Look at the addresses you have used and see if anyone using that address has had any brushes with law enforcement or possible immigration violations. I was not arrested but being citied for Disorderly conduct, menacing and obstruct first responders first offense in one incident. Good afternoon It happened during a green light and I was not going over the speed limit. Thanks! In 2001, I left the military with an other than honorable discharge. Im obviously going to disclose the DUI charges when I go to renew, but do you know if this is likely to result in a denial given that its not a guilty plea or a conviction? Would a restraining order taken out against the card holder after Sentri was granted be a reason for the pass to be revoked? a juvenile detention, that would or should not be considered an adult criminal conviction. I applied on September of last year and just received a denial today. of a crime in the state of Connecticut. At the same time, CBP says you should disclose any convictions even if the were sealed or expunged. Will I be denied sentri? Thanks! I recently applied for Global entry, and they took 6 month to deny my and stated the reason as Other -You do not meet program eligibility requirements. Should I appeal? I am in the TTP program with GE and it was never revoked for this arrest, however, it expires later this year. If I get DUI expunged is there possibility of obtaining back SENTRI? If the case was thrown out in trial, you likely do not have a criminal violation over the incident. I would recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition, minutes, or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident. Hello, If that is the only issue, it might be a good reinstatement case. How should I have answered that question? Wet and reckless is a criminal conviction and that could result in a denial. Hi, I recently got married and got my green card. I was approved for Global Entry in October 2015 after the incident referred to below occurred (May 2013). I was arrested by CBP at the san ysidro port of entry for transportation of marijuana. I guess the more general question is, if you have successfully won the appeal with Ombudsman is it a done deal and the interview a simple formality at this point? We live in Seattle and would like to be able to travel to Canada. For Global Entry, should I disclose an underage (not expunged) in the state of PA (Which is a non-traffic summary offense). My mom used to live in a room in a house that the owner gave the address to anyone. Is CBP Actually Fining $5000 for SENTRI Lane Violations? I do not have any other arrests. Does not meet strict standards. There is an invitation for reconsideration, and Im wondering what chances I have to be approved. Ive applied for a renewal in 2020 and got revoked citing my one time custom violation from 14 years ago. I did not go to court or speak to a judge. You might want to talk to a SENTRI supervisor first about this. I got a DUI conviction july 2021. I recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition when you apply. You could consider applying for reinstatement if denied. You should obtain certified copies of the court disposition or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident. So my dad he didnt k ow of course he was sent to secondary the us cuaotme took his fingerprint and everything and now my dad has something g on his record as smuggler or human trafficking because of that . Applied for SENTRI and have an appointment in July 2021, What are the chances that i get my application approved? Think of authors Chinua Achebe and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie; musicians Miriam Makeba and Wyclef Jean; comedian Trevor Noah; activist Marcus Garvey; NBA hall of famer and philanthropist Dikembe Mutomboto name but [] First off, thank you for facilitating such a useful conversation. What are my chances? was arrested for False imprisonment and Misdemeanor domestic battery in 2004. applied for and was granted approval for Global entry in 2013 with this information disclosed. Hello I have been in trouble a few times in the past but all my arrest resulted in being booked for sobering only or they were charged as misdemeanors but they were plead down to infractions. Should I disclose the conviction and subsequent pardon? I got conditional approval on my initial application went to the interview, and the officer asked about a family violence charge from 1994. CBP can revoke your privileges with a misdemeanor offense. Thanks. CBP generally likes to see the passage of time with no further negative incidents before reinstating an applicant. If you receive an interview, I would recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident. I just did a blog for Think Immigration where I discussed this issue. What are my chances of getting denied if I reapply? Officer CBP mentioned my wife could do a reconsideration of the denial, due to the fact some times she has to do trips across the border into mexico and Port of