became my favorite beer. The provisions of this Policy apply to all such mobile access and use of mobile devices. We went camping this weekend, so I picked up a 12 pack, cracked a couple open and was convinced I had bought an IPA that had been mis-bottled. There are thousands of other beers if you want another flavor. Knowing him, theres sure to be a fair level of truth in what he says. Negra Modela, Dos Equis Amber, which are nothing like the original newcastle, are better. Newcastle Brown Ale 5 Ltr Keg. Newcastle Brown Ale is a brand of dark brown ale. I too was a big time Newcastle fan. After that I guess Im SOL! I wake up and its terrible!!! Take the name off the bottle bc this shwill is not anywhere near the Newcastle This new American version sucks! Maybe we can all figure out how to ship it to us directly from U.K. Well add me to the lengthy list of the disappointed. Then I looked it up. Its well known for bitter beers. Newcastle was my favorite beer for well over 25 years. T. Bring the imported stuff from Europe in.. they screwed this beer up and it tastes like crap. Take all remaining bottles and kegs back to where they were purchased and claim fraud. Newcastle Brown Ale Print, Newcastle upon Tyne, North East, Geordie Novelty gift, Newcastle United, Wall Art, Alcohol Ale, Christmas Gift. Drinkers familiar with Lagunitas will likely think one word for this brewery: hoppy. Well here ya go! It was very malty, quite sweet and nutty, with an assertive bitter finish. Im begging! Hopefully I can still buy the original recipe online and the Lagunitas Brewery here in Petaluma CA burns to the ground Boo! So disappointing. This new so-called beer SUCKS!! 12 Pack 12oz. Brown bottle and label also dont cut it either. I went to all the stores in my city when I noticed the change and bought up all the old stock of original Newcastle, but now Im about out and need to figure out what to do. This Privacy Policy sets forth the privacy principles we follow, in accordance with our operations. How long before the suits at Heineken buy them out and screw me over again. Anyways, if any of you fine beer drinkers hear of any efforts to bring the original Newcastle back, like a gofundme, march to Heineken headquarters, etc, please post here. Like another person said, If it aint broke, dont fix it. You are 120% correct. The new bottles are not easily used by a bottle opener, the lip is too round. Newcastle is an icon of beer and youve completely ruined it. Bottles would have to do. But for me it was the Yuengling lager version of a brown ale. No idea where some of you are getting that, they use the same type and amount of hops. The taste is not the same it leaves a bitter after taste. Its useful for cleaning my tools, killing snails, and in a pinch I can pour the beer in the toilet and use the bottle for a candle holder. The old recipe did not leave an after taste. Sparge into two kettles, one at a time, then adjust wort gravity to 1.050 and 1.035, respectively. Has anyone found a way to get real Newcastle in the US yet? Nike SB Dunk Low. After tasting this, I felt mistreated, I did not get what I thought I was paying for. You ABSOLUTELY SUCK!!!! This is very frustrating. As others posted, I not only wont drink another of these Newcastles, I also wont drink any of the other Lagunitas beers on principle. Moved to the USA over 20 years ago and was so glad to see if was sold over here. Wheres my water bottle?. I am flabbergasted by your decision to relaunch the Newcastle Brown Ale product. We have complained to both Heineken and Lagunitas. And promptly went to get a refund. All American brewing companies are a joke. I bet sales are way down since its a crap beer now. I poured the other 11 bottles down the drain. Its just so sad to see a company completely ignore their legacy fanbase. 6.50 postage. Terrible decision, I like the smithswicks Kiltlifter. This moron brewer at Lagunitis has single-handedly trashed my favorite brew by changing it into a crappy thin, acidic, hoppy glass of piss. By using the any of our websites and/or making online requests of products, you agree to the terms and conditions of EPGs Policy. This new formula sucks and I will not buy one more drop of it. I will never buy this new shit again. Really, everything since has been an inferior product to that. Go back to the old recipe. So sad. Boycott laguitas for changing new castle. Fools! The sad truth is that the new owners dont care about our opinions. . When my usual retailer stocked the ale again I thought it was just a packaging change. Lagunitas are making the same mistake Coca Cola made with New Coke. If I wanted to drink IPA swill I would have bought it. bad decision Heineken. In order to achieve this goal, we may collect information from you. My new go to brew is Smithwicks. Agree with all the posts. Its very good and helps support the Cajun brewers. Then I tasted it and had to recheck the packaging because this was not the NBA I remembered. Funny that you mentioned Yuengling Black & Tan; I buy a six-pack of that every time I visit family in Ohioits very good too. Might as well call it any nut brown ale from any microbrewery in the USA. No frills, slightly sweet, and beautiful on a hot summer day. Absolutely terrible. It WAS my favorite and I really dont like this. This sucks. Try it folks. Rubbish! Hey I havent had a NBA in a long time, I said. BS. Petition signed only 14 so far..get this link out! Im in beer mourning. Thanks a lot! I remain thoroughly stumped by Heinekens refusal to listen to all of the negative feedback out there about Lagunitas Newcastlesimply TOO hoppy. I will NEVER buy this horrible denigration of what was once a magnificent beer. Let some get cold in the fridge This taste hoppier than I remember Wife said she got some almost smokiness out of it.. Not a fan. I have been drinking NBA for more than 20 years. It really was unique though. Please go back to original formula and bottle. Well then change the F-in name and make a new one. 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