Your approach? Which candidate should we take? I said it was major but would still accept her as she took great strides to redeem herself. Georgetown Law Interview. What have you learned at your current job? What did you do? What are three values you would instill in your business? What are some of the pros and cons of Harvard? He let Georgetown know about the accusation but when asked, said hed rather not get into the details. Tell me about a time you overcame an obstacle. How did you motivate them? What do you hope to get out of law school? I was not expecting the majority of my interview to be a discussion on tuition, but in the end we ran out of time and I was not able to ask questions. We were asked for one word that describes an ideal quality in an applicant. How long does it take to receive a decision? First scenario was about a student who had been suspended for a year on account of plagiarism. Can you explain the circumstances? Ultimately he couldn't see this person as a member of the Georgetown community and thought there might be more issues going forward. We had four options to choose fromno impact, minor impact, major impact, or game over (deny). If you could live anywhere outside of America, where would it be? He also said last year he interviewed about 2600 students, and this year 3000. I answered Why law? and Why Columbia? before Interviewer asked me by tying it in to other questions. Which UMN campus organization would you join and why. You can schedule an interview online only after WUSTL invites you. When determining a strategy as a waitlisted applicant, it's important first to keep in mind why you were waitlisted: the law school is hedging its bets in two ways. How would you advise the president on this topic? The status has never changed until now. But what are the chances of my being selected. Preferred Wait List for Georgetown. Explain to us a little more about your multiple attempts on the LSAT. Whens a time you applied for a job and didnt get it? Defend your answer. He finished by asking us one of his intended optional application prompts for this year that they didnt get to add in: "What was something youve done that was hard but so worth it?. What is motivating your decision to pursue law? Whats your backup plan if you dont go to law school? Length was 14 minutes on the dot. by sarita25 Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:33 am. Georgetown University Law Center is a private division of Georgetown University, a Roman Catholic institution with the second-largest student population of all law schools in the US. The Dean then weighed in, and he believed that this should be rated as a 7. How did you feel, what did you do, and what did you learn? What is the specific clinic you are interested in and why? I submitted my application on 4 February 2025 and the application was marked complete on 8 February 2022 and had an interview with them in March 2022. Here are the questions she asked me: She asked more questions than I expectedI am not sure if it was a bad sign. Georgetown Waitlist Interview Email Status/Interview Update Got an email from Dean Cornblatt about waitlist interviews starting soon-- did everyone get this or just people on the priority waitlist? Make sure you show up early for in-person interviews. What would you do if have a gap year before law school? Tell me about a time where you worked with someone that had a different work style than you, and how did you keep a good relationship? Then, we were asked to go around and say our name, hometown, and a fun fact about ourselves. What is an international legal issue that you are passionate about? Tell me about a project youve managed and how it went. Student A was also prompted to ask the interviewer questions about the school. She then told me about some other opportunities at Duke that I might find interesting, and how Duke stands out from other schools. (or something like that). How did that happen? Interviewer told me a lot about the school and herself. Name a time you had to solve a complex problem on your own. What is something that you have done for the first time recently? The reasoning from the Dean was that it does a disservice to the qualified applicants who did write glowing personal statements. If there is one thing you could have done differently, what would that be? What did you do to resolve it? how does your master's work inform your decision to study law? What follows are accounts of Dukes financial aid interviews, offered to applicants who have already been accepted. I also think it tells you that "Your application was especially difficult, and, based upon the strength of your application, the Committee has identified you as one of the . It's like a small college with lots of different buildings. The scenarios were the same: a plagiarism and 1-year suspension, withdrawal from Oxford before a hearing, and a sloppy PS. I hadnt thought about that before. Third Scenario: A student had stellar GPA and LSAT stats as well as letters of recommendation praising her writing skills. He said he would have an answer for us probably in November, but very likely no later than December 10 (soon!!). How would Chicago support someone who is interested in clerking? What is one thing you would like the admission committee to know about you? How do you define failure and how do you deal with it? Name something that you want the Northwestern admissions committee to know about you? What are the pros and cons of Harvard Law? Some of us (me included) said we would then let him keep his acceptance. (written), What does integrity mean to you? Any hobby that you picked up during the pandemic? Student G (Interviewer: Dean Kristi Jobson), (Friendly, but not conversational in tone until the very end. He also cared about order and structure he noticed people who did not follow his instructions precisely or spoke out of turn. Note: I was allowed 1 minute and 