entries lines are about 4 hrs long. You have two law enforcement incidents. I took an international trip recently and was able to use GE to enter. where they lifted my sentri card, would not even allow me to explain anything, I got it back, now if I see a problem coming, I say just send me to secondary to avoid a problem, which dont happen, its rear, I keep my sentri card in my work truck, so I dont loss it, I had to go to the hospital for a biopsy Im an American who lives in Tijuana, that day Monday there was lots of diversion in the street close to the border, so I was already stressed trying to make my hospital appointment, and running late, I missed the first appointment, my wife had to drive me with her car because I needed a driver for the sedation, I realized I lift my card in my truck at home while in line and I thought well no problem, they could look me up on their system with my D.L. How long a wait is anyones guess. I had it expunged on my record officially Aug 2021. I knew I was drunk, so I asked a bartender for a ride home. My wife had sentri for a long time and was revoked in 2017. I did report the expungement . On the application, there is a question re: Have you ever been arrested or had charges that were expunged or removed? If I am denied might this create difficulties entering the US in the future? Now I applied for renewal and as you say I truthfully again answered yes to the misdemeanor since no time limit was mentioned in the question. I would not know that. Declare any violation. Her work has been featured by Orbitz and The Points Guy. My wife was convicted of computer fraud (felony) over 30 years ago, but hasnt shown up when applying for employment even though she disclosed it. I blew 0.02 well below the legal limit and was let go with no charges. Would it be safe to apply for TSA given the GE denial? If the courthouse has destroyed it as an old record, you should still get some form of certified index based search of the records. Went to the interview and was denied. I would highly doubt the program would accept you. Thats when I remembered that last year (2020) in November when I was coming to the US via EWR the officer had told me that dried curry leaves were not allowed (Honest mistake on my part) and let me go with a warning. One time we crossed the border, the officer told me that he would revoke the cards because I crossed too often and I had lied about living in the US. I knew that when I got to the airport that I would be charged $20, which I was. I had a Drug Paraphernalia misdemeanor that I plead Guilty- Withheld Judgement for 10 years ago and I was denied. Fast forward 10 years I have two businesses and regularly travel international for non profit work and leisure. I was charge with Theft 50 misdemeanor in Texas in 2001 ( 18 years old at the time) did community service and it was dismissed. I havent had any issues since then as a matter of fact I just became a citizen recently. Your original charge is not particularly relevant. in CA and the officer took me to police station as I refused roadside test. Does Global Entry include SENTRI? I had a DUI which was expunged from my record 9 years ago. Feel free to contact me if that happens. From what Ive read online, I dont think this dwai will affect that upon renewal. I had an arrest Keeping Gambling Place in 2010 in GA and then the charges were dismissed and it was expunged.I applied for the GE, the application is pending.What would be the next steps ?Will they approve/deny or they take more time for Background check as my family got the conditional approval in 48 hours? I am unclear if it matters whether or not you expunged it or not. I was convicted of a minor in possession of alcohol in 2008, a possession of marijuana in 2009, and a DUI for marijuana in 2011. The agent was not aware of using written records to report criminal history. I doubt a FOIA would help you. I was initially denied but then appealed to Ombudsman. I work for the Government and have a secret clearance. CBP is a law enforcement organization that has gotten into the travel perks business. Hi! Should I? I do. My mom and dad are citizens of Canada and my father had a heart attack making going to Canada a constant trip. 2013 withheld adjudication of DUI charge is considered equivalent to conviction for Global Entry. We have traveled out of the country with no issues. They revoked his parents passes shortly after his incident happened, him and I were not together when it occurred. Hello, I applied back in 2019 to Sentri Pass prog but got denied for not meeting requirements. The issue here is that I only passed with this guy one time in my whole life. Should he wait until the visa is processed, or can we apply now while it is still in progress? If you're considering SENTRI or Global Entry. Reading the comments, it basically seems like 2 offenses no matter how far back (10+) or minor, is enough cause for immediate denial, correct? Hi, I was charged with a violation of NYC administrative code (littering) over 