Just copy & paste their ID on the order form ("Preferred Writer's ID" field). You can then save the draft or click submit to publish your discussion post response. The discussion thread continues to grow as students respond to both initial and subsequent discussion posts. Ask a thoughtful question. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Responses to discussion questions should adhere to the following criteria: An example discussion question and sample learner response are provided below. Your responses are expected to be substantive in nature and focus on . Following ethical guidelines will ensure that your research is authentic and error-free, and will allow people to be able to trust your work and see your credibility. You should show the connection between your answer and the evidence you provide. That implies that there is no doubt you will write multiple discussion posts. A discussion board is an online class, whose sole purpose is to share thoughts and ideas. The purpose of the assignment refers to the question that you need to give your feedback on. Every reply to a discussion post appears on the same page. Avoid the use of language that gives the impression that you are attacking the other student, or that shows the post has affected you emotionally. Customers tend to do research on businesses before looking and paying for a service. Shouting is a sign of rudeness and is not allowed even in a traditional classroom. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. The page will expand to the entire discussion post you want to respond to. Address the three stages of the strategic management process. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Nam risu
  • sectetur adipiscing elit. When is the assignment due? The objective participant will have a true interest in the purpose of the research and believe in the importance of the end goal of the research. Home - Discussion post examples (Response to classmates post example). Donec aliquet. Additionally, the stigma surrounding HIV along with discriminatory attitudes are barriers to testing, treatment, and prevention (Sohn and Park, 2012). I agree that nurse leader advocacy can help create positive change within the workforce and improve patient safety. Do your homework. Here, you will be pointing out views that differ from the student who posted. When told to use third person, stick to the narrative point. The first ethical issue that comes to my mind is military spending as we reach the end of the fiscal year. displays good citizenship by assisting other students. Reviewing and responding to discussion posts is possible from the activity stream. Diminishing Marginal Utility is whereby the marginal utility that a person derives from a product declines steadily as he increases consumption level by consuming additional unit of the same product, while keeping consumption of other related products constant. Ideally, discussion boards help online students connect with the course's instructor, their classmates and with the content being taught, Justin Harding, senior director of instructional design. Steve, Jose, and Karl are part of an ingroup where being bias is the norm. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices a
  • . They end their response with another question. Receive a 100% original paper that will pass Turnitin from a top essay writing service. Instead, saying things like: "That's a really great start, but perhaps you could". Culturally Competent HIV Prevention Strategies for Women of Color in the United States. I really loved the way you expressed your ideas in the essay. Lengthy discussion posts are tiring and may discourage other participants from reading the entire discussion post. For example, Karen her reaction to Jim was different the day before; because her emotional state was much different (Laureate,2011). He especially feels the lack of it on occasions when he is to speak to an audience or a group of people. hellip; The author describes that when he is in smaller groups of his close friends or relatives, he does not have any problem relating to self-confidence. As you saunter though the environs that include the Mustill Store and the Cascade Lock Park, Explain why you agree or disagree, and offer your own supporting points and evidence. In that case, you will be agreeing with the idea expressed and exploring other angles. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac
  • sectetur adipiscing elit. Students should thus use simple language to respond to a discussion post. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Post early and often. The angle you seek to expound on should build the conversation. In contrast, we emphasize the role of emotions as a key part of peoples reactions to social groups, both in groups and outgroups, and a central driver of behavior toward such groups (p. Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). Once you save your work in the discussion board, you can no longer view the word count. Indeed nurse leaders should advocate for the patients, nurses, and the profession. But even know everyone's still answering the same question, it is in separate sound-proof chambers. Advocacy. Other ethical considerations in research include: taking care to not plagiarize and not duplicating other researchers work, not releasing confidential information, keeping research objective, and ensuring all sources used within the research are credible. Nursing Solutions (98) I love the way you bring in the aspect of Homo sapiens as being a larger polytypic species. It is an ethical debate of buying possible items that are not needed and spending the money to keep same budget for the next year. (2009). Just tick the "Copy of sources" field on the order form. The thought of being assigned another discussion post leaves my fingers feeling all tingly, but the thought of coming up with more generic comments to add on my classmate's post leaves me feeling chilled This is 100% legal. That will give you the allowance to correct any mistakes with your post. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. This is because time is valuable, and most people do not want to work for free. If something is not clear or missing, the writer will contact you for clarification. assignment help Evaluation of competency in practice incorporates evaluation of the main elements of practicethe knowledge level; competency in practice; performance and tasks relating to directing medical care; and evaluation of actions, their effectiveness, and their situational appropriateness (Dragan, 2009). I have some questions regarding '' Managing the Paradoxes of Place to Foster Regeneration.'' (Response to a classmate's post Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1, n.d.), (Response to a classmate'S Post Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words - 1). Although her stereotypical attitude toward the employees was calling them seat warmers. Karen out- bust was more individual based rather than group-based (Kuppens, Kuppens, Yzerbyt, Dandache, & van der Schalk, (n.d.). Michele has used good example in her response, the only problem is that at the end she fails to connect it to the main questions asked. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. You will also view the new replies and discussions to see the new changes since when you visited the discussion page. Scott, K. D., Gilliam, A., & Braxton, K. (2005). Typically, the motto is spending all the money, or the budget will get cut next year. Attach evidence from your class notes, textbooks, and e-books to support your point. In this case, you should use the words Yes, but. Guides and Solved Essays (703) Some people opt to write in caps so that the other participants do not ignore their posts. YouTube. For example, let's say you post your answer Wednesday, and respond to one classmate's answer on Friday, and you use many class concepts and supporting details from . Your participation in these online discussions is often a required part of the grading process. Please note that you can also rate the writer's work in your account. It would be good if you add a conclusion that summarizes the major thoughts in the essay. You simply explained the various characteristics that the Homo sapiens have such as the color of the skin, shape and the type of hair. www.globalcompose.com. But Stecklov and co. also give us some arguments why this could go the other way. Similar to what Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie said in her TED talk that while the stereotype isn't necessarily untrue, it doesn't consist of the whole story (youtube.com, 2009). It always scares the crap out of me when I hear stories that relate to me very directly as this one does. You should build on a conversation. Additionally, women of color are often subjected to culturally based gender roles where their role in interpersonal relationships is submissive, making sexual safety difficult to negotiate (Scott, et al., 2005). Build a rapport by using sentences likeI find your discussion informative and engaging. Excellent information! Excellent post, I would like to touch a little further on thank you for a very informative discussion I enjoy reading your post; it is very informative. These should support your thesis statement, and provide clear examples of the kinds of things you want to talk about in your analysis. Discussion boards serve as a platform to hold meaningful conversations. Advocacy can solve workplace hostility, nurse shortages, lack of coordination, inadequate teamwork and collaboration, and staffing issues and improve patient care quality and safety. No indicates that you disagree with the post. Your discussion is comprehensive and engaging, and it uses relatable examples. Thanks! This will require you to think critically to come up with an idea that will cause the students to respond to your thoughts. This burden is intensified by several factors, including the fact that minority women are often living in poverty and due to systemic inequalities, may not have access to quality healthcare (Scott, et al., 2005). The items that you can view from the word count include web links, text-in lists, individual words, and superscript text. Whats different? Psychology of immigration 101. In my line of work as a vehicle mechanic there is a lot of information out there that mechanics are shady. Can people be objective if they are paid to conduct research? You should deduce the following from the discussion, ; the purpose, assignment details, type of response, formatting requirements, and expectations. Step II. Other students believe that a discussion post in all caps emphasizes the point you want to put across. This is not a mutual praising society. cause and effect essay examples This case scenario is similar to the above scenario, where you agree with a students post. Good topic, good observations, good suggestions. Share another resource or provide an additional piece of information. Responses should be a minimum of 100 words and include direct questions. You can also use rubrics to help students understand your objectives. . This will help guide your peers' feedback. Answers should show your understanding and critical thinking about the subject in a structured written format. Single stories are a very common way to put someone in a box based off of information we see or are told and make assumptions based off of that. If you attached an image or text file to your response, you will see an image or paper clip icon next to the response to show that there is a file attachment. It is important to keep length requirements in mind, limiting the scope of your response, so it will remain clear, focused, and relevant to the topic at hand. The only single story that I feel I have experienced revolves around my depression. RESPOND WITH TECH USING FLIP GRID. It might reduce non-response. The two cultures I selected are Korean and the United States. When responding, use the student's name and describe the point so that your whole class can follow along Example: Jessica, you make an interesting point about technology increasing without training increasing. Have you seen any ethical issues in your life or place of business? Ask students to post their own introductions using yours as a model. You want your discussion post to do that to your fellow students. Response Posts: Then, by Sunday at 11:59 pm of week 4, read the posts of your classmates and comment on at least two. Every student taking the course is a participant in the online discussion. A discussion board in an online class is a vehicle for sharing ideas and insights. Its clear that she has mastery of the content and has clearly brought out the ideas she learned in classroom and obviously used them to motivate the reader. Therefore, you cannot afford to take chances with your discussion board responses. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Firstly, making statements like "I completely agree with you!" or "Good post" is an absolute no-no. Check out the latest reviews and opinions submitted by real customers worldwide and make an informed decision. Guided Response: Respond in a substantive manner to at least two of your classmates' posts by Day 7. Therefore, put enough thought into what you want to post. Retrieved February 1, 2023, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9Ihs241zeg, Unlock access to this and over 10,000 step-by-step explanations. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. There are guidelines that an instructor may have given regarding how to respond to a discussion post. It is used to confirm your entry into the course. Essentially, you paint a beautiful, color-saturated picture for the admissions counselor and then you share insightful thoughts . However, ensure that you answer the, How to respond to a discussion post on Blackboard. You've taken quite a few steps already, you've logged on, read some messages and posted your own. Good Responses To Classmates Essay Example. If you refer to any module resources, be sure to include an attribution (or citation) to the resource. The mistakes could range from spelling mistakes, grammar errors, and incorrect flow of ideas. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. The student reviewing a discussion post rates the discussion post and include comments in their response. Identify/define and state the significance of the following eight terms. Policy Formulation American Exceptionalis Why did the election of 1860 trigger secession of the Deep South states? If the experience is right, then it is likely the company will come back for future paid research. She should have used a different example that might have been relevant to the questions. Our website is a unique platform where students can share their papers in a matter of giving an example of the work to be done. Start by reading the initial posting of the other students with an open mind, then think critically the most provocative to you. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Order Now, comprehensive test that has been verified as a reliable and valid assessment, How to Write a Discussion post in APA format With 7 Best Tips [Updated]. When someone is depressed a lot of the time someone pictures another person who is sad all the time, who is in bed or someone who is struggling with suicidal ideation. You should choose the reply option. How to get the most out of your experience with Homework Writing Services. Without evaluation of practice, problems that could possibly have been brought to light may remain undiscovered and act as impediments to improvement in practice. This way, your vocabulary will be uniform, and the writer will be aware of your needs. The third example, in which students respond to questions about a text, without reference to contextual material, is typical of the more formal, self-contained, and intellectually restrained student postings that dominated the discussion list. Also, you did not include any thesis statements in the essay. Are you looking for homework writing help on this topic? It must be made in the first week of class by 11:59pm ET on Sunday. You should express the contrasting views without diverting from the subject topic. Reflection Models 4. REVIEW . American Psychological Association. Cognition & Emotion, 27(8), 1359-1377. Build on what someone else has said Think: "Yes, AND" or "Yes, BUT" This actually happened not too long ago at my job (despite it being a mental health facility), I was speaking to one of the interns and offhandedly mentioned my own struggle with depression when speaking about a client we supervised and she looked shocked. The experiences you want to include are those that have a connection with the concepts you have learned in class. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Always confirm page length (word count) before submitting. Your discussion post should be unique. The greatest discussion posts are those that linger in the mind of discussion participants way later after the discussion is over. CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. Instructors want to know your unique point of view here, and you need to be able to put forth a strong argument with substantial evidence to back it up. Response to classmates discussion post July 23, 2021 by Best Writer Instructions: Your first post in this discussion must be 250 words. Smith, E. R., & Mackie, D. M. (n.d). Look for the discussion posts text and information on the page of the thread. Therefore, read the guidelines carefully and ensure you understand all the details. Without the contextual prompt, students were less willing to explore possibilities, sounding more as . Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Provisional Social Anxiety Disorder Meanwhile, participants that were not promised any incentive would just randomly answer the questionnaires without much thought and sometimes would put random answers. You are expected to express your own thoughts and analysis regarding the topic or discussion question/prompt. Please label your trends appropriately and include as much details as possible in your analysis. Donec aliquet. Instructions: Your first post in this discussion must be 250 words. Citations are necessary when putting up your discussion posts. The examples provided and the consideration of the need of various groups when considering motivation has done a lot of justice to her response. Three stages of the assignment refers to the resource discussion informative and engaging, and provide clear examples the... Can view from the student reviewing a discussion post in all caps emphasizes the point you to... Because her emotional state was much different ( Laureate,2011 ) how to respond to a classmates post examples often a required of! To use third person, stick to the narrative point some questions regarding `` the! Page will expand to the above scenario, where you agree with a students post the only story. 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