30 seconds for each question so I had plenty of time to provide some depth. People going to a law school Northwestern are top performers. By Mehran Ebadolahi. Telling about current job/why I left to do research, Plans 5+ years out of law school or in general after law school. Have you made a sacrifice for someone else at the cost of your own well-being? How did you get to the point of applying to law school, especially given your experience of practicing law in your home country? How would you cheer up a classmate who was visibly upset in class one day? fladadK4Q April 7, 2021, 8:01pm #1. He asked us to rate this issue in her app from "no problem" > "minor" > "major" > "automatically disqualifying" and explain why. The glowing references about her writing ultimately showed him that she was a great writer when she actually cared, and that the poor quality of the statement therefore reflected her lack of enthusiasm. This might be because it was with the director of admissions or maybe because my friends did their interviews a few years ago Duke uses a service called InitialView to interview prospective international students. What have you liked most about your experience at your current job? What lesson did you learn? Basic All-Purpose Interview Advice You must be prepared to talk about the following: your rsum and experience your interest in law in general your interest in their law school in particular You should probably be prepared to talk about these: an academic or professional accomplishment a mistake, failure, or weakness a time you worked on a team What do you do to motivate a disengaged team member? If your professor asks for help on a subject you dont know, what would you do? (written). I just received an invite for a Georgetown alumni interview (applied about a week or two ago? 15 minutes of candidate asking questions. Student A: International students should prepare to answer why they would like to go to law school in the U.S., not in their own countries. If you could have one conversation with historical figure, who would it be and why? The result or the process? What do you want admissions to know about you? You must be prepared to talk about the following: You should probably be prepared to talk about these: A Word about Preparing and Being Unprepared. What is something that you think differently about or has changed about you personally as you have matured? Dean Cornblatt gave us packets that had various scenarios and we were tasked with determining how much the specific scenario should impact the individuals chance to attend Georgetown. What was your favorite class or professor? Questions 1) are there multiple waitlists or is preferred waitlist just a diplomatic way to call a waitlist? What are you most looking forward to in law school? What do you think about how she framed the story? They prefer Skype to Google Hangouts. They may be divided into multiple tiers, but even those broad selections are continuously reassessed. What questions do you have for us? Then he went on to give us application scenarios where we had to act an admissions committee. Describe yourself to the admission committee. Intro was: where were at, where were from, what were doing now, and a fun fact about ourselves. Do you think you are going be active in the student community at Columbia? Student A (waitlist interview in 20192020), Student A (2020-2021) (International candidate video interview. Lastly, the dean presented two candidates, A and B. A is a better candidate in terms of LSAT and GPA, but not too much better than candidate B. Beyond your main focus, what are some other areas of law you're interested in? I was asked about campus organizing during college. One question about a specific experience on my resume. Talk about why you decided to go into each one. What is motivating your decision to pursue a law degree? We were asked to give a weight by percentage of stats vs. rest of the application. By using this website, you agree to be bound by the. What would you have done differently if you were that person? The Dean said that he would let Student A in because a Why Georgetown essay was not required, so Student A should not be penalized for not writing one.). Some schools, like Georgetown, also offer Zoom sessions where their admissions folks talk about what's happening with the waitlist. Obstacle you've faced and you overcame it. How did you go about doing it? Its okay to give yourself time to think by saying something like, Wow! Later he told us that he was doing 450 of these group interviews, and that we should expect to hear from him about our decisions between 12/15-1/5, probably towards the beginning. A frustration? What is something that you have learned from playing trumpet? What would you do to be a part of the Charlottesville community? (They fell into a ditch while looking at their phone or something). I dont want to read in to it much, but I hope that was a good thing. What motivates me to get out of bed in the morning? When did you seriously begin considering law school, what were your first steps? A major revelation about someone you worked with, and how did that change how I see the situation/person? The leading theme was clearly "integrity" and how to deal with questions about candidates' integrity. I was asked why I didnt choose to first go to law school in Japan and then to try to enter an LL.M. My interviewer did not take out the prepared list of questions until the very end of the interview. At the end of this form, you'll pay the $75 application fee by inputting your credit or debit card information. What are three traits that will serve you well in law school? what would you do in law school, both inside and outside of the classroom? How would you respond? When did you decide you wanted to become a lawyer? What can you bring to Columbia Law School? Why philosophy as major? Is there any other information youd like to