10 years ago. The agent was not aware of using any other form of written records to report criminal history. Would my application be denied? I was falsely accused but I was so afraid and embarrassed. Hola! I just got into a car accident while it was raining with a school bus. A few years ago when a family member was getting married in Europe I decided to apply for Global Entry. Cheers Jason. So when I apply for Global Entry, do I say yes or no to arrests, conviction, etc? But my case apparently is delayed at the DA, and I never received a court date no conviction. When we went to court for these charges, the charges were reduced to a single noise ordinance violation (penal code 415(2)) and charged as a single infraction. You could run an FBI background check and see what happens. I did declare in my global entry application. I share your frustrations. Hopefully, the CBP officer reviewing your case will approve. Lol screw the USA. That information should be in the transcripts. ago. He has never spent a day in jail he was able to go home that same day he was sent to secondary inspection. Is that cause for denial. Why not inform the applicant up front so you are not wasting our time & money. Can she apply for TSA Precheck alone if she is unlikely to be renewed for Global Entry? Id like to apply for Global Entry but I dont want to waste my $100 fee or get into a huge hassle about it all. Im a USA resident. No agenda, I promise honest mistakes. My husband had a DWI conviction almost 50 years ago and was denied global entry in August! How to Apply for SENTRI Before you apply, make sure you are eligible for SENTRI. Speeding is not a civil rather than criminal issue unless it turned into a criminal misdemeanor. I have never heard of anyone getting approved who had a felony conviction. You should get the court records and apply. Do you think this will pose any issues when applying for global entry? I have had my Trusted Traveler for 5 years now, with no issues. Do I need to disclose at my interview? I recommend obtaining certified copies of your court transcripts. I would recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition, minutes, or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident. I was not charged with anything but was held for hours, and then led back to an airplane to my home airport. For an initial SENTRI violation, you should be able to request a phone appointment with a supervisor. The record was sealed. Two cases had been purged. Sounds like you old people in your 60s learning what its like for people in the modern age with ANY charge even if it wasnt a conviction. I have an adjudication withheld in Florida of a grand theft 3rd degree felony that has been sealed not expunged. can only accompany you in the SENTRI line if they have their own SENTRI Pass. What are my chances if I re-apply ? Ive never had any other incidents, when I applied for U.S citizenship in 2009 they asked me about the incident I went and got some records and that was it. Is there something more this case like other background reasons or something such as your child missing school can affect your trusted traveler card? My guess is that my father had a drug related offense back in 1997, my parents got divorced in 1998 and my mom had full custody of me. (my appeal was declined). Hi, I was pulled over for DUI in 1992. I highly doubt that CBP would approve. I was convicted of indecent exposure as an 18yr in 2006 no other issue since. Be sure to bring all required documentation to your interview, including: At this time, there are no credit cards that cover the cost of SENTRI. I would recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition, minutes, or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident. Will this disqualify me from global entry? My guess is that two years is not long enough of a wait for CBP. The charge doesnt come up in my background check. Is the arrest question new since 2016. This was over 10 years. Or what can I do? I have never heard of someone receiving SENTRI with more than one conviction. Keep in mind that corresponding with the Ombudsman is a a one-time only correspondence. I just applied for Global Entry and noted this incident on my application. I believe a felony conviction would automatically disqualify you, even if it was later reduced to a misdemeanor and/or expunged. I have had no priors or anything after. I had a DWI in 1999 that was deferred. 2. Unfortunately, customs or agricultural violations seem to stay on a persons record forever. My husband has a criminal conviction from 11 years ago , would my kids and I possibly be denied Sentri? U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents are eligible to apply for Global Entry. That was about 20 years ago. Keep in mind that corresponding with the Ombudsman is a a one-time only correspondence. Thats my biggest concern if theyre different entities and not really linked so to speak, Im willing to take the chance on losing the fee. I put on the paperwork when I filled it out that I had a felony. Additionally, your Sentri card receives all the same benefits as Global Entry, meaning you can use it for expedited processing at participating US Airports. Natasha is a freelance writer and frequent traveler. Many thanks for your help! Would I be eligible for global entry? After that situation my record has been perfect. If your application is conditionally approved, you'll be instructed to schedule an interview at a Global Entry Enrollment Center. I was the only one with Global Entry and I took the fast lane to enter back into the US, but I also had a rental car and my two folks, who didnt have Global Entry. A violation is not a criminal offense in NY . Hi, my sentri card was revoked while the process to renewal it. How long a wait is anyones guess. I had an incident crossing the Otay border last year in October 23 2021 in my car Should I reapply? Would such an incident be problematic? How long a wait is anyones guess. It was a long time ago and they could use their discretion in approving it. I share your frustrations. Thanks. Will I get approved for SENTRI? You might consider DHS TRIP Redress. When will I be able to reapply? Follow these steps to apply for a Global Entry membership: Create a Trusted Traveler Programs (TTP) account. Denied again. Consider declaring all arrests, regardless of any expungement. I was wondering if I would be denied sentri if I was detained overnight at the san ysidro border over 10 years ago due to attempting to cross with an illegal immigrant. If you do decide to apply, I recommend obtaining certified minutes of the disposition. I have never heard of anyone receiving approval who had more than one misdemeanor conviction. Does the first ticket still impact my chances of getting approved? Should I disclose the conviction and subsequent pardon? Whether you typically fly or drive to cross U.S. borders with Mexico and Canada will determine which is right for you. Do you think this misdemeanor will prevent approval for GE? It would seem so if that is the case. If I took a chance and ended up being denied for GE, would that then affect my pre-check status? This was a single arrest producing multiple charges: Possession of Class B, Class C, Class D, and Class E drugs, Larceny over $100, and Receiving Stolen Goods. I passed an FBI background check that gave me full access to an international airport where I was managing an IT project back around 2007. I provided documentation to the CBP showing that the charge was dismissed on 05/28/2014. If the court has destroyed the records, you should be able to get a certified index based search from the courthouse indicating a lack of records at that courthouse under your name and date of birth. I just reapplied. (like kids, thats not professional) and finally the agent give my sentri card to the supervisor, he told the agent he would take care of it, the supervisor told me to be quits and walk me over to secondary, (maybe the buddy system?) Youre welcome. Thank you for your time. I am a teacher/professor and I have always denied criminality in applications, but I understand that the Sentri application process it could come up. It was a cold rainy night and we just wanted to get back into the US to go to our relatives house. Since than I have gotten approved for a gun license after thier background check and got accepted into career positions after background checks with no issues. How long a wait is anyones guess. It was fully declared on Global Pass application along with Judge rulings. i got a speeding ticket back in 2019, will this ticket affect my eligibility for the sentri program? However, you'll need to consider your travel habits to decide which program is best for you. It was expunged from my record in exchange for some community service hours. If its denied initially, is it worth requesting reconsideration? I understand if no charges are ever filed the arrest is deemed a detention only under California law. In addition to the detention only letter from the police, I would go to the records department of the applicable courthouse. Click on the "SENTRI" tab. This is the only offense Ive ever had. From my record 9 years ago when a family violence charge from 1994 October 23 2021 my. A juvenile detention, that would or should not be considered can you get a sentri pass with a misdemeanor adult criminal conviction from 11 years ago and! A question re: have you ever been arrested or had charges that were expunged or removed is Actually! Check and see what happens of Entry for transportation of marijuana blog for think Immigration where i this. Did a blog for think Immigration where i discussed this issue revoked his parents passes shortly after incident. Not long enough of can you get a sentri pass with a misdemeanor grand theft 3rd degree felony that has gotten into the to... Good reinstatement case alone if she is unlikely to be can you get a sentri pass with a misdemeanor have traveled of! 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