share? Where do you see your career going after law school? Name a time that you were not happy with your performance. Talk about your current job - what do you like and dislike the most? She also asked if I had even been to St.Louis which I responded that yes I have and that Ive actually self-toured the school to which she was surprised/happy about. Youve had three jobs in consulting since you graduated. Tell me about an experience you had in an extracurricular, internship, or job that makes you proud, particularly one where you have to dig in. If you were a fly on the wall, what do you think the admissions committee would say are the pros and cons of your application? What's an accomplishment that makes you proud? What would my ideal technology law job be? My interviewer was Ann Perry (Associate Dean). The second most important question I thought was asked is what I hope to get out of law school. (He had us go around and say Student A or Student B without any discussion. We took about 2-3 minutes to silently read the addendum, then presented our opinions of whether it was no issue, minor, major, or game over. We had to of course justify our opinion. I think the "preferred" preferred list mentions that your name has been placed within a special group on the preferred waiting list. If you could teach your fellow students at Chicago a class in anything, academic or not, what would you teach them? Then he split us up into groups. If you had to delete all but three apps from your phone, what would you keep and why? These are small classes and the campus is beautiful. Are you someone who solves complicated problems using easy solutions or do you solve easy problems using complicated solutions? After everyone contributed their thoughts, he would explain what decision he had made and why, and a couple of times he asked a hypothetical follow-up question (eg. He essentially dropped out to avoid disciplinary in fracture. She chalked it up to a careless mistake because parts of it had to be in a foreign language, and because she had meningitis or something, so she was uncharacteristically tired/ill. What kind of student would you be at Harvard? Don't be shy!! If I were to ask your best friend what your three best qualities are, what would they say? Then, we were to pretend that we were members of the admissions committee and decide as a group if the issue raised had no impact, little impact, big impact, or game over impact on the prospective students application. Hypothetically, what do you think youll be doing after law school? Also I see a lot about group interviews, is there a difference between group vs alumni interview this cycle, like is it better to get one or the other? Student As online interview (2018/2019 cycle), (very casual conversation with alumni, was an hour long), Vanderbilt Alumni Interview- over an hour long, very conversational, Overall very laid back and conversational - left a lot of time for me to ask questions, entire interview lasted ~20 min, Student A (Interviewed by an alumna in person, about 45 min long), Note: Student reported that the Vanderbilt interview was pretty relaxed compared to other interviews; interviewer only asked 2 questions and then the rest was a discussion about interviewers personal experience, Student A interview with an alum in Tokyo, Interviewer said he is required to ask these two questions* What do you think of the Burka ban in France? The interview was pretty much how the other student from the 2020-1 cycle described it! Then that would have been fine. She said that she made a careless mistake because she mis-cited a paper in French, and she was sick at the time. What is one thing you would like the Admissions Committee to know about you? Oh well. (question was motivated from our discussion of my background). Which brings me to my next point: dont worry about giving the right or wrong answer. She had a high GPA/LSAT, and shed won awards for her writing before. Note: They allowed 30 seconds for prep, 90 seconds to record your answer, and you could not "re do" an answer if you felt like you tripped over your words. Where do you want to practice? Student As video interview (2018/2019 cycle), Student Bs video interview (2018/2019 cycle), Student Cs in-person interview with Northwestern (2018/2019 cycle), Student Ds alumni interview (2018/2019 cycle), Student Es alumni interview (2018/2019 cycle). Where do you see yourself in one or two years after graduation? Talk about a time where you worked with people that had disagreements. Scenario 2: A top applicant has already been admitted to Georgetown and paid to secure his seat. Dont worry about hitting every talking point or being perfect. Tell us about a time you failed an important goal and what you learned as a result. He also asked a follow-up question, "what if he had written from the start that he was under academic investigation for plagiarism and apologized sincerely for the incident and said he hoped the committee could forgive him?" And we had time for me to ask 2 questions to the interviewer. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Do you have any idea what you want to do after law school? That said the questions he asked are numbered in order here in this email. Start by making the case for one side, that is, and then say something like, Nevertheless and make the case for the other side. Should Georgetown rescind his offer or not? What is an obstacle you faced and how you overcame it? He is currently getting his graduate degree at Oxford. Schools are swamped. When working in a team do you prefer to speak up or listen to others? Chicago Interview with admissions rep- ~30 minutes long, much more relaxed and casual than many on Reddit described, more conversational than I expected, Student B (Interviewed by admissions officer via Skype). What would you contribute to the UVA community? Absolutely Crushed : ( I got the email tonight at 5 PM and as soon as I saw "Admissions Decision Received" in my inbox instead of "Congratulations on Your Admission", I just knew. (The Dean said that this was game over because the student would not give him a lot of information, and he felt that he lacked integrity.). How did you handle constructive criticism when you didnt agree with it. Tell me about a book that influenced you or a book youre currently reading. The early deposits were spurred by a clause in Notre Dame's acceptances that closed their deposits on the earlier of (i) all seats taken or (ii . Note: UT asks candidates to pledge not to share interview questions. (The Dean asked students questions like, Can you sum up what your group thought? What learning environment do you work best in? I definitely would have struggled with that question by it catching me off guard and not having some sort of formulation of the answer beforehand. All three scenarios involved students with great stats. What is the relationship between your successes and your failures? If you could have a conversation with anyone (dead or alive), who would it be and what would you talk to them about? Talk about a time where you worked with someone that had a different work style than you, and how did you keep a good relationship? Admission officer started off by describing how much they loved my Personal Statement, [Interviewer asked for student to give a brief bio], [Question about interests and hobbies on rsum]. He explained that his process is to read through apps once (I'm assuming the committee distills out some of the worst ones, but he said nothing about that), interview those he is interested in, and then read the apps again before making a final decision. What kind of law do you want to practice? It wasn't conversational until the end because time was so limited, but the interviewer was very nice, honest, and funny! What was a decision that you made in the past you will change today. I divide questions you can ask them into two categories: genuine questions and suck-up questions. Cornell usually does a recorded interview with about seven questions. (Except tuition). It wasn't about getting the answers "right." Dean Cornblatt asked what wouldve happened if he wrote an apologetic email that admitted fault but that still didnt go into the story. We were given a packet of 4 scenarios but we only got through the first 3. I think it's among the largest in the United States, with 575 entering students. When we all come together to discuss, he does call on you randomly, but dont stressyoull have had the opportunity to already talk about it in your group, and even if he asks you a more particular question, youll have thought about the scenario enough to easily give an answer. Why did you enter a field other than law out of college? She started off by asking me about a few specific things on my resume such as my recent job change and what I do for work now. Please introduce yourself and describe your academic background. What is something that isnt on your resume thats interesting about you? What role should the government play in unrestrained capitalism? Anything else you would like to know from me about Columbia and NYC? As someone whos based in [US region], whats enticing about moving out to the east coast for you? It felt much better to speak to real people than a camera, and I had fun. Scenario 3: A top applicant has glowing rec letters praising his writing, but his personal statement is awful and filled with typos (including a reference to another school). What is something you want the admissions committee to know about you? What skills from your professional life would serve you best in law school? Overall length of interview was 28 minutes. So don't stress or deliberate too long about answers, just go with your gut and be honest. Dean Cornblatt said during one of the interview that he was conservative on his numbers this year due to the high applicants and so movement will happen on the waitlist. What is a characteristic or personality trait that will serve you well in law school? Hope this is useful and can help other applicants to Gtown not stress out about the process!! The video questions will be fairly standardwhat was your favorite class? After we mingled amongst each other for a couple minutes, the Dean came down the stairs, introduced himself, and we all walked with him into a conference room, where we had name tags assigned to each seat. [Specific questions about resume/experiences]. The other questions were specific about my leadership roles and which I found most fulfilling. I am uncertain whether there are still other applicants encountering the same situation? The dean wrote a note for her saying that shes been a model student since. You are able to do practice questions on the platform. The group interview actually went exactly how it was described on the 7sage 2019-2020 Interview Questions section! The test is an integral part of the law school admission process in the United States. Left time for questions; admitted me at the end of the interview. What can you do in law school other than academics? One word to describe the ideal candidate. Tell me about the most stressful time in your professional career. Is there anything you want us to know about you? Characteristic you hope to develop over the next 5 years? What is a characteristic or personality trait that you want to work on in the coming years? How did you like your undergraduate experience? Law school goes by quickly. (And defend those answers.). Sam had read my application and based some questions on it). What were your first steps? Whats a movie or book that changed your mind? ), (The interview lasted 16 minutes total, and had time to ask 2 questions. What do you plan to do in your deferral years? Second scenario was about a student who had already been accepted, and was currently in a graduate program at Oxford. (specific to my resume), What do you want to do after you graduate from law school? How did it feel? Good idea? Almost all of us went with a no because of how he handled it. Youll get five minutes to answer the written questions. He shared screen with us and asked us to give a thumbs up when were all set reading it. Each response can be no more than one minute long. Since it does not seem to be useful in gaining employment (Note: this is a summary, Interviewer said it MUCH nicer than this). (I asked three questions, which took the other 10 minutes). Student C (an hour long, group of 6, with dean of admissions): Everything currently on 7sage is spot on, pretending to be admissions committee with the same scenarios, I think for question 6, one shouldnt say intelligent or smart.. - He gave us his email at the end, and then followed up with a nice note (which I responded to of course): "Hello [FIRSTNAME], Just a quick note to thank you for being a part of our group interview. What did you do in your graduate program? Which student organization would you be interested in? What would Jewel contribute to a law school community? Have you experienced any personal setbacks, and how did you respond? Tell me about a time you were part of a team with low morale/motivation. Tell me about a book youre currently reading or recently read. Georgetown does a group interview. If you were a fly on the wall, what do you think the admissions committee might think the strengths and weaknesses of your application might be? What trait would serve you well in law school? What was a challenge you faced when working on a team. Tell us about a time you motivated a disinterested team member. What would you have done differently if you were that person? Dont panic. A lot of people in the group interview thought this wasnt unforgivable, especially given that the previous two were pretty big ethical violations, but as it turns out it was a rejection as well. It was 45-minute long and exactly how previous applicants described. Some examples from the past: Note: A few questions required a video response (1 minute), and a few questions required a written response (5 minutes). What if the essay is plagiarized? We were in groups of 3-4 for the first two scenarios, and then we all got together in one large group to discuss the third scenario. ), so he's definitely talking to a whole lot more applicants than will ultimately be admitted (he said he is probably going to meet this way with about 3000 students, and the entering class is 560). Why did you decide to go to [grad school]? What did you do to motivate a disengaged team member? Why did you choose Berkeley? Explain a time when you have to change yourself to accommodate someone else. What do you like about your current job? Remaining questions focused on my experience as an immigrant and first-generation student a lot. What is something that youd like the admissions team to know that may not be easily gleaned from your application? What opportunity at UT Knoxville are you most excited about? What is a mentality you have as a result of the military? Describe a significant academic project you completed during your undergraduate education and why you chose that project. What do you look for in deciding to apply to a law school and what drew you to Columbia? Georgetown Law is a large law school. How have you facilitated a disagreement between two teammates? Think of a time you had to overcome bias? We did them one by one. What is a time when a failure led to future success? Think of a time when you had to do something you didnt want to do and what was in your head. He thinks that she is not telling the full story. How would a law degree help you reach your goals? The last application issue discussed an otherwise glowing application that unfortunately had a series of spelling and grammatical issues in the personal statement as well as a reference to a different law school. If you had a chance to collaborate with anyone alive or dead, who would it be with? (written). (He called out people that reached for the paper before he finished speaking.) Pick two things off of your resume to talk about. First, the law school wants. Be friendly, charming, and enthusiastic. We answered between 6-8. How do you see yourself contributing to the community and what student organizations were you involved with in undergrad? When you and a colleague didnt see eye to eye-what did you do? An invitation to interview is never a bad sign. Why did you pick your undergraduate institution? What is the best example of your leadership? What questions do you have for me?The resume-specific ones were just asking vaguely about what my tech positions were like. Below are the questions he asked. Even though it's a big law school, we work very hard to make it a big law school with a small law school feel. After everyone else had gone, Dean Andy told us he thought one of the scenarios (PS with mistakes) was a 10 and total rejection of applicant. Your co-worker, who is integral to the team, is not having a good day or getting work done. Once he hears from all our groups, he states his own opinion before we move onto the next scenario. What have you learned in your current job? What is a trait that you need to improve / change in order to be able to change the world? Why did you decide to go to UMass from California? Note that these questions are out of date because Cornell asks interviewees not to share the interview questions. Dean Cornblatt said that didnt happen with this guy, though usually any tiny mistake in the application is followed by a frantic apologetic fixing email. Your experience at your current job - what do you want admissions to know about you say our name hometown! Long and exactly how it went be rated as a result of the pros and cons of?. School, both inside and outside of America, where were at, where would it